Ep 80: "The One With the Elf"

Fimaris 1, 1199


Lark went to pick up his headlamps from the Goblins. Nyx bought a health potion and then sought out Kurzol Earthwalker from the Shovel Tusks to inquire how to contact Bad Company and to gather information. Kurzol made it very clear that Bad Company were not to be trifled with, business was one thing, but if it was personal, beware. The two ended their meeting with a friendly scuffle.   Kali rented a boat and purchased a few books for Earl. She tried to get to know him better, so she could learn more about the type of person he was rather than listen to hearsay and what she’d read. It didn’t go particularly well as Kali was not the best at honest, deep conversation. She did tell him about Seldanna and trying to go after her. She also stated that all she wanted to do was help and to be Earl’s friend. She gave him the two books, one of which was a holy book for Shaniir.   Cyl painted in her workshop. Oisin met with Ezra at the Nature Temple to “thank him.” They shared a conversation about growing as people and Ezra asked Oisin what dangerous thing they were doing today. Oisin said they were going to try and help an old friend. Ezra wished them luck.  

The Beer Forge

Kali arrived and mentioned that Seldanna’s father was on the council, so that may be partly why she was taken. The group discussed letting him know about Seldanna being a prisoner and they decided to definitely talk with Rydell. They would probably also speak with Anica. Nyx recommended caution in dealing with Bad Company, in case they didn’t have Seldanna stored on them.  

Arasys Estate

Stokes greeted the group and said that Lord Arasys was in a meeting with other Council Members.The group headed to the art gallery to wait for Rydell. Stokes was introduced to Kali and “Bridget.”   Rydell joined the group and greeted everyone. He had slimmed down a bit since the group last saw him. The group told him that they needed to talk to him about Seldanna. He said just to tell him and they all started to talk at once. He said he was willing to do whatever he needed to and pay whatever he needed to in order to get her back. He gave Saxi his signet ring to show Bad Company that the group had his ear and they left to speak with Anica.  

Reynard Manor

Anica was outside Reynard Manor, looking around her grounds. She asked Lark and Cyl about the mural and then took the group inside when they mentioned having sensitive information to discuss. The group asked about Bad Company and the kind of things they had requested. They wanted the initial application price to be lower for the current groups, have lower tax rates, and open up magic item availability. They told Anica about Bad Company having Seldanna and how the group knew because of Juveha. Anica recommended they speak with Hasko to find out where to find Bad Company. Cyl sent her raven to let Rydell know that Anica was coming over to discuss the situation and was planning to help.  

Pinból’s Tower

The group stopped at Pinból’s to discuss things. Oisin had concerns that Bad Company was involved with Imelda in some way and wondered if Bad Company was powerful enough to trap Juveha in the imprisonment spell. Nyx had also looked into Bad Company earlier and had trouble finding out much.   The group discussed and decided to set-up a meeting and say that they were sent by Councilor Arasys to find out more about the things Bad Company had to “sweeten the pot” with. They didn’t want to tip their hand regarding knowing about Seldanna. They agreed to lead off with vague discussion first so as not to spook Bad Company.  

Steel Syndicate's Office

The group went to see Hasko and realized that the block he was building on had been where Tyrell spent time. The goblins were there working on the building, so the group greeted the goblins and said hello to Boss. He went to find Hasko and told the group he was on the 4th floor.   They climbed up and the 4th floor and discovered it was mostly just wide beams. Saxi, Kali, Oisin, and Thomas went to speak with Hasko. They expressed that Councilor Arasys wanted to speak with Bad Company.   He said that all the groups had already spoken with the council members and that if the group wanted to speak with Bad Company, then they would have to tell him first. Saxi asked to confer with their whole group and he agreed to meet with all of them downstairs in a few minutes. Kali tried to stay behind to talk with Hasko, but Oisin and Nyx both stayed as well and cautioned her against speaking with him by herself.   Kali, feeling insulted and hurt by what the two said to her, stalked off angrily and left. She went past Cyl, Lark, and Saxi; then jumped off the beams and landed on the ground floor. Saxi went after her and asked why she was stalking off.   After finding out that Oisin and Nyx had said they did not trust Kali to speak with Hasko, Saxi was upset on her behalf. Kali explained that she had planned to apologize to Hasko for her reaction to his comments about killing a dragon. Saxi said that she trusted Kali, then asked Kali to stay so that the group could present a still united front and Kali agreed.   Nyx and Oisin filled Lark and Oisin in on the conversation with Hasko and the group all met up downstairs. Hasko agreed to tell Bad Company that the group wanted to meet with them at the Beer Forge. The group left and went to the Beer Forge.   On the way, the group discussed what to say. Oisin was adamant that they not tell Bad Company about knowing they had Seldanna. They all discussed what to say and Saxi pointed out that Hasko had warned the group to play it straight with Bad Company. Oisin and Nyx wanted to be careful not to say too much. Kali, still frustrated and hurt, ran ahead to the Beer Forge and positioned herself away from the usual table to watch from the sidelines.  

The Beer Forge

The group, except for Kali, sat at their usual table and waited. Kastran walked in after a while and came to meet the group. He was followed by the gray dwarf, Envarum the aasimar, and Yin the changeling. Kastran sat down and demanded to know if the group held Rydell’s vote to go along with the negotiations at the table.   He wanted Rydell’s vote and the passage of at least half of their demands. The group was vague and got the information that Bad Company had someone held prisoner that the city could blame for things.In a roundabout way, the group got the answer that Bad Company had Seldanna. Oisin and Nyx did all the talking, but they were so vague that Bad Company got fed up and left.   While leaving the Beer Forge the group kept talking about how things had not gone perfectly. Oisin and Nyx commented again on being unsure of what Kali had been planning earlier and Oisin made a comment about Kali being reckless. Especially since she was on her third body. Oisin, prefacing that it was a bad idea, suggested that Earl was another person for the city to blame. Hinting that he could be handed over to get Seldanna free if necessary. Kali, aghast at the suggestion of such a thing, said “what the fuck” and walked off.  

In the City

Saxi laid into Oisin and Nyx over the way they had treated Kali that day. She pointed out that they had no reason not to trust her and scolded them for their behavior. She also said that they couldn’t just beat around the bush all the time. Saxi said that sometimes you needed to play your hand to stay in the game and pointed out that several people had gotten fed up with the group’s evasiveness that day. She told them that they both owed Kali an apology.   Lark and Cyl left to try to find Kali. They went to her temple. Saxi and Nyx went to speak with Rydell. Oisin went home to Pinból’s.  

Kali’s Temple

She wasn’t there when they arrived, but Kali showed up and she agreed with Cyl and Lark that things had not gone well that day. They discussed things and Kali suggested going after Seldanna with just the three of them, and Saxi. Lark tried to talk Kali out of it, but it did not work. They went upstairs and Juveha, dressed in her gear, said that she was ready to go after Seldanna. They used a Sending to contact Saxi to go along, told her to bring help, and to meet at Cyl’s.   Nyx was with her and realized that Saxi was acting strange. Nyx asked what was happening and Saxi gave them most of the information but did not say where the meeting was going to be. She ran off to try and get Pinból to help, but Nyx realized Saxi had left out information and ran after her.   Oisin and Nyx decided to join Saxi and would not leave her alone in case she ran again. Pinból said that he could not help because of his political ties as Rydell’s advisor. He wished them luck as they all went to Cyl’s house.  

Guildsman's District

Juveha lead the group to where she had found Seldanna’s ring. It was a large warehouse in the Guildsman's District with big barn doors. Saxi climbed up the building to look through the windows and Nyx looked for clues outside. Saxi saw Envarum look up and lock eyes with her. There were also workers inside with a lot of boxes.   Envarum motioned her to come in and Saxi shooed the others away since they had only seen her. She went into the building and started talking with them, they knew other people were outside. They discussed things and the group found out that they were willing to trade 50,000 gold for their prisoner.   Rydell was contacted and gave the group the money without batting an eye. Bad Company opened some boxes to reveal Jastra and when the group said they were expecting someone else they revealed Seldanna as well. The group negotiated to get Seldanna out and put the money on the table. Seldanna hugged Saxi and then Juveha said hello to her as well. Seldanna didn’t care about getting Jastra out, but Bad Company said they would be willing to negotiate for Jastra’s freedom. Oisin wrapped Seldanna in a cloak as they headed to the Arasys Estate.  

Arasys Estate

Stokes answered the door and pushed past everyone to hug Seldanna. He told her that he and Rydell had been in a relationship for several years. He’d wanted to tell her before, but she had disappeared.   The group went inside and Seldanna got wrapped in a double-papa hug. Rydell admitted that he never thought he’d see her again. Jastra came up in conversation and Rydell wanted to get her free as soon as possible. Seldanna was against it and told him that Jastra had been to blame for all the things the king had been accused of doing.   He said that he loved Seldanna and her mother unconditionally. He still wanted to get her back and sent Seldanna to bed so that he could speak with the group.  

Full Episode

coming soon

Broadcast Date

December 5, 2018  


Saxi , Nyx , Kali , Oisin , Seldanna , Lark , Cyl  





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