Ep 87: "The Devil You Know"

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Lark and Kali spent the morning rebuilding the Primal Pantheon Temple. Lark began painting the different stages of the Dragon Mother world creation myth along walls. Owen spoke briefly with Afra about joining the guild, but was more interested in discussing the fact that Tybalt was missing. Oisin dealt with getting a new ring for his wedding to Pinból.  

The Beer Forge

Everyone met up at the Beer Forge. They arrived to discover that the Cowboy and his group were at bar. Everyone was cordial and Kali briefly said hello to them as well. After catching up and chatting, the group discussed a plan for the day. They quickly decided to look for Tybalt, when Owen shared the information that he was missing.  


The group travelled around the city looking for clues to help them find Tybalt. Their first stop was Tybalt's office, where they found a key that had been delivered. It was from Donovan. They also found a hidden box beneath a floorboard in the closet. Inside they found a clue of 5, king, 7, of hearts, written on the back of an advertisement.   They headed to Tybalt’s Lake District house next. Nothing was found there and it looked like he hadn’t been there in a while. There was no sign of Tybalt at all. They went to his Pearl District house next.   The group ran into Afra briefly on the way. They shared the information they had found with her and she pointed out that the advertisement was for the Clover House. They then continued on to Tybalt’s second house. It looked as though he had been staying there more recently. However, he wasn’t there when the group arrived.   They investigated the building and found words, written in tar, on the walls of every room. The message repeated in every room was “I know”. They quickly decided to visit Pinból, partly to see if he was alright and partly to see if he might have any other thoughts on the clues they had found. Mari used her Nikosta ability, Augury, to sense a weal(good) result if the group went to the Clover House to look for Tybalt. They would need to hurry for her result to be true, so they left right away.  

The Clover House

Mi welcomed the group and said that Bezel was out of town. They showed the group two rooms that were private. One was Blue and the other was Red. The group focused on the red room, because of their clues from earlier.   After trying several things to open the door, it was noticed that a painting nearby had cards in it. Seldanna placed the cards they had found earlier up to the painting with similar cards and a bell was heard. The cards disappeared, and a panel opened at the back. It was leading down.   Seldanna immediately sensed Tybalt, 30 feet below them, with her magic. Owen disguised himself as Tybalt and stayed upstairs as a decoy. The rest of group headed down slowly and cautiously.   Upon reaching the door, Magic Missiles were fired at them. Seldanna used Magic Eye to look into the room and saw an old man, not Tybalt. Owen came down and the group decided to enter room after a bit of discussion. Owen used Shield and negated the effect of the missiles.   Once inside the room, the group spoke with the old man and learned that Tybalt was a false identity, it had been Kenbrick all along. He had aged to what appeared to be older than anything normally possible. They were able to use magic to speak with him briefly and learned more about what had happened.   His true age was catching up to him. He was dying and could not be saved.   Mari heard a person coming toward room. Kenbrick told them to go, to run, because “he” would kill them all. He hurriedly showed the group a trap door for them flee through.   Owen cast Sleep on Kenbrick, hoping to save him from having to see his own end. The group gathered quickly and left reluctantly. A few books and a potion were grabbed as they left, along with a Wand of Magic Missile.   Seldanna left Magic Eye behind to observe the room as they fled. They heard screaming behind them, then she ended the spell and collapsed. Juveha and Lark picked her up, and the group continued on.  

Head Count

Most of the group went back to Pinból’s. Kali immediately headed over to see Afra. She wanted to know if Afra was alright and to warn her about what had just happened.   Kali arrived at Afra’s to find that all her people were killed. Screams were heard and more tar was posted on the walls. This time it said, “one down, second one next”. Afra was able to flee through a portal to the Sub Rosarium.   Meanwhile at Pinból’s, the same tar message was discovered outside the house. They went in and shared the news of Kenbrick’s passing. Lark left quickly to check on Jastra, and found that she was safe. The goblins were there turning the tree house into a tree mansion.

Broadcast Date

December 19, 2018  


Seldanna , Owen , Lark , Mari , Kali , Oisin  





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