Pinbol Rextrum

Don't wanna live as an untold story,

Rather go out in a blaze of glory...

  Stylish, charming, and brilliant, the wizard Pinbol is one of the most famous folk in all of the capital city of Cinderhaven. At the center of the luxurious Pearl District, his arcane tower (complete with spiral exit slide) is an icon of the city landscape, as well as the entry to his illusive workshop and home.   Pinbol is an arcane inventor, architect, and socialite, with a flare for fashion and the dramatic. He's also a very world-weary man, who hides behind bravado and just a touch of hedonism to mask his dissatisfaction and guilt about the less charitable deeds in his life.    

About Pinbol

Flirtatious, confidant in his abilities, wants to use his knowledge to create lasting change for average non magical citizens, entrepreneur, inventor, Enjoys luxury goods, private wine parties. Social butterfly, very very gay, a charming gossip. Around his private friends, he's a bit of a grump when it comes to being optimistic about things.
He is a high-level spellcaster: an artificer with mastery in the identification, use, and modification of magical artifacts. He is also skilled in a variety of teleportation and divination magics. Pinbol can cast Sending, Identify, and Scry.
What does this character want to achieve? What are they working towards?
What is this character afraid of? To what lengths will they go to avoid realizing those fears?

Describing Pinbol with Senses

Human wizard, masculine trans man (he/him), Pale skin, dark eyeliner, thick beard coated in magenta glitter. Appears to be in his 30s or 40s, 5'9" (~175cm), chiseled jaw, short dark hair impeccably styled into a pompadour with an intentional streak of gray. Fancy, neatly trimmed beard with stylish details, coated in magenta glitter that miraculously never seems to shed on anyone. (the true arcane secret he will never share).
Motor oil and salt sweat, overpowered by sandlewood musk cologne and Red Wine
American Accent, suave and confident voice, deep, educated, and mildly flamboyant, with a lot of deep flourishes to make him sound charming and flirtatious. Can often be seen sporting impressively heeled boots that clack with authority and confidence when he walks. Doesn't let pauses linger too long, likes to surround himself with friendly conversation and busy-ness.
Hand calloused from mechanical work but well cared for. Soft, luxurious fur coats and velvet suits.  

Story Hooks to Bring Pinbol into YOUR game

How He Interacts with Heroes
ALLY: Pinbol often lends his arcane mastery to heroes when they are in need of interplanar travel, identifying magical items, and other high level utility spells. He's a helping hand, he'll often find your adventurers fascinating, maybe folksy and charming, but regardless, he's a great resource to provide your heroes with information about the political or social goings on in your game. He might strike up a close relationship with some heroes who mirror his own fancy stylish vibes, or with fellow arcane magic users who he can bounce ideas off of, or even with PCs who contrast with him to challenge his lifestyle and expectations. Bitch just needs a hug, basically.  
Romancing Pinbol
As he likes to put it himself, Pinbol is very, very gay. Romantically and physically attracted to men, he is an encouraging and playful romantic partner. He often seeks the company of other mages, seeking companionship with someone with whom he shares a fundamental passion for magic.  
Man of Mystery
Pinbol keeps his history close to the vest usually. He's been used in many campaigns, but a consistent aspect of his character is that underneath the bravado and enthusiastic charm, Pinbol is usually a rather lonely man. He often has a tragic backstory involving sins he feels he must atone for, or enemies he's made through his own past hubris or youthful mistakes. This mysterious past can be hinted at to give Pinbol more depth when interacting with heroes, or can be delved into for storytelling purposes. Maybe even creating quests around his backstory if the heroes (inevitably) make friends with him.  
Looks Damn Good For His Age
However you want to justify it in your game, Pinbol is a human wizard who seems to have lived for at least a hundred years. He has a lot of friends and acquaintances from around the world, and seems to know a hell of a lot considering he barely looks 40. Maybe he has a bunch of clones in his basement for emergencies, maybe he uses magical "plastic surgery" illusions to keep himself young looking, maybe he uses time magic to keep himself spry. Regardless, he's a little vain and prides himself on looking handsome and dashing.  
MoFabulous by Elle Skinner
The Mo the Merrier
The actual resident of Pinbol's tower is an anxious little Modron named Mo (he/him). A fashion designer/tailor, Mo seems to have abandoned the values of the Clockwork Nirvana of Mechanus, and lives a quiet live in the wizard's tower. He might act as Pinbol's personal assistant, or his butler, or maybe just a friend and roommate. They have a kind relationship, and Pinbol is one of the only people who Mo can relax around.  
Sky Lab
Pinbol's tower is actually a façade for his true home, an artificer lab and sweet bachelor pad that seems to literally float above Cinderhaven, with a gorgeous balcony view to match. Access to Pinbol's workshop is located in the basement of the tower, via a teleportation circle. Permission to use the circle is limited to those wearing a specific set of entry bracelets that Pinbol reserves for his closest friends and peers.    

Game Stats (D&D 5e)

We suggest using the 5th edition archmage npc stat block (level 18 spellcaster) as a base, and adjust his prepared spells to your needs. Pinbol has an impressive array of arcane knowledge at his disposal, but his specialty is as an artificer, so use any of the canon OR homebrew artificer spells you think might be fun. We're rather fond of Scry Object, Forget Item, Speak with Objects, and Disenchant (and including elements of residuum into the game so that Pinbol can be a resource of disassembling magic items and harvesting them for their "parts")   Pinbol is fully capable of fitting into any number of fantasy, sci-fantasy, or cyberpunk worlds or ttrpg systems. Happy gaming!  


  As Seen in Countless Heroes

As Seen in Shenanigoons: Book of Faebles

As Seen in Might Club (private game):



unknown (at least 100 yrs)

Pinbol's tower created by Angela McCain in Inkarnate


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