Sub Rosarium

A secretive magewright guild, who currently holds a monopoly over the sale and distribution of magical items in Cinderhaven  

Notable Members

  • Vasafra - current member and Cinderhaven City Council Member
  • Tyrael - former member

Author's Notes

Sub rosa is a term used to mean "done in secret" and historically a rose on the ceiling or hanging above a meeting has been used in many western cultures to signify that anything said under the rose ("sub rosa") was to be kept secret (see the wikipedia article on the subject).   I had conceived of making the name of this organization a pun of sorts, with a 'rosarium' being a rose garden. I brainstormed that maybe the origin of this clandestine mage group was underground, perhaps under a literal rose garden. So, 'sub rosa' + 'rosarium' = secret rose garden club :)
— Angela McCain, DM Assistant
Illicit, Syndicate
Notable Members


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