The Second Goa Nation

A newly-discovered subspecies of Goa, who are not sculpted from raw eirshale, but instead organically transformed from mortal beings. They are created when a mortal overdoses on Nightmare (a combination of blighted eirshale and the arcane drug "Daydream"), and then healing magics are applied to the sick person. This transformation strips the person of any memory or personality from who they were before becoming living stone.  

The Bonded Goa

The original five members of the new goa nation were born during an outbreak of overdoses from blightshale-tainted daydream in Cinderhaven. These bonded goa can communicate telepathically with each other, which led them to eventually give up speaking as individuals, but rather as a collective. They became increasingly insular and secretive, driven to discover the secret of their creation, which brought them into frequent conflict with The Party, who feared they would hurt innocent people in order to force new goa to be made.   A tense truce was formed between the two groups, and once they learned of the process to create more of their kind, the bonded goa promised to recruit volunteers who came willingly. Their intentions remained vague as the bonded goa and their dozens of newly birthed brethren took refuge in the mountains south of Cinderhaven. Their leader, "First", declared them to be The Second Goa Nation.  


(he/him) male human form, bald and athletic
Self-named, as the first person to be transmuted into a goa through Nightmare overdose. First is able to magically enhance and manipulate the abilities of other goa, as shown when he manipulated the development of his brethren towards a key strength of skill as they were born. He also expressed this power when making Cyl stronger in a dire combat situation. Using this power seems to be exhausting for him, and requires some time to rest.  


(she/her) female human form, with minimalist features
Soft spoken, highly intelligent, and inhumanly observant, Wit spent much of her early time researching and seeking the answers to how the bonded goa were created. Despite her innate curiosity, she has shown to have more moral reservations about First's drive to create as many goa as possible.  


(he/him) large human, muscular "body builder" form
A tough and brutish enforcer for the group. Stoic, though seemed impressionable enough to try painting, despite his lack of aptitude for it. He never said much, even before the bonded goa began exclusively speaking telepathically.  

Allure, aka "Al"

(he/him) small halfling form with a charming smile and sculpted hair, wears fine clothes
The charismatic spokesman for the group. As the bonded goa became more and more psychically linked, Allure took over the task of speaking to outsiders on everyone's behalf. Like Wit, he has shown more empathy towards his fellow goa Cyl and her party.  


(she/her) female human form, cleric
The last of the original bonded goa, she was created to bridge the ideological divide between the bonded goa and The Party. First brought her to life with the divine powers of a cleric in order to create more of their kind. Steeple expressed empathy for the difficult moral questions their existance created, but stood firm as a believer in First's goals for their people.


The First of the bonded goa oversaw the 'birth' of his other four brethren. This group of five acted as the leadership of what became known as the Second Goa Nation.

Public Agenda

To reproduce and grow as fast and wide as possible. They see mortal races (and the original Goa) as imperfect.


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Orrum, an exile of the original Goa Nation, took out his resentment on the bonded goa, who he saw as abominations. Releasing a deadly fog into the mountain sanctum of First and his people, the entire population of newly born goa, hundreds including the former King Goodsbury, were slowly turned to ash. Only First and his original followers survived, having magically sealed themselves into an airtight 'panic room'.  
  In the aftermath of the genocide, First revealed to The Party that he chose not to save any of their newly born goa brethren, for fear of infection, and because he considered himself and his original followers more important. Allure and Wit chose to abandon First for his callousness, and reunited with Cyl, expressing a commitment to learn the "true way of the Goa".
Geopolitical, Tribe
Alternative Names
The Second Goa Nation


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