
A rare stone-like material found in bedrock layers and underground ore veins. It contains significant magical properties, and is used in the manufacturing of magical artifacts, the empowering of spells, and even the creation of sentient life.   It is a rare substance in the world, but fervently sought after by those familiar with ancient arcane magics. Transmuted eirshale cannot be reforged for other purposes. Raw eirshale, however, has limitless potential, and can be manipulated to exhibit bizarre unnatural properties.


Origin & Source

The popular Origin Myth of Vayl says that the world is in fact an egg that was laid by a celestial Dragon Mother. The shell of that egg is widely believed to be made of eirshale.  

Known and Suspected sources of eirshale

  • The City of Eir, home of The Goa
  • The Undermyst beneath Cinderhaven leading to the Faewild
  • Lamina Island
  • Somewhere in the mountains within the nation north of Soldahn

History & Usage

Cultural Significance and Usage

The Goa Nation

The Goa are a people of sentient golems made from the trasmuting of eirshale into living tissue. Once created by a long lost civilization, goa are now in control of their own reproduction, and utilize the rituals of their original Makers to sculpt and bring their offspring to life.  

The Second Goa Nation

A newly founded society of goa who are not sculpted, but born from an arcane chemical reaction from overdosing on blightshale tainted drugs. Because they are not limited by material components needed to reproduce, the Second Goa Nation believes itself to be superior to traditional goa, as well as all other sentient species

Manufacturing & Products

Uncut Powdered Eirshale

Raw eirshale that has been ground into a powder can be used as a component to enhance the potency of spells and potions.  


A powerful and addictive hallucinogenic drug that causes intense visions. Highly potent, ingested via eye drops, and very risky for overdose. Created by lacing Daydream, a relatively harmless hallucinogen, with blightshale.  


A shield presented by the Eiress Kyne to her progeny Cyl. The origins of the shield are not known, but it possess the power to shift its properties while medidated upon each sunrise. meta: Every day, can be turned into an Arrow Catching Shield, a +1 Sentinal Shield, or a +1 Adamantine Shield  

Pinbol's Home

The wizard Pinbòl used 250 lbs of eirshale for a ring in the foundations of his sanctum to make it float in the air. The ritual went awry, resulting in Pinbòl's home randomly fluctuating between existing in the sky and on the ground. The appearance of the candles in his home can be used to indicate where it is located at any given time.(Ep 85: The Calm)  

Cinderhaven's boat lift

A structural portion of Cinderhaven's original cliffside boat lift used eirshale to give the structure strength and resliance. The construction was overseen by Vasafra. It was infected and rendered inoperable by an outbreak of blightshale, and was replaced by a boat lift conjured by the Queen of the Winter Fae Court.  


A flying airship constructed entirely out of eirshale stone. It is a method of transportation for the Goa Nation.



A disease that rots both raw and transmuted eirshale, leaving it brittle and contagious. However, the residuals left from the blight can be utilized in magical rituals, though its uses are largely unknown.   In the year 1199, an outbreak of blightshale inside the Cinderhaven boatlift found its way into the manufacture of a hallucinagenic drug called Daydream. Drug users who overdosed on this new enhanced drug, called Nightmare, would slip into a comatose state. Any attempt to use
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healing magic
on these people would kill the person and transform them into living eirshale: a new species of goa.
Incredibly High
Very rare
Pale stone with faint ivory marbling
Common State
Transmuted stone
Related Species


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