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Carlel Cornelia

Duchess Carlel Aurelia Cornelia

Carlel Cornelia is the current Duchess of Ostranor, a prominent political figure and leader in Arthuria's Senate of Honour. She is widely regarded for her political savvy and sharp intellect, and is considered a shrewd and effective leader by her peers.   Carlel is known for her meticulous attention to detail and her unwavering loyalty to her people. She has worked tirelessly to implement economic and social reforms to improve the lives of the people of Ostranor. Her accomplishments include increasing access to education, improving public health, and promoting economic growth through trade and investment.   Despite her reputation as a powerful and calculating figure, Carlel is also known for her compassion and protective nature. She is deeply committed to the welfare of her family, and has been known to go to great lengths to ensure their safety and well-being.   There are some who have raised concerns about Carlel's political ambitions, however. Critics have suggested that she may be willing to take drastic measures to secure her power and maintain her position, potentially sacrificing the lives and happiness of those around her.   As the Duchess of Ostranor, she has made significant strides in improving the lives of her constituents through her leadership and dedication. Her administration has been marked by notable accomplishments in many areas, including the development of infrastructure, economic growth, and the promotion of the arts. Under Carlel's guidance, the city of Spire has become a hub of culture and creativity, with a thriving artistic community and state-of-the-art performance venues. Her administration has also implemented policies to stimulate economic growth, including tax incentives for businesses and the establishment of trade agreements with neighbouring provinces.   In the town of Glemgleam, Carlel's commitment to education has led to the establishment of new schools and libraries, providing access to knowledge and learning for all. She has also focused on improving healthcare in the area, establishing new hospitals and clinics to serve those in need.   Furthermore, Carlel has been instrumental in negotiating with the neighbouring province Foven, ensuring the safety and security of her people. Her leadership has been instrumental in maintaining stability and order in Ostranor, which has contributed to the prosperity and well-being of the region.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Carlel is a skilled fighter and maintains a peak physical condition through rigorous training and exercise. Her athleticism allows her to perform impressive feats of strength, speed, and agility beyond the capabilities of most individuals. She has no known medical conditions that hinder her performance.

Body Features

Carlel Cornelia has an impressive and intimidating physique that is the result of a rigorous training regime and a lifetime of physical activity. She stands at a towering height, towering over most of her peers, with a commanding presence that is impossible to ignore. Her broad shoulders, defined biceps and triceps, and chiselled abdominal muscles are evidence of her exceptional physical fitness and athleticism. Her legs are equally muscular and toned, with strong thighs and calves that speak to her combat prowess and agility.   Despite her impressive physique, Carlel remains feminine in her appearance. She has a striking figure on the battlefield and in the halls of power alike. She carries herself with poise and confidence, a reflection of her inner strength and self-assurance. Overall, Carlel's physical features serve as a testament to her dedication, discipline, and hard work, making her a formidable force in any situation.

Facial Features

Carlel Cornelia has a striking and angular face with defined cheekbones, a straight nose, and full lips. Her jawline is sharp, and her chin is slightly pointed. Her high forehead is framed by wavy honey-coloured hair that falls just below her shoulders. Her piercing eyes, which are a mix of blue and grey tones, are set deep in their sockets and are accentuated by thick, arched eyebrows. She often wears her hair down around her face, which can cover her strong, chiselled features.

Identifying Characteristics

Carlel has a small, crescent-shaped scar just above her right eyebrow. She also has a small beauty mark on her left cheek, just below the corner of her eye. Additionally, she has a faint scar on her upper lip, which is barely noticeable except when she speaks or smiles broadly. These features are often used to recognize her from afar or in a crowd.

Physical quirks

Carlel has a few physical quirks that set her apart from others. One of these is a tendency to crack her knuckles and stretch her arms when under duress. She also has a slight scar above her left eyebrow, which she received during a particularly brutal match in her younger days. Additionally, Carlel has a habit of tapping her foot when she's anxious or impatient, which can sometimes give away her emotional state.

Apparel & Accessories

Carlel is known for her impeccable sense of style, which often incorporates the latest fashion trends with a touch of her own personal flair. She favours form-fitting and functional clothing that allows for ease of movement, often opting for tailored pants or leggings paired with a fitted top or tunic. When not in armour, she favours clothing made from natural fibres like silk, wool, and cotton, with a preference for jewel tones and earthy hues.   Carlel is also rarely without her trusty weapons, which include a longsword and a crossbow, both of which she carries with her at all times. She wears a leather belt adorned with various pouches and a holster to keep her weapons and other essentials within easy reach. In addition to her weapons, she also wears a number of accessories, such as a leather wrist cuff, a silver pendant with a sapphire gemstone, and a silver ring with an intricate knot design. These items hold significant sentimental value to her and serve as a reminder of her personal values and beliefs.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Carlel Cornelia was born into the House of Elenoire, one of the most prestigious noble families in Ostranor, and from a young age, she displayed a natural talent for leadership and diplomacy. As a young child, she was sent abroad to Ostranor due to the dangers of the War of the Phoenix, where she received a thorough education, studying politics, economics, history, and the arts, and she also trained in combat and strategy, honing her skills as a warrior.   As a young adult, Carlel entered into a political marriage with a noblewoman from a neighbouring province, Galena Blackwood, but the union was short-lived and ended in divorce. Undeterred, Carlel threw herself into her duties as a leader, earning a reputation for fairness, compassion, and intelligence. When her father passed away, Carlel succeeded him as the Duchess of Ostranor, and she has since dedicated herself to improving the lives of her subjects. Under her leadership, Ostranor has seen significant progress and growth, with infrastructure improvements, economic development, and social reforms.   Carlel is admired by many for her grace, intelligence, and her unwavering commitment to her people. She is also known for her support of the arts and her advocacy for education and environmental conservation. Despite facing many challenges and obstacles, Carlel has remained steadfast in her leadership and continues to inspire those around her.

Gender Identity

Carlel Cornelia's gender identity is that of a cisgender woman. Throughout her personal and professional life, she has identified as a woman and has not experienced any gender-related issues or challenges. While her gender identity has not played a significant role in her accomplishments or achievements, it is an important aspect of her personal identity and informs her perspective on issues related to gender and equality. She has been a strong advocate for the rights and empowerment of women and girls, and has worked to promote gender equality and gender-sensitive policies in her province, as well as in other provinces or regions with less gender equality than Arthuria, such as Ourona.


Carlel's sexual orientation is that of a lesbian. She has had romantic relationships with women throughout her life and identifies as being exclusively attracted to women. While her sexual orientation has not played a significant role in her accomplishments or achievements, it is an important aspect of her personal identity and has informed her perspectives on issues related to sexual orientation and gender identity. She has been a strong advocate for the rights and empowerment of queer individuals in Ostranor and other regions of the world, and has worked to promote inclusion and acceptance of all sexual orientations and gender identities.


Carlel Cornelia received a comprehensive education, as was expected of someone born into a noble family in Ostranor. She studied politics, economics, history, and the arts, and also received combat training, learning how to wield a sword and command troops on the battlefield, which quickly became her calling. After completing her education, Carlel worked in various roles within the Ostranor government, gaining experience in diplomacy, administration, and military strategy. She also worked as an envoy to the neighbouring province Foven, building relationships with other leaders and promoting trade and cooperation.


After completing her education, Carlel started her career as an assistant to a high-ranking government official in Ostranor, Aric Brightblade. She worked closely with him, gaining experience in diplomacy, administration, and military strategy. She also learned about the intricacies of government and the challenges of leading a large and diverse population.   As she gained more experience, Carlel took on increasingly important roles within the government. She was appointed as an envoy to other provinces, where she worked to promote trade, build relationships with other leaders, and negotiate treaties and alliances. Her work as an envoy brought her into contact with many different cultures and political systems, which helped to broaden her perspective and deepen her understanding of diplomacy and international relations.   In addition to her work as an envoy, Carlel also served as a military strategist and commander, leading troops in battles against raiders and other threats to the security of Ostranor. Her warrior skills and strategic thinking proved invaluable in these conflicts, and she quickly gained a reputation as a capable and effective leader.   Carlel demonstrated a deep commitment to serving her people and improving their lives throughout her employment history. She is known for her intelligence, her tenacity, and her unwavering dedication to the ideals of justice and fairness. Her success in these roles helped to pave the way for her later ascent to the position of Duchess of Ostranor.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Carlel Cornelia has demonstrated exceptional leadership and dedication to her people. She has worked tirelessly to improve the lives of the citizens of her province, and her efforts have not gone unnoticed. One of her most notable accomplishments has been her work in developing and implementing sustainable farming practices. Through a combination of government initiatives and education programs for farmers, Carlel has helped to reduce the impact of agriculture on the environment while also increasing crop yields and improving the quality of life for farmers.   In addition to her work in environmental sustainability, Carlel has also been a champion of education and has worked to increase access to quality education for all citizens of Ostranor. She has supported the construction of new schools and universities, and has encouraged the development of programs that help students gain practical skills that will be useful in their future careers.   Carlel has also been a strong advocate for equal rights, both for the queer community and for other marginalised communities. As a member of the queer community herself, Carlel has experienced firsthand the discrimination and inequality that can arise from society's attitudes towards sexual orientation. She has worked tirelessly to promote policies that protect the rights of all citizens, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity. Carlel has also been a vocal supporter of LGBT+ rights and has used her position as Duchess to help amplify the voices of marginalised communities. Her commitment to social justice has made her a beloved figure among many citizens of Ostranor and beyond, and a powerful force for positive change in her province.   Another major achievement of Carlel's has been her successful management of the city of Spire, which is the largest city in Ostranor. Through a combination of smart infrastructure development, social welfare programs, and strategic partnerships with private businesses, Carlel has helped to transform Spire into a thriving metropolis that is the envy of many other provinces.

Failures & Embarrassments

One of the most significant failures of Carlel was her handling of large-scale civil unrest in the town of Glemgleam, which is located within her province. The unrest was sparked by economic hardships and social inequality, and it quickly spiralled out of control, with protesters and law enforcement clashing in the streets. While Carlel did eventually intervene to restore order, the violence had already caused significant damage, and many citizens criticized her for not taking action sooner.   Another embarrassing moment for Carlel came when she was caught in a romantic entanglement with a high-ranking member of her government staff. While Carlel was able to keep the affair largely under wraps, rumours eventually began to circulate, and the scandal threatened to undermine her credibility as a leader. Ultimately, Carlel was able to weather the storm, but the incident remains a black mark on her otherwise impressive record.

Intellectual Characteristics

Carlel is widely regarded as an intelligent and thoughtful leader. She is known for her keen analytical mind, her ability to think critically and strategically, and her talent for finding creative solutions to complex problems.   Carlel's education and early career in government provided her with a strong foundation in political theory, economics, and public policy, and she has continued to develop her intellectual pursuits throughout her life. She is an avid reader and is known for her broad and diverse interests, which range from history and philosophy to art and literature.   Carlel is also a skilled communicator and is able to express her ideas clearly and persuasively. She is a talented public speaker and is often called upon to give speeches and presentations on a variety of topics. Her ability to connect with people and articulate complex ideas in an accessible way has helped to build her reputation as a leader who is not only intelligent but also compassionate and empathetic.   Carlel's intellectual characteristics have played a key role in her success as a leader. Her ability to think critically and to communicate effectively has helped her to navigate complex political and social landscapes and to achieve meaningful change in her province.

Morality & Philosophy

Carlel is known for her strong sense of morality and her commitment to justice and equality. She believes that all people have inherent value and should be treated with dignity and respect, regardless of their background or circumstances. Her philosophy is grounded in a deep sense of compassion and empathy, and she is known for her strong sense of social responsibility. She believes that it is the duty of those in positions of power to work towards creating a more just and equitable society, and she has dedicated her life to this goal.   In terms of her personal morality, Carlel is known for her honesty, integrity, and a strong sense of ethics. She has a reputation for being a fair and just leader, and she is not afraid to speak out against injustices and abuses of power. She is guided by a strong moral compass and is committed to doing what is right, even when it is difficult or unpopular.


Social Aptitude

As a skilled diplomat and charismatic leader, Carlel has a natural aptitude for navigating complex social situations. She is able to easily read people and tailor her communication style to effectively convey her message and win people over. However, her blunt and straightforward manner can sometimes come off as abrasive or confrontational to those who do not know her well. Despite this, she has a loyal circle of friends and allies, and is respected by many in her community for her intelligence, strength, and unwavering determination.


Carlel's mannerisms are often described as assertive and confident. She has a commanding presence and tends to speak her mind clearly and directly. When in formal situations, she carries herself with an air of poise and elegance, but never loses her sense of self-assuredness. Carlel is also known to be a good listener, and she often takes time to consider other perspectives before making decisions.

Hobbies & Pets

Carlel's pets include a loyal and protective mastiff, Ragnar, that accompanies her on her travels, and a well-trained falcon, Aria, that she uses for hunting. Her estate is also home to many other pets, including horses and cats. In her free time, Carlel enjoys riding horses and practising archery, which complements her skills as a fighter. She is also an avid reader and enjoys studying history and philosophy.


Carlel has a commanding and confident tone of voice that is low and slightly husky. She often speaks in a measured and deliberate manner, with a hint of formality in her diction. Carlel's pitch is moderate, but she is capable of raising her voice to convey authority when necessary. She speaks with a clear accent that is neutral but with subtle hints of the years she spent in Ourona as a child.   Carlel's dialect is that of a well-educated noble, with a tendency to use proper grammar and a wide vocabulary. She occasionally employs archaic or formal expressions that reflect her upbringing and education. Carlel does not have any impediments, and her speech is generally fluid and confident. Her most well-known catchphrase is "There is no shame in being strong," which reflects her belief in the importance of physical and mental resilience. She frequently uses phrases such as "My lord" or "My lady" when addressing others, and she often concludes conversations with "May the gods keep you safe."   Carlel is not prone to using insults, but she can deliver a cutting remark when provoked. She is more likely to use compliments to build alliances or express appreciation. She favours direct and honest communication but can use metaphors and analogies to make her points more vividly. Carlel's swearing is limited to mild oaths such as "by the gods" or "bloody hell," and she rarely uses vulgar language. Her greetings and farewells are usually formal and respectful, and she addresses people according to their rank or station.   Carlel's speech patterns are marked by confidence, formality, and a preference for direct and honest communication. Her accent and dialect reflect her upbringing as a noble, while her use of metaphors and catchphrases reveals her personality and beliefs.

Wealth & Financial state

Carlel is a wealthy duchess who inherited her title from her father. She comes from a family of wealthy merchants who accumulated their wealth through trade and commerce. Carlel has a sizable estate, consisting of lands, properties, and businesses that generate significant income. She also has investments in various ventures and a substantial amount of liquid assets. Carlel's wealth allows her to live a lavish lifestyle and fund her various pursuits, including her interest in fighting and furthering her knowledge.
Lawful Good
Current Location
Current Residence
Elenoire Manor
Somewhat feminine
Blue-gray, piercing
Honey coloured, medium length, wavey
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Fair, smooth, glowing
140 lbs/63.5 kg
Quotes & Catchphrases
"There is no shame in being strong."   "A true warrior doesn't fight because they hate what's in front of them. They fight because they love what's behind them."   "Strength isn't just physical, it's mental as well. The strongest person in the room isn't always the one with the biggest muscles."   "Courage isn't the absence of fear, it's the willingness to face it head-on."
The Silver Flame
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Common, Elvish, Dwarven


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