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Arthuria is a diverse and prosperous nation located in the world of Vea. It is known for its stunning architecture, rich history, and religious significance. The nation was founded by the Leonin race, who were chosen by the Silver Flame to be the protectors of the land. Over time, other races and magical beings migrated to Arthuria, creating a melting pot of cultures.   The capital city of Arcanis is a stunning marvel of divine architecture, built by the Silver Flame to house the Leonin race. It has evolved into a diverse settlement with many different races and magical beings living side by side. The city is built in a series of tiers, with each tier connected by a network of bridges and walkways. At the heart of the city lies the Palace District, home to the Royal Family, who holds ultimate authority over the land of Arthuria. But they are not alone in their rule. The Senates, elected bodies of representatives from across the nation, work alongside the Royal Family to govern the people.   The economy of Arthuria is based on trade and manufacturing, with many different guilds and factions operating within its borders. The nation is home to many natural resources, including the Clearson River, Mirahice Woods, fertile land for agriculture, and mines for minerals. These resources have helped to make Arthuria one of the most prosperous nations in the region.   The people of Arthuria are deeply religious, with the Silver Flame being the predominant religion. It is a faith that teaches that the Silver Flame guides and protects the people of Arthuria. The Leonin clans are deeply ingrained in the nation's history and play a vital role in its governance.   Despite its prosperity, Arthuria is not without its problems. There are tensions between different racial and magical groups, and some factions within the nation seek to disrupt the peace and stability that the Royal Family and the Senates have worked hard to maintain. However, the people of Arthuria are resilient, and they continue to work towards a brighter future for themselves and their nation.


For the most part, Arthuria has a typical monarchy, with the main exception of Monarchs having equal power regardless of gender. When the Declaration of Rebirth was signed, the revered diplomat, Leonadra Crenelforth, was officially instituted as Queen, having proved herself as the rightful monarch in the eyes of Illume, the first Phoenix. She became Queen at the young age of 19, causing many citizens of the newly founded Arthuria to question if she was capable of such a task, but within mere weeks she vanquished almost all worries by passing royal decrees and policies that drastically increased the quality of life for everyone. Since then, Leonadra has not married, nor has had children; by also not appointing her successor since Illume's death, she has caused many to question if there will be the potential for a succession crisis. Other than the monarch, there is another rank of aristocrats just below them; the Archduke and Archduchess. This position is appointed by the monarch, who has absolute authority in determining who wields the title. The first Archduke was ___, who was succeeded by the current Archduke Kual Chesterton.     Below the aristocrats are the peerage, a class consisting of Dukes and Duchesses, Marquesses and Marchionesses, Earls and Countesses, and finally Viscounts and Viscountesses. Dukes and Duchesses are responsible for ruling over and managing land, with there being one for each of the eight provinces in Arthuria. Due to the differences in laws, taxes, trade requirements, etc, Marquesses and Marchionesses are responsible for the management and ruling of the borders between provinces. There are 15 positions, one for each side of each border. While it has never occurred, in the potential event of any civil wars, the Marquesses and Marchionesses that still follow the Crown would be responsible for ensuring the borders are well defended. When it comes to the Earls and Countesses, there is one for each city and large town/settlement. They are responsible for maintaining order and the law of their settlements, as well as defending it. In each city and town, there is usually a viscount for each major district; for example, a small mining town might have a viscount/viscountess for its residential and industrial district, but a major city may have one for its poor, middling, and wealthy residential districts each, its fishing, farming, and mining industrial districts each, and its market, port, and financial business districts each. This higher number of viscounts and viscountesses in major cities has led to numerous committees being formed, granting them higher power and influence than others.   Under the peerage lie the nobles; specifically the Lords and Ladies of various households. The nobles' main duty is to look after their land and to be a part of their local area's decision-making process. Nobles are legally required to uphold the infrastructure of their land, and to take an interest in local businesses and public services, ensuring they have the opportunities to thrive. Furthermore, Knights are classified as a sector of nobles. While they might not own plots of land, they are entrusted with the responsibility to uphold peace and law in another noble's land. This means that Knights and Lords/Ladies are of equal status in Arthuria's nobility, it's just their duties which are different. Often Knights end up becoming high-ranking officials in a city or town's guard system, however, this isn't a requirement of their role.   -Pre War- Military: Legatus, Tribunus, Centurio, Optico, Decurio, Prefectus Castorum Religious: Pontifex Maximus, Cardinal, Episcopi, Pontif, Deacon Financial: Quaestor Maximus, Aedile, Tax Collector, Censor, Publicani, Financial Magistrate Justice: Praetir Maximus, Praetor, Quaestor, Judice, Advocati, Scribae     There are seven main branches of the Arthurian government: the executive branch, the legislative branch, the judicial branch, the military, the treasury department, the administration department, the intelligence and service agency, and the church.  

The Executive Branch The Executive Branch manages and executes laws and policies on a day-to-day basis. The Consul Maximus is in charge of this branch and oversees its actions to ensure efficient governance, implement legislative decisions, and manage public affairs.   Consul Maximus: The Consul Maximus is the most powerful position within the Executive Branch. They act as the chief executive officer and represent the executive authority of the Imperators and the monarchy. Their role involves leading the government, making important decisions, and overseeing policy implementation.   Proconsul: The Proconsul is the second-in-command to the Consul Maximus and assists in governing the nation. They support the Consul Maximus in various executive tasks, coordinate government department activities, and ensure the smooth functioning of the branch.   Praetor: Praetors hold high-ranking positions in the Executive Branch and are responsible for overseeing specific areas of governance. They manage policy implementation within their designated jurisdictions, usually provinces or cities. Praetors ensure the maintenance of law and order, manage resources, and resolve administrative issues.   Aedile: Aediles manage public affairs and services related to public works, infrastructure, and the maintenance of public spaces. They focus on ensuring the smooth functioning of cities, towns, and urban areas, including sanitation, public safety, and the organization of festivals and events.   Quaestor: Quaestors play vital roles in the financial administration of Arthuria. They manage the treasury, allocate funds, and oversee financial transactions, ensuring economic stability and the proper utilization of resources.


Being an extremely diverse and cosmopolitan nation, Arthurian culture is a massive mix of other cultures. Architecture and design are very varied, and so are traditional and religious practices. Queen Leonadra acknowledged this when she became Queen, and thus passed laws for the workplace requiring that all customs and practices must be accommodated for, such as places for prayer, or paid time off work for pilgrimages. To outsiders, Arthurian culture is often seen as emphasising honour and ambition. On average Arthurians are said to be highly motivated and driven, but unlike some other cultures, this usually comes hand-in-hand with cooperation with others. Within the country, it is extremely frowned upon to exploit other people, and those who do will likely be shunned by society.   The archetypical Arthurian is also likely to be very open-minded, be it for gender, sexuality, race, career, social class, religion, ethnicity, or anything else. With Arthuria containing so many different people, those that are branded as a bigot are often not tolerated by the rest of society, and as such, it is seen as a great failing if one is prejudicial. Of all the nations in the Chivalier Isles, Arthuria has the most women in power, with the only exceptions of Tír Na Nóg and some of the more matriarchal areas in Meletar. They also have the most queer people in power, again with Tír Na Nóg being the only exception.

Public Agenda

The public aims of Arthuria include creating a very high standard of living for citizens and making progress in magic and science. One of the nation's greatest strengths is the low crime level throughout most of the country, and the high quality of life derived from successful public services. A significant number of Queen Leonardra's royal decrees were specifically designed to make life better for her citizens, including, but not limited to, the implementation of a minimum wage, strict labour safety laws, routine government inspections for most businesses, as well as the foundation of many institutes of education and public services. The queen is known for being relatively humble, however, she does infrequently make large, dramatic promises, which she very rarely fails to uphold. Along with a number of other reasons, this has led to most citizens having great trust in the crown, and believing in its promised ability to provide security.


Arthuria is the third wealthiest country in the seven nations in the Alliance for Chivalry; the order (excluding Tír Na Nóg) being Mórrer, Arthuria, Lashela, Ourona, and Dracostan. There is an abundance of raw materials and business opportunities, so there is very often a constant inflow of money and resources to the crown. Queen Leonardra often invests in infrastructure and public services to keep the quality of life very high, and it is encouraged for members of the gentry, peerage, and aristocracy to do so as well. Many economic policies also have an emphasis on a circular flow of income, meaning that money spent is usually then spent again and again in other areas of the country. Compared to other nations, Arthuria has large supplies of silver, wool, cotton, silk, fish, whale fat, mercury, tameable animals, and bismuth.   Large sums of money are also invested in the country's military. Arthuria has a large amount of highly trained guards, such as the Griffin Cavalry Riders in the major cities.


Only after the War of the Phoenix did Arthuria have a large population boom. Before the nation was divided, a number of small tribes and towns were scarcely found across the nation. Due to the influence of the Empire of Flames, few people wished to live there, so when Dark Empress Salvatrice lost the war and moved her forces to Meletar, people began moving back to Arthuria. Many people became quite rich, as there were a large number of business opportunities, particularly in the gathering of raw materials and manufacturing of goods. Queen Leonardra granted many bonuses and tax subsidies in the years following the end of the war to further encourage people to live and work in Arthuria, and very quickly it became a prosperous nation, in part due to the overwhelming support of the other nations in the Chivalier Isles.

Demography and Population

Arthuria is made up of seven provinces, each with slightly different cultures and laws. Each province is ruled by a duke or duchess, with a marquess or marchioness ruling over the borders between the provinces. Most borders are marked with geographical features, such as rivers or forests, and as such most provinces have slightly different climates and biomes. As such, different provinces are favoured by different races, such as Elves preferring the lush forests of Ofroal, and Dwarves enjoying the large hills (and nearby mountains) of Ostranor. Across the whole nation however, the population of races is as follows:
Ancestry Population
Human 11%
Hafling 9%
Dwarf 8%
Elf 8%
Dragonborn 8%
Half-Elf 8%
Gnome 7%
Leonin 7%
Aarakocra 7%
Tabaxi 6%
Triton 5%
Half-Orc 4%
Other 4%
Despite the majority of Arthuria being equally hospitable, there are still vastly differing populations across different counties. In total there are around 4,150,000 citizens in Arthuria, though this includes a number of citizens who are not permanently residing there, such as prospectors or travelling traders. The breakdown of population by county are as follows:
County Population %
Arvania ~1,535,500 37%
Foven ~788,500 19%
Stosal ~581,000 14%
Diregulf ~539,500 13%
Ustrea ~373,500 9%
Ofroal ~207,500 5%
Ostranor ~124,500 3%
The most populated county is Arvania, with just over a million and a half citizens. This is mainly due to the presence of Arthuria's capital city, Arcanis, being located in the county's south.


Arthuria's land consist of all land south of Caminus Heights, a very large mountain range, after they claimed independence from the Empire of Flames at the start of the War of the Phoenix. Only after the war were official borders drawn, and a monarchy instituted.


Arthuria's military consists of four sectors, the Arthurian Division of Military Intelligence (DMI) which is the base of all secret service work, the Arthurian Naval Force which is responsible of all sea-based warfare, the Arthurian Citizen Brigade, which manages guard services in the nation, and finally the Arthurian Infantry Division who are responsible for wartime engagements on land.


Any and all religions are allowed in Arthuria, although worship to evil gods is very taboo. There are often a very large number of small chapels and churches in each city and town, with long halls filled with statues or symbols of Gods for prayer. The Gods often send Aasimar to the nation in areas of need if sutiable prayers and offerings are made, and holy amulets and symbols are

Foreign Relations

Arthuria has very strong relations with the different nations in the Alliance for Chivalry, but is particularly well allied with it's neighbour to the north: Ourona. Their strong relationship comes from the shared culture and history the nations have, and in recent times, particularly due to the fact that Queen Leonardra Crenellforth is from Ourona, and comes from a line of nobles in the city Crenelford.   Arthuria is very hostile with the nation Meletar due to the war, although, surprisingly, it has been a long while since Arthuria has been attacked. Arthuria frequently sends spies and scouts into Meletar to attempt to learn of the empire's plans, although due to their incredibly high security and martial law, most attempts fail to gather much meaningful information.

Agriculture & Industry

Athuria produces very little of it's own food, usually relying on imports from other nations, particularly from the Aarakocran city-state Du.

For Honour and Valour

Founding Date
Geopolitical, Country
Alternative Names
Southern Virtus
Head of State
Head of Government
Government System
Monarchy, Constitutional
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Mixed economy
10 Copper = Silver, 10 Silver = Gold, 10 Gold = Platinum
Legislative Body
A relatively small group known as the Coalition of Lawmakers are the ones reponsible for writing the laws of Arthuria. They have a main office in each of the nation's main regions, from which a subgroup of the guild are responsible for gathering data and analysing the surrounding area to discern the proper laws that should be implemented to correctly govern the local area. While most of the major laws and associated punishements are consistent between counties, this system means that there are a number of specific differences, usually to accomodate for variance in trade, production, population, and public opinion.
Judicial Body
Once a criminal has been taken in for minor crimes, they will recieve suitable punishement by the Arthurian's Citizen Brigade, usually limited to fines or being temporarily held in a jailhouse. If the criminal activties are major, they will be taken to a judge and possibly a jury to decide if they were guilty or innocent, and then the laws written by the Coalition of Lawmakers (CoL) will be consulted to decide on a suitable sanction. In the infrequent event that there are no suitable laws (such as the improper use of a new strand of spellcasting) a subdivision of the CoL will be responsible for consulting previous laws to create a brand new law and respective punishment.
Executive Body
Arthuria has a number of separte, yet interdependent, factions that are responsible for maintining judical law. The Arthurian Citizen's Brigade (ACB) is responsilbe for the apprehension of most law-breakers, and operate within each city and town across the nation; however sometimes the capture of particularly dangerous/elusive targets may be delegaed to external factions, such as the Division of Military Intelligence usually being resposible for taking criminals who escaped overseas into custody.
Subsidiary Organizations
Controlled Territories
Related Species
Related Ethnicities


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