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Located in the south-west of Tír Na Nóg, Elnor is the capital city of the Elves in the Chivalier Isles. Located at the center of a valley that has been magically made perfectly circular, it serves as a hub for Elven supplies, and boasts being one of the most first-rate cities in the continent.


The vast majority of the city is made up of Elves, with around 6% of the population being Half-Elves, and 1% being all other species. Due to the city's small population and advanced culture, magic, and science, the standard of living is extremely high, especially compared to all the other nations in the Chivalier Isles. 87 percent of Elnor's Elvish inhabitants are high elves, 7% are wood elves, Drow are 4%, and 2% make up the remainder of other elf subraces.   In Elnor, there are no effective classes of wealth, as Tir Na Nog has no economy, instead freely distributing needs to the people. As there is no need to do jobs to get a wage, and as the production of most needs are very highly augmented with Elven magic, coupled with the fact that the Elves only need four hours of reverie a night, means that Elnorians are free to spend lots of their time indulging in artisan hobbies.


Tir Na Nog's government type is a mix between a geniocracy and a noocracy, meaning that it's run by the most intelligent and wise. This of course applies to Elnor, which many scholars believe is an important factor in the extremely high standard of living in the city, as at any given time the leaders are always very capable and able to make very beneficial decisions when it comes to managing their city. Elnor has a very loose and "case to case" approach when it comes to their laws, as the majority of Elves are good aligned and very rarely commit any crimes, and very few non-Elves are permitted to live there. Tir Na Nog as a whole has an incredibly low crime rate, but Elnor's in particular is almost non-existent, with major crimes (committed by it's inhabitants) happening every few years at the most.   Due to their peculiar economy (or lack there of), Elnor doesn't require taxes to be paid in any form, citizens are just encouraged to help out if they can. In times of trouble or hardship quotas may be implemented as an alternative to taxes - though this rarely happens as Elnor's government are very prepared and have many contingencies in place.   Elnor is run by a single Chief-Diplomat (currently Elyon Yesren), who is responsible for introducing policies, and making legislative decisions. They are essentially a mayor, however the duties also include frequently travelling to allied cities to express Elnor's interests.


Due to the prevalence of war in Elven history, as the capital city of Tir Na Nog, Elnor has had to defend itself from invaders numerous times. As all citizens have weapons and magic training, they are expected (and very much capable) of defending the city. When a full-scale city assault starts, at least three of seven powerful mages go to the Archspire in the centre of the city and activate a powerful spell to summon the spirits of ancient Elves to help fight in the battle. Spread around the city's edge at equidistant intervals are mausoleums filled with buried Elves, which are where they rise from after the spell is cast.

Industry & Trade

Elnor is an entirely self-sufficient city, so it doesn't have to rely on trade to stay afloat. While Elnorians do keep large amounts of additional supplies, they tend to trade a lot of their spare resources in exchange for rare goods, such as art, gemstones, or even magical items or spells.


Elnor has perhaps some of the greatest infrastructure in the entirety of The Chivalier Isles, having been perfected and expanded over thousands of years. Being located in the centre of a valley that has been magically sculpted to be perfectly circular serves a number of benefits, such as easy collection of rainfall, the ability to travel in any direction from the city, and of course the natural beauty of it all. The town heavily features water in it's design, with numerous canals flowing down the city, providing easy aquatic transport. It also has a large number of aqueducts, to get water all over the city, but most are also bridges, creating ways to get all across the city. These waterways also allow watermills to be effectively used all across the city, not just in it's outskirts.   Due to the fact that Elnorian Elves focus on using high Elven magic more so than technology, when it comes to production, much of the technology they use is quite behind the rest of the world, but it more than makes up for it with the quality of what they produce, at the expense of taking lots of time and requiring years of training.


Much like the rest of Tir Na Nog's cities, Elnor prepares far into the future, giving them plenty of valuable assets. Due to the high quantity of natural resources produced, such as harvested food, mined metal or collected rainwater, they have an excess of supplies, which is useful in times of war, famine, or when nearby nations are in trouble. Elnor also has very large stockpiles of supplies and equipment, such as a very large store of Elven weapons and armour that could fortify the entire city's population if need be.   Furthermore, Elnor has large stores of jewels, artwork, magical items and more - mainly due to their lack of currency, although they do keep small reserves of foreign currency, mainly for overseas travel. These valuables have been collected and made over centuries, and technically makes Tir Na Nog a reasonably wealthy city, although they're frequently traded with other nations and city states to further Elnor's infrastructure, quality of life, and so forth.

Guilds and Factions

Due to the unimportance of wealth in the city, the vast majority of guilds and factions are social and political rather than economical. A number of the political factions help advise the Chief-Diplomat on decisions that should be made. These are known as the Silver Societies, and is made up of _ groups  

The Malachite Multitude

Members of the Malachite Multitude are advocates for environmental and ecological approaches to government legislations. Due to the fact that Elnor is already very environmentally-conscious, it is supported by many members of the public. When asked to come up with a solution to a problem Elnor is facing, or for advice on policies to be made, members of the Malachite Multitude think of how to prevent damage to the environment, and how to make the choices sustainable for future generations.  

The Avengers of Quáldivérra

The Avengers of Quáldivérra prioritise the prevention of war and chaos withing Elnor. Seeing as Tír Na Nóg is currently at peace, their main focus is to keep things that way, and to make sure that inter-city conflicts are kept to a minimum, but in the past, their goals were to prepare soldiers, develop military strategies, and prepare contingencies for various states of warfare. The group is also notable for it's branch of secret service and counter-intelligence: SHARD - Secret Honourary Academy of Regimental Defence. While SHARD is a very small faction, it makes up for it by consisting of some of the most elite Elven spies and fighter in the world, leading to incredibly high levels of success.  

The Union of Labour

The Union of Labour is the faction responsible for managing the various forms of production and distribution of natural resources and goods. The union has a surprisingly high amount of mages, as almost all aspects of large scale production (such as the farmlands in the fields outside the city) are automated or augmented using high elven magic. The group is sub-divided into different sects,
Founding Date
-1,256 P.C
Alternative Name(s)
The Immortal City
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization


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