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Tír Na Nóg

Tír Na Nóg (pronounced Teir Nah Nouge), commonly called the Lands of Eternal Youth, is one of the six countries in the Alliance for Chivalry. It is a small island located at the south-west of the Chivaleir Isles. Tír Na Nóg is the Elvish homeland, and is home to most High and Wood Elves. Due to the diligence and care of the Elves, Tír Na Nóg's land consists almost entirely of beautifully lush grassy hills and marvellous forests.


Tír Na Nóg is somewhat unique within the world of Vea, as it has little semblance of a form of government, and barely any official political structure. Within their society all Elves are valued as equal, and all have equal opportunities from birth. These leads to a form of a social pseudo-meritocracy, as without wealth or power to differentiate the Nógians, they only have social differentiation. The level of respect a Nógian receives from their peers can be approximately determined by the various titles given to them when introduced by another.   The one exception to the above rules is the Archsage. This is a position given to the leader of the Nógians, though the term leader is somewhat misleading. Despite being leader they still receive no form of legitimate power or authority, but all Nógians still regard them as influential, and are expected to follow their lead and decisions.

Demography and Population

Tír Na Nóg is split across two major islands, with a few smaller islands. The two main islands are Ara and Taur. Ara is the homeland of the High Elves, and has the highest population in Tír Na Nóg, whilst Taur is the land of the Wood Elves, with a slightly smaller population.


Tír Na Nóg doesn't have an army on standby, only having guards littered across the big locations in the islands. Throughout the lives of Elves, it is expected for most to pick up martial and ranged weapon prowess, so in the lead up to war the Elves don't require basic training and can start immediately with advanced weapon practise.

Technological Level

Despite likely having the potential to do so, Tír Na Nóg isn't very technologically advanced with regards to the other nations in the Chivaleir Isles, with the main exception of infrastructure. Nógians make up for it with their highly advanced natural skill and strength, and their advanced use of natural magic.


Most Elves aren't devoted to a particular deity, and instead frequently make general worship and practises.

Foreign Relations

Tír Na Nóg is a very peaceful nation, and extremely dedicated to upholding the Alliance for Chivalry. If a nation ever broke the alliance or if a different nation went to war with a member within the alliance then Tír Na Nóg would quickly come rushing to their side with their incredibly skilled soldiers.

Agriculture & Industry

Tír Na Nóg


In Ara, younger Elves usually go to a very laid-back school without exams, that cater to the desires of individual students. This often naturally leads into apprenticeships, where they develop specific and advanced skills. In Taur, apprenticeships are much more common throughout younger ages, and often continue long into their lives.


Tír Na Nóg has the greatest infrastructure in all of the nations of the Chivaleir Isles. Aqueducts often run through even the smallest towns, providing drinkable water wherever you are, and as such most Elves carry goblets whenever they are outside. Sewage is extremely advanced and hygienic, and magic is often used to dispose of most waste. There are also very long and well-maintained road networks throughout Tír Na Nóg, with carriages and boats being very common and available. It is also possible to convince a trained Giant Eagle to give rides in urgent scenarios. Due to Tír Na Nóg being entirely sea-locked there are also very efficient and advanced docks and ports, with extremely fast boats for use.  When it come to defences, most of Ara's locales have effective walls, with spacious areas for guards and soldiers. The Elves employ lots of natural defences, such as moats and elevated ground.

Suil Annui, erio thûl lín i faer hen / Western Winds, may your breath lift this spirit

Founding Date
2/7/43 DC
Geopolitical, Country
Alternative Names
The Lands of Eternal Youth
Head of State
Government System
Power Structure
Autonomous area
Economic System
Gift economy
Major Exports
Tír Na Nóg usually doesn't export items as they rarely overproduce any resources they need, however they do keep large stockpiles and if an ally is in need they often send them as gifts.
Major Imports
Tír Na Nóg is entirely self sufficient, and usually only import resources when they're required in large quantities.
Parent Organization
Controlled Territories
Related Species
Related Ethnicities


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