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Jonas Morningstar

The Inquisitive Jonas Morningstar

Jonas Morningstar is a tall and naturally toned man with a strong but short-cut beard that covers his jawline, upper lip, and cheeks. He has a noticeable scar over his right eye, which has been replaced with a dimly lit blue crystal. He is always seen wearing his black high-crowned, wide-brimmed hat and a custom-made black leather jacket with pockets in the back to keep his tools in. Jonas has a tendency to naturally slouch and place his hands on his belt when standing or sitting still, and he taps his foot up and down when he is nervous or anxious. He is a skilled fighter and artificer and is skilled with his weapon, which is his unique and one-of-a-kind creation called the Cannonbolt, which he invented. He is intelligent and has a natural instinct in battle. Jonas' greatest achievement is the invention of the Cannonbolt, while his greatest failure is the death of his family, which he regrets not being able to prevent. Jonas has a good conscience and a natural sense of morality, which motivates him to search for redemption for unknowingly murdering his own family.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Jonas is a highly proficient fighter, possessing formidable strength and exceptional agility despite his imposing build. He maintains excellent physical fitness, which enables him to perform feats of physical prowess with ease. His lightness on his feet allows him to move with speed and grace in combat, making him a formidable opponent to face.

Body Features

Jonas has a tall and imposing figure, standing head and shoulders above most others. He possesses a naturally toned and athletic physique, which is the result of his active lifestyle and frequent physical activity. While his body is not overly muscular, he still retains a certain strength and power that makes him a formidable fighter. In addition, he has a strong and commanding presence, which can be both intimidating and reassuring to those around him.

Facial Features

Jonas has a strikingly angular face, with a prominent jawline that is accentuated by his light brown beard. His beard is short and well-groomed, covering his cheeks, upper lip, and chin. However, his most noticeable facial feature is the scar that runs from above his right eyebrow to the bottom of his cheek, crossing his eye. The scar is jagged and appears to have been inflicted by a sharp object, giving him a rugged and tough appearance. His right eye has been replaced with a dimly lit blue crystal, which contrasts sharply with his natural brown eyes and seems to glow in certain lighting conditions. Overall, Jonas has a distinctive and memorable face that reflects his strength and resilience.

Identifying Characteristics

Jonas is easily recognisable from afar due to his striking appearance. His most noticeable feature is his right eye, which has been replaced by a dimly lit blue crystal. This crystal glows faintly in the dark, making it particularly noticeable in low-light situations. The scar that runs across his right eye only serves to further emphasize the unusual feature.   In addition to his crystal eye, Jonas can also be identified by his choice of headwear. He is often seen wearing a black, high-crowned hat with a wide brim. This hat not only adds to his distinctive appearance but also provides him with some protection from the sun and rain.

Physical quirks

Jonas has a distinctive way of carrying himself that often catches the attention of those around him. He tends to slouch and leans back when standing or sitting, which can give off an air of nonchalance or disinterest. Additionally, he frequently places his hands on his belt, as if he's ready to spring into action at a moment's notice. When he's feeling nervous or anxious, Jonas has a habit of tapping his foot up and down, as if he's trying to release pent-up energy. This can be particularly noticeable in quiet or tense situations, and those who know him well may recognise it as a sign that he's feeling uneasy.

Special abilities

Jonas has a keen eye for identifying the vulnerabilities of his opponents in battle, which he uses to his advantage to gain the upper hand. His extensive training has honed his instincts, allowing him to anticipate and exploit vulnerabilities in his opponents' defences. This skill has made him a formidable fighter, giving him a significant advantage in combat situations.

Apparel & Accessories

Jonas' customised black leather jacket is not only functional for his work but also serves as a symbol of his identity. It has been modified over the years with extra pockets and straps to hold his various tools and weapons, giving it a distinctive and practical look. His high-crowned, wide-brimmed hat is also a defining feature of his wardrobe, often helping him to stand out in a crowd.   On his lower half, Jonas wears tough blue fabric trousers that allow for a full range of motion, enabling him to move quickly and easily in a fight. His black leather boots are also well-worn and practical, providing him with sturdy footing and protection for his feet.   Underneath his jacket, Jonas typically wears a white button-up shirt with the sleeves rolled up, giving him a casual but put-together appearance. In addition to his hat and jacket, Jonas also carries a variety of tools and accessories with him, including a leather pouch for his coins, a sturdy leather belt to hold his weapons, and a small leather-bound notebook for jotting down notes and ideas. All of these items serve to further enhance Jonas's unique and practical sense of style.

Specialized Equipment

Jonas's Cannonbolt is a revolutionary weapon in Vea, a one-of-a-kind invention that he crafted himself through years of tinkering and experimentation. It is a large and heavy firearm, with a long barrel and a thick stock made of polished wood. The cannonball ammunition is loaded into the top of the barrel, and a mechanism inside the weapon ignites Embergrain to propel the cannonball at high speeds towards its target. Jonas is known to keep his Cannonbolt close to him at all times, and it has become an iconic symbol of his ingenuity and inventiveness. In addition to his Cannonbolt, Jonas often carries a variety of tools in his customised jacket, including a hammer, pliers, and a set of screwdrivers, which he uses to fix and tinker with various machines and gadgets he encounters in his travels.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Jonas was born in the land of Meletar under the rule of Empire of Flames. He was the eldest of four siblings, born to a family of comfort, for his father was a skilled doctor. Jonas himself ran a small fixing business from his family's humble abode in the tranquil village of Ashenridge, where he often indulged in the company of charming women at the local taverns. However, fate had other plans for young Jonas, for on a fateful day, upon returning home from his nightly rendezvous, he was met with a gruesome sight. His family's cottage was drenched in blood, and his father lay unconscious on the ground. It was then that he learned the cruel truth - his beloved mother, Barbra, and his siblings Tommy, Karla, Bobby, and Jordana had all been mercilessly slaughtered by vile Orcs.   Consumed by grief and a thirst for vengeance, Jonas set out to track down the perpetrators. It was during this quest that he put the finishing touches on a weapon he had been crafting - the mighty Cannonbolt. With this formidable tool in hand, he tracked the trail of blood to find the five Orcs responsible for the heinous act. In a fierce battle, Jonas vanquished them all, avenging the deaths of his family.   Yet, the horrors did not end there. That same night, he was awakened by blood-curdling screams coming from his father's basement - a place he had never dared to venture into. There, he found a man tied to a table and covered in gruesome wounds, whose body had been gruesomely warped to have frog-like features. He came to learn that this man was called Darren Charming. As he investigated the room, he uncovered a sinister truth - his own father had transformed people into Orcs, and it was his own kin who had suffered this fate.   Overwhelmed with anger and despair, Jonas confronted his father, ending his wicked life. With a teleportation circle he had found in his father's basement, him and Darren fled the Empire of Flames, haunted by the memories of the horrific events that had transpired.

Gender Identity

Jonas is a cisgender male, and in his life, he's never questioned his gender.


From a young age, his family have always been supportive of his choice to come out to them. While he has a preference for women, Jonas is pansexual.


Jonas received a unique and comprehensive education from his father, who recognised his son's natural talents for inventing and tinkering. Under his father's guidance, Jonas gained a strong understanding of mathematics, physics, engineering, and chemistry. His father encouraged Jonas to explore his interests and develop his creativity, providing him with the resources and tools necessary to build and create. Jonas' education was largely hands-on, with a strong emphasis on practical skills and experimentation. Through his homeschool education, Jonas developed a passion for crafting, which would later lead him to become a skilled inventor and engineer.


Jonas began his career as a freelance handyman, offering his services to the residents of his village. His natural talent for tinkering and inventing made him particularly skilled at fixing all kinds of things. As he gained experience and honed his skills, he developed a reputation as a reliable and resourceful handyman.   Years later, Jonas found himself working for Nikolai Vasilovich and his trading company as a contractor. This provided him with the opportunity to work on a larger scale and tackle more complex projects. As a member of the trading company, he has been able to travel to different parts of the Chivalier Isles, using his skills to help the company and build his reputation as a skilled craftsman. Despite his success, Jonas remains humble and dedicated to his craft, always seeking to learn and improve.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Jonas is a self-taught inventor and tinkerer, with a natural-born talent for creating and inventing. His greatest achievement is the invention of the Cannonbolt, one of the first firearms developed in the world of Vea. This weapon is a combination of a cannon and a handheld weapon, which fires a heavy, metal ball with incredible force.   In addition to his invention of the Cannonbolt, Jonas has had a successful career as a freelance handyman, fixing all kinds of things people in the village needed. He has also worked for Nikolai Vasilovich and his trading company, where he has continued to innovate and create new tools and gadgets.

Failures & Embarrassments

Jonas has faced a significant tragedy in his life, especially the act of unknowingly brutally murdering his family. This event has remained the greatest failure of his life and has caused him great emotional pain. He has often regretted not being able to recognize the Orcs as his family members earlier and has blamed himself for not being more perceptive. This experience has been a source of overwhelming regret for him and has made him keenly aware of his limitations as a protector. However, he has used this experience to drive himself to become more skilled at perceiving the truth, so that he can prevent similar tragedies from occurring in the future.

Mental Trauma

Jonas carries a heavy burden of mental trauma as a result of the events that unfolded on the night of murdering his family. The memories of that night haunt him to this day, and he is often plagued by nightmares and vivid visions of the gruesome scene. In his dreams, he sees his family members in their true form, as innocent victims of his father's experiments, and the guilt of his actions weighs heavily on him.   This trauma has had a profound impact on Jonas, affecting his mental well-being and causing him to be hesitant to form close relationships with others. He often struggles with feelings of isolation and loneliness, and he can be prone to periods of intense emotional distress.

Intellectual Characteristics

Jonas is widely recognized for his intelligence and ingenuity. He is a natural problem solver and has an exceptional ability to tinker and invent. He is highly adaptable, always seeking new solutions to the problems he faces, and can think on his feet in the heat of the moment. He is deeply intuitive and possesses a sharp intellect, allowing him to make quick and accurate judgments when it matters most.   Furthermore, Jonas has a natural instinct in battle, displaying a keen awareness of his surroundings and a talent for anticipating his opponents' moves. He is a skilled combatant, able to use his intelligence and creativity to gain the upper hand in combat. His experience as a handyman and inventor has also given him an exceptional mechanical aptitude, allowing him to operate and maintain complex machinery with ease. Overall, Jonas is a highly intelligent and resourceful individual, with a natural aptitude for intellectual and physical challenges alike.

Morality & Philosophy

Jonas has a deep sense of morality and a strong personal philosophy that guides his actions. He believes that it is important to always strive for what is right and just, even in the face of great adversity. He has a keen sense of empathy and a desire to help those in need, often putting himself in harm's way to protect others.   Despite his natural talent for combat, Jonas is not a violent person by nature and always tries to find a peaceful solution to any conflict. He believes that every life is valuable and that killing should only be done as a last resort in self-defence or to protect others.   Jonas also believes in personal responsibility and accountability, taking ownership of his mistakes and striving to do better in the future. He holds himself to a high standard of conduct and expects the same from those around him.   Despite his strong moral compass, Jonas has a sour attitude and is often harsh towards others. He maintains a sense of morality and a good conscience, which he reveals in situations of danger or conflict. However, in normal circumstances, he tends to keep his guard up and can come across as cold or unapproachable. Despite this, he remains committed to his principles and values, even if it means being blunt or confrontational with those around him.

Personality Characteristics


Jonas is a complex individual with a multitude of motivations that drive him in different directions. One of his main motivations is his desire to innovate and create. He has a natural curiosity and thirst for knowledge, and he constantly seeks new challenges to push his skills to the limit. Whether it's inventing new gadgets or refining existing ones, Jonas always strives for perfection.   Another driving force for Jonas is his strong sense of morality. Despite his past mistakes and the trauma he has endured, he remains committed to doing what is right and just. His experiences have made him acutely aware of the importance of honesty, integrity, and compassion. He believes that it is his duty to protect the innocent and uphold justice, no matter the cost.   However, his morality is not just a code of ethics that he follows. It is deeply intertwined with his desire for redemption. The guilt he carries from the death of his family weighs heavily on him, and he feels a constant need to make amends for his past actions. He knows that he can never bring back the lives he took, but he hopes to find some measure of peace by using his skills to help others.   In addition to his internal motivations, Jonas is also driven by external factors. As a skilled inventor and fighter, he has gained a reputation as a formidable force to be reckoned with. Ultimately, his motivations are a reflection of his complex and multifaceted personality. He is driven by a combination of his love for innovation, his sense of morality and justice, his desire for redemption, and the recognition he receives from others. These motivations have shaped him into the person he is today, and they will continue to influence his decisions and actions as he faces new challenges in the future.

Arrogant Gunslinger with an eye for tinkering

View Character Profile
Left: natural brown, Right: prosthetic sky blue crystal
Light brown, soft, slicked back
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale white, tanned
180 lbs
Aurielith, Vayne
Known Languages
Common, Elvish, Theives' Cant


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