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Session 0.3 - The Kegbuster Caliginosity Report

General Summary

Following the chaotic events on the 17th day of the 3rd month, Governor-General Nikolai Vasilovich set about re-establishing order in the North Empire Shipping Company. After a week of sorting out issues of administration, record-keeping and paperwork, Nikolai met with Señor Weeblewobble, whom he had hired two weeks previously, and whose help would be appreciated, and Jonas Morningstar, who was seeking after the recently deceased Darren Charming.   Nikolai had hired the Dwarven cleric Junol Kegbuster, who, through the use of divine magic, was able to communicate with both Darren (allowing Jonas to obtain a degree of closure) and the captain of the Vigilance, the ship which transported the four great beasts, which granted the following insight:
  • The four beasts were picked up at Palestone Harbour, which was the ship's previous destination before reaching Fortress Blank.
  • The beasts were obtained from a Halfling woman called Catherine Hornblower.
  • The ship's captain considered Catherine to be very attractive.
Furthermore, a close inspection of the Vigilance's ship's logs indicated that there was a difference in handwriting between whoever added the beasts onto the ship's register and the rest of the entries in the log. With numerous mysteries at play, Nikolai sought to visit Palestone Harbour to investigate but first wished to deal with the giant crab which had escaped before the events a week earlier. Nikolai readied his flagship, the HMS Caldera, and set sail to the nearby island to the south the crab was reported to be on. He brought both Cheyenne, who had now been appointed as a sergeant, and Señor, but also hired Jonas. After reaching the island the crab was swiftly dispatched, but the party found themselves ambushed by unknown assailants, who magically dragged most of the party beneath the waves.
The Vea Principle
Nikolai Vasilovich
Jonas Morningstar
Neutral Good Variant Human (Criminal / Spy)
Rogue 3
21 / 21 HP
Señor weeblewobble
Report Date
05 Apr 2023


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