Veiled Worlds

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“Most men are not wicked... They are sleep-walkers, not evil evildoers.” ~ Franz Kafka
  For so many, the world is a mundane place; ordinary, predictable, and if not entirely safe, then the dangers within it are presented in a way that the mind can manage. People generally exist in a state that can fairly be described as “sleep walking.” They are unable to really “see” the people or the things around them as they really are. Some part of human evolution makes them look away and not notice the world’s true nature. Like subterranean fish given to darkness for thousands of generations, they are born without the eyes to see.   Not you, though. And while you are sure you do not entirely see the world for what it truly is, you know you have seen glimpses. Maybe you have shaped magic and felt its ripple over you body as you did. All the while knowing—but never knowing why—your survival depended on keeping your magic secret from others. Maybe you have always felt like a stranger in a strange land—always conscious of your alienness while those around either politely looked away or avoided you altogether. Or maybe it was the time your grandmother sat you down—after her funeral—and told you strange and wonderful things. How ever you know, you know. You feel deep down to your bones that the world is more than it lets itself be seen. You also know that the world resents you for peeking behind its veil. Her children—those who cannot see—tend to not come to close when you indulge in the truth of what is; the more you indulge, the more they distance themselves until they cannot move away further. And you know not to back them into corner. No, don’t do that. No good ever comes of that.   Veiled Worlds is a setting where the protagonists begin in the ordinary modern world. They often have felt that there is more to reality and maybe they have even on occasion seen or given cause to justify that feeling. They know that if they just scratch the surface a little more, they’ll see what lies beneath.