This Veiled Worlds Campaign begins with characters who are from our modern word in 2023, or at least reside in it with now knowledge of any world beyond it. The characters either live in the Columbia Falls, Montana area,_Montana or they are visiting it for their own reasons. Also, a character might not know all the other characters, but every character will know at least one other character. We can work on creating the connections during session zero. All the Descriptors are available from the Cypher System Rulebook. In the player handbook on the World Anvil Homepage under the Player Options tab for Veiled Worlds there are suggested roles and the Types they a based upon. This list is not exhaustive and any role that would exist in the modern world can be built using the Types (Warrior, Adept, Explorer, and Speaker) and the Flavors (Stealth Flavor, Technology Flavor, Magic Flavor, Combat Flavor, and the Skills and Knowledge Flavor). Along with the suggested roles is a list of allowable Foci. Welcome to Veiled Worlds. I hope the ride is a weird and wonderful one.