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The Violet Tower

The Violet Tower is a vacant, ruined tower made of marble so black that some scholars believe the tower was not actually built anywhere near where it now sits. However, it has been in the same spot on the grassy plains of Alvaria for as long as anyone can remember; even the Wind Elves whose civilization's memory stretches back to ancient times. Which means if it was moved- other scholars argue- it must have been moved a very, very, long time ago. Which also seems unlikely.   The tower's name comes from a rumor. On some nights, a strange purple glow seems to inhabit and surround this tower. No one knows what causes this strange phenomenon. Only a handful of people have tried to study the tower throughout the years. It's said that none have them have returned to give any kind of report.

Purpose / Function

No one knows what the purpose of this tower could have been.


While clearly in a state of (very slow) decay, it does remain fairly intact, overall. It's architecture is reminiscent of Sylphan buildings but has longer, stretched detailing with mis-matched tapering ends. This makes it appear almost a mockery of the graceful upward lines of true Slyphan buildings.   The windows have no glass, bars, or other covering left, just gaping holes cut into the marble. There is no obvious entrance to the tower. For several hundred feet around the tower, no grass or other plants seems to grow. It is beyond that point that a strong send of dread overcomes anyone who continues to approach the tower.


The tower has no lower windows and no visible entrance. The windows that do appear, about 20' up the 60' tower, are tall and thin. Too narrow for even a halfing to crawl through. No one has gotten close enough to confirm the stone it is made out of. The tower appears to be black marble, but such a soft stone should have been turned to dust ages ago.    Additionally, no grass or plants of any kind grow for about a 500' radius surrounding the tower. It's unclear why this happens (like everything else about the tower) but it is also at about this distance that anyone attempting to approach the tower is filled with an overwhelming sense of dread. It's said to feel like stepping on the edge of a sinkhole; the ground seems about to give way; This causes some to become dizzy or even fall over. The few who have continued past that point did not return to explain the experience.


The history of this tower is unknown, except that the ruins date back farther than anyone can remember. No one knows the purpose of the tower or when it was initially created.
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