The Field of Ruin Geographic Location in Vel'Kora | World Anvil
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The Field of Ruin

The Field of Ruin is a notable location in The Middle Plains, known to be the spot of many significant battles in the history of Torrezon.


The Fields of Ruin is a mostly flat stretch of barren land to the northwest of the ruins of Uhuru. The soil of the plain is so densely filled with broken pieces of iron weaponry that the entire area is known to shine in the fading light of the sun during certain times of the year.   Nestled in the center of the field rests the former halls of The Torrezon Pantheon, a ruin that was destroyed in the war between the Valcoran and Ssashathan empires in 1493 TS. (Beginning of the Valcoran-Ssashathan War)

Fauna & Flora

Very few things choose to grow or live in this barren waste, due to the large quantity of iron in the soil. Most plant life cannot survive, and due to this, most fauna cannot sustain themselves within.

Natural Resources

For those brave or stupid enough to venture here, the amount of raw iron that can be harvested is almost worth the risk of running into the numerous wraiths and undead that are rumored to dwell in the ruins in the center.
Alternative Name(s)
The Shining Fields of Iron
Location under
Owning Organization


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