Queen's Own Talia Sensdaughter

Mental characteristics


Talia's internship assignment was North district Sorrows 2, on the northern border of Valdemar. Her mentor was Knight Kris. While on her internship, Talia encountered rumors that she used her gift to manipulate people. These rumors undermined her self-confidence, and her gift went rogue. Talia and Kris realized that Talia had never really been trained how to use her gift, that it was all instinct. While they were snowed in at a Waystation for several weeks, Kris retaught Talia how to use her gift with the help of his Companion Tantris and Rolan. After they dug their way out of the Waystation, Talia then had to prove to the people of Valdemar that she did not abuse her gift.

Personality Characteristics


On the day Talia turned thirteen, she was reading a book about Knight-Mage Vanyel and his last battle with the Dark Servants in the mountains north of Valdemar. It was due to this story that Talia dreamed about becoming a Knight. She was interrupted by a summons from her father's wives, who told her that she was old enough to marry. Talia refused to do so and ran away to her hiding spot to cry. While there, she heard the sound of Companions' bells. She fell out of her hiding spot right in front of the Companion Rolan. As she looked into his eyes, she knew she'd never be lonely again. However, Talia didn't know that she had been Chosen and assumed that Rolan was lost. She decided to return him to the palace herself thinking they would let her be a servant, which was better than marrying someone she didn't love. It took two weeks to get to Haven. While on the road, she encountered Knight Dirk and developed a surprisingly deep connection with him. At the Palace, she met Princess Elspeth, who had a tantrum when Talia wouldn't bow to her. Next Talia met Queen Selenay who explained to her what it meant to be Chosen and that she had been Chosen to be Queen's Own.   Talia dove right into being a Knight trainee. It wasn't long before she began to be harassed by several of the Blues, however, and due to her shyness and fear of men, she didn't tell anyone. One day in late winter, they cornered her, giving her a concussion and and throwing her into the frozen over river. She would have drowned but her bond with Rolan was exceptionally strong, and with the help of Knights Keren and Sherrill, Rolan pulled her to the shore. Talia was sick in bed for weeks. She was under constant guard by Knights Keren, Ylsa, Jadus, and her friend Skif. Her concussion also woke in her a gift, empathy, and she was able to sense how people were feeling.   After Talia recovered, she tried to get close to princess Elspeth. After one too many excuses from Elspeth's nurse Hulda, Talia enlisted the aid of Skif to find out what was wrong. They discovered that Hulda was in the pay of a mysterious lord to keep Elspeth from being Chosen. Talia and Skif told their senior Knight, Jadus, but Hulda escaped, warned by her mysterious lord. Talia then befriended Elspeth and has helped change her into a better person. She taught Elspeth to respect her servants and possessions. In addition, she cured Elspeth of her fear of Companions. Before long, Elspeth was attending classes and Council meetings with Talia.


Family Ties

Talia grew up a daughter of the Holderkin village Sensholding. She was born on Midsummer's Day, and her mother died in labor. As a girl, Talia was expected to marry and have children. She was taught to be subservient to all men and to the Firstwife. She was frequently punished for acting out of her prescribed role. In addition, her brother Justus tortured and bullied her on several occasions, giving her a very real fear of men. It was due to her brother Andean that Talia was allowed to learn to read and avoided many harsher punishments. Talia also had a sister, Vrisa, who cared for her until she married and became a Firstwife. On the holding, Talia was in charge of all the littles because she was the oldest unmarried child. In addition, she was the only one trusted to deliver important messages to the holding elders.
Current Location
Current Residence
Haven Palace
Wildly curly, brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization