Queen Selenay

Selenay, daughter of King Tyrdel and Lady Amantha, and Chosen of Caryo, is the primary monarch of the Knights of Valdemar. 



King Tyrdel and Lady Amantha were the parents of Selenary. Her mother died when she was a child giving birth to her younger brother, Sendar.   As a Knight trainee, she was very serious and idealistic. Because it was too dangerous for the heir to the throne to go on a traditional internship in the field, Selenay did hers in the city courts of Haven, where she encountered all the problems she would experience in the royal court, only on a simpler level. Her bodyguard during her internship was Alberich.   Selenay became the new Queen of Valdemar, after her father fell in the last battle with the Tedrels in the year 1376 A.F. In that same last battle, her Queen's Own, Talamir, lost his Companion, Taver, and nearly died himself before his new Companion, Rolan, arrived. Ever since, Talamir always seemed like he was only partly in this world. Due to his convalescence, Selenay asked Alberich to be her acting Queen's Own.   In the first year after becoming Queen, Selenay met and fell in love with Prince Karathanelan of Rethwellan against the cautioned warnings of her brother and Companion. She announced her engagement to him at a royal masque without consulting anyone, especially her Queen's Own, due to the unease they both felt with each other. She also alienated her brother, the Circle of Knights, and her Companion with her decision. Although everything was initially blissful, the relationship fell apart as soon Karathanelan was informed that he could not be made Co-Regent without being Chosen (and all Companions had a distinct aversion, if not outright hatred towards him). Shortly after, Selenay realized she was pregnant.   Stressed from the estrangement with her husband and from the difficulties of pregnancy, Selenay decided to take a break and go to the Home Farms with Companion Caryo, her brother Sendar and his wife, Princess Kayla of Taymyrr. While they were out, they were attacked by Prince Karathanelan and his cortire with the intention of kidnapping her until she gave birth and making the prince regent over Elspeth. Sendar, his Companion, and Kayla all perished in defending her from the assault. Due to a flash of Insight sent by his god, Alberich was able to come to her rescue with some Knight trainees who were doing mounted war exercises. They killed all of Selenay's attackers, including her husband. Alberich then explained to Selenay that the Prince had been plotting this from before they met. Selenay pardons Alberich, recognizing it publicly as the execution of a traitor. She then takes Sendar and Kayla's infant daughter, Serephina, into her household to raise her along side the daughter she births a couple months later, Princess Elspeth.   A few years later, Talamir died. It was believed that he was poisoned by members of the Royal Court to prevent Elspeth from being fostered out. Elspeth had grown into a self-absorbed child, and many feared she would never be Chosen. Talamir wanted to foster her with a remote minor noble family who wouldn't brook any nonsense and get her straightened out. Otherwise, Selenay would have to marry again or choose an heir from the collateral branches, the most likely being Seraphina, the daughter of her deceased younger brother. Talamir's Companion, Rolan went out looking for the new Queen's Own. After several months, he found Talia among the Holderkin. When Talia arrived at the Palace, Selenay watched her as she dealt with Elspeth. Then Selenay herself told Talia what it meant to be Chosen and to be the Queen's Own. Talia quickly became the trusted friend that was characteristic of the Queen's Own and was able to change Elspeth into the kind of person that would be Chosen.

Social Aptitude

Selenay did many things during her reign that made her beloved by the people of Valdemar. Prior to her ascension to the throne--during the Tedrel Wars--she endeared herself to the soldiers by visiting different campfires each night to listen to their stories and give them a face to associate with the monarchy. Consequently, she found in them an honor guard that unwittingly protected her after her father's murder.   During her first winter as Queen, Selenay held an ice festival on the frozen Terilee River that ran through Haven. As a result, her people came to love her even more than they already did. There were contests and opportunities of all sort for people to show off their talent, see the Queen, and have fun. For Selenay, it was a welcome relief from the pressure of her councilors to marry and secure the succession.   Selenay also brought about the Queen's Bread, a system in the city of Haven that required all children to attend a short amount of school every morning, where they would be given a free meal. While many parents would have been disappointed at losing a few candlemarks of their children's work, it made it easier on them to not have to feed them too much. This helped solve the double issue of education and food.
Current Location
Current Residence
Haven Palace
Light blond
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations