Session 10

General Summary

After being joined by a new Knight, Seraphina, and her wolf Companion, who had been sent as reinforcement after your report to Haven, your group continued pressing deeper into dark, crumbling halls of the ancient archmage Ma’ar’s fortress. Confronted by a long-trapped and crazed aboleth, you were able to overcome its attacks and with a fiery display, Seraphina delivered the killing blow.   After recovering from the battle and discovering some long-forgotten items at the bottom of the stagnant water as well as a small hidden tunnel that led further down towards the deeper floors, your group proceeded down and discovered a locked crystalline door. Using a key found in the aboleth’s lair, you found yourselves in a magical chamber, protected from the ravages of time and forces of the cataclysm that melted and sunk the fortress and the surrounding area.   Lit by dozens of floating candles, the ornate room drew your group in, the door locking behind.
Report Date
17 Apr 2022
Primary Location