Lake Evendim


Lake Evendim is on the northwestern border of Valdemar, just inside the Pelagiris Forest. The area is home to a substantial fishing population, most of whom spend their summers in boats out on the lake. The lake is so large it also supports a population of pirates, who prey on the fisherfolk.   The fishers' children are like other border-bred children: set to work at a young age, and hardened to difficult circumstances. Their longhouse homes have no windows, as the weather can be harsh:   "When winter storms closed in, the coast was hellish; storms swept in over the water with fangs of ice and claws of snow. During the five Winter Moons it was hardly possible to set foot outside these houses, and it would have been folly to give the wind that the fisherfolk called "the Ice-Drake" any way to tear into the shelter of their homes."


The lake itself is in the crater left behind after the destruction of Ma'ar's headquarters in the Royal Palace of Predain during the Cataclysm that ended the Mage Wars.
Alternative Name(s)
Great Crater Sea
Related Reports (Secondary)