Session 11

General Summary

Examining the room in an attempt to reopen the door, a captivating mural on the wall across from the bed proves to be enchanted, the dancing figures seemingly moving at a very slow speed. Hanging from the chandelier within the painting was a crystalline key like the one that had opened the door initially but, despite a clever attempt by Casamir to remove it from the painting, it remained within and out of reach.   Deciding the room was a safe a spot as any and tired after the fight prior, several of you took advantage of a large, luxurious bath before settling in for a long rest with Whisper and Belamin remaining awake for the first watch. Shortly after drifting into sleep, those that slept found themselves awaking within the dancing figures of the painting.   Within this odd setting, the true forms of the entrapped Companions and of the rescued Thera were revealed; her Night Hag visage snarling at those trapped before she attempts to get to the key hanging above. Seeing this unfold in the painting, Whisper convinces Belamin to assist him in falling asleep so he can join the others.   The knights and their Companions trapped within the painting quickly cornered and annihilated the Hag before she could retrieve the key and escape. Taking he Hag’s Heartstone as well as the crystal key, you found a hidden chamber that was the inverse of the real-world’s and figured out how to return, reappearing on the material plane and successfully releasing yourselves from the chamber and finding yourselves back in the dark hallway that branches back the way you came and presumably deeper still.
Report Date
08 May 2022
Primary Location