Session 13

General Summary

After taking a safe rest within the armory, secure behind Casamir’s conjuring of Leomund’s Tiny Hut, the associated weaponry left behind millennia ago identified and claimed by various members of the party, the group ventured out again to continue the delve into the remnants of Ma’ar’s ancient stronghold.   Backtracking to the room at the bottom of the sloping hallways, descent was made down a series of spiral staircases that eventually became embedded in a free-standing giant pillar continuing down into a large seemingly empty room. Cautious, your group took steps and identified that there were four exits on each of the walls to the room, each with a rune that seemed to activate if anyone tried to enter the space above the floor. Upon reaching the bottom of the pillar, you were able to light up the area enough to see a dizzying array of overlapping and intertwined color lines.   Testing, it was discovered that stepping on one of the colored tiles would result in flashes of elemental damage to sear through unlucky walker. Cas, quickly determining which tiles did fire damage, shifted into dragon form and worked his way across the room and found a room with an unlit brazier connected to the red line. Lighting it, the red line began to glow and the damaging effects dissipated.   Taking a clue from that, Seraphina began working her way towards the ice path-room, while Fitmir and Whisper found that by stepping on the lines at the same time, cancelled out the damage effects as well and, with he help of Cas’s rhythmic cues, were able to make it to the radiant and necrotic rooms, successfully activating all four braziers, causing the lines to all become inert. Upon lighting the radiant and necrotic braziers, two additional doorways opened.   The radiant doorway led up to a viewing gallery that overlooked a room with a large chest in the center, painted walls, and several suits of armor and another room with descending stairs. Circling back through the necrotic room before continuing downwards, the chest room was found to have paintings of various races, though mostly elves, and most of the images had been defaced or destroyed long ago. This room also had patterned tiles arranged in a spiraling pattern towards the center chest platform.   Belamin quickly found that the white tiles were safe to stand on without risk of elemental damage and began leaping from one to another. Slipping a couple of times not only incurred damage, but the suits of armor would also step inward and quickly attack the space around them before returning to a guard position. With several dexterous leaps, Belamin was able to reach the platform and access the chest and its rewards, causing the room to reset and become inert.   After collecting the treasures from the chest, the group continued to the descending stairs discovered behind the radiant doorway and ventured yet deeper. Carefully creeping forward, the group found a closed room. Upon opening the door, you were confronted by two large snake-like figures wielding swords. After a relatively quick and, luckily, quiet battle, the abominations lay dead in the carved stone room.
Report Date
16 Jul 2022
Primary Location