Session 14

General Summary

The group cautiously left the room where they had slain the two yuan-ti abominations, exploring the long hallway ahead of you. You found a room with an odd light shining from around the edges of the door and upon Cas’s stealthy investigation, heard sibilant voices within. Gathering yourselves, the door was flung open and the forms of three very snakelike women spun to face you.   Trapped within the room of glowing crystals and sleeping nooks, the fight was over relatively quickly, securing yet another space on this floor of the keep. Venturing further down, a final room is revealed before the hallway splits and heads down a sloped, carved tunnel. Checking the room, the party found it to be full of shallow pits containing several large, oval eggs. Wary of traps, Fitmir activates and sends his Staff of the Python into the room to begin eating the eggs.   However, it stops before eating and quickly dashes towards a small hole in the side of the wall. Before it can get out of range, however, Fitmir shouts the command word to revert it to its staff form. Three more abominations rose from their guarding positions to confront the threat as other party members begin incinerating and stomping on the nearby egg nests. A bloody fight ensues with the tired party but all manage to survive the vicious attacks and destroy the remaining nests, confirming the eggs were unborn yuan-ti.   Retreating to the priestesses room, Cas quickly summoned his protective bubble and the party found spots on the faintly snake-smelling pillows strewn about the room. The “night” passes without incident within the barricaded room and you awaken, refreshed, bathed in the crystalline light of the room.
Report Date
27 Aug 2022
Primary Location