Session 15

General Summary

Rested and ready to continue, Cas released his protective bubble around the room and the party ventured forth. After a quick check to verify that all the eggs in the hatchery are indeed destroyed, they turn and proceed down the sloped tunnel across from the room. Carefully exploring, they find the tunnel to have a slight slimy texture as they near the end.   Peering out, Cas saw two braziers lit and pumping out smoke, obscuring but not completely hiding the figures in the room. Two snake-like figures seem to be standing on guard as a third chants, his voice muffled in the cavernous room. Despite the carefulness in approaching, the yuan-ti take notice of the intruders and quick, but fierce fight occurs, resulting in the death of the three yuan-ti.   Upon the death of the last, the fire in the braziers dim and the pool of water that the singular malison had been chanting over is revealed, the soft lapping becoming more pronounced as ripples began to spread. Rising from the pool, a hydra looked down at the party before it before lunging towards Bjorn and Kenelm who stood nearest. A bitter fight ensues with the party taking several poisonous bites before managing to slay the beast.   After the fight, Belamin, always in search of fresh ingredients to boost their dwindling supplies, deftly carved some meat from the slain monster, tucking it away for a future meal. Not wanting to hang around in case further enemies might show, the party hurried around the pool only to find themselves confronted by a door with a carved, demonic tiefling's leering face. As they approached, the door seems to animate to life and begins speaking, congratulating them on felling the “snakes” in the room.   However, to pass through, they much each surrender a shameful secret to the door, much to the dismay of several of the group. Knowing there was no way to go back at this juncture, however, each of the group reluctantly surrenders a dark secret; most whispering close to the door who mocked or admonished their revelation before opening wide enough to let just the one person pass. Once through, faced with a decision to either progress through an ornamental hallway with large paintings or through a cavernous darkness strewn with stalagmites and stalactites, the party choses the seemingly less threatening path and enters the hall of paintings.
Report Date
01 Oct 2022
Primary Location