Session 19

General Summary

Not having any other avenue available to travel, the group continued forward down the tunnel until it opened up into a huge underground chamber, the majority of which was a dark lake stretching off into the darkness. At the edge of shore stood a platform structure reaching over the edge of the water and another doorway a bit further beyond it.   Suspicious of what might lurk beneath the waters, the group tried to edge around to the other doorway but were stopped as the Companions ran into an invisible blockage that prevented them from entering the area they would need to pass through to get to the other doorway. Deciding there was no other option, the group sent their Companions into safe areas to wait until they could try and resolve the blockage.   As they cautiously moved forward to investigate the stone platform; after no immediate response or activity, the prepared braziers at the edge of the platform were lit and a booming voice filled their heads as ripples spread over the still waters of the lake. The imperious voice welcomed them back as returning servants and as the group incredulously shared glances amongst themselves at this being that would dare to presume such servitude, a monstrous form rose from the water in front of them, towering over them and the platform on which they stood. Imposing visage of the huge kraken that towered over them notwithstanding, Cas recognized the mentality and likely repercussions of treating with the monstrosity and threw a vicious curse at the creature with the rest of group immediately following suit.   A fierce battle broke out as the kraken sought to punish the Knights for their audacity and the group sought to rid the realm of this great evil presence. After some impressive feats of strength and bravery, the kraken was at last felled and the evil aura that had permeated the area began to dissipate. After catching their breath, and carving some choice trophies from the former wannabe godling, the group reclaimed their Companions and continued into the second doorway where they found another impressive set of doors.   Finding that the crystalline key saved from earlier in the higher reaches worked to unlock the door, they continued in and found the area behind untouched by the serpentine forces that had otherwise left traces of their presence. Here, the group found what appeared to be Ma’ar’s hidden arcane research lab and small sleeping chamber where they were able to recover a few select items, including his personal mask, armor, and sword.   A final door in the bed chamber revealed a room with a few floating crystals and several destroyed crystalline remains. While the others were cautious in trying to examine them, Cas reached out to touch one and found himself in another room, seemingly identical but missing his fellow Knights. Gambling, he touched another crystal in this room and found himself once again surrounded by his friends.
Report Date
04 Feb 2023
Primary Location