Session 2

General Summary

Searching out this shipment, you were able to find and take care of the small group of soldiers and in the process rescue three young tiefling children which Cas promptly took under his wing. After unsuccessfully interrogating the captain of this smuggling troupe, you attempted to transport him back to Haven for further questioning. However, due to a gem that seemed to hold a failsafe magical enchantment to prevent probing into the secrets he held, the captain died when he finally answered a question put to him. Taking the body and the three Cas-adopted children back to Haven, the head clerics were able to conjure the spirit of the Captain but were only able to determine that the failsafe triggers a Feeblemind spell after a keyword is spoken and the bearer answers any question. They were also able to get one phrase out of the spirit, “Ad Imperii Gloria” which no one in the clerical ranks or privy council recognized; however, Fitmir, hailing from lands closer to the highly secretive Eastern Empire, recognized it to mean “Back to the Empire of Glory.”
Report Date
03 Oct 2021
Secondary Location