Session 6

General Summary

During the battle, Bjorn fell to the mixture of forces and magic but was revived due to a fortuitous find of a magical amulet that the priestesses had just finished crafting. Taking command of their ship, you found maps and notes of the excavation and exploration of a ruin on another island within Lake Evendim. Making arrangements with the crown via your Companion’s link to have the remaining uncorrupted children retrieved, you made your way to the other island, confirming the partially collapsed and melted stone hid the buried entrances into a submerged and long-forgotten stronghold. Following what maps you had, you made several discoveries and confirmed that Whisper had been found and freed from millennia long statis imprisonment from within the rooms buried there. Continuing to explore and recover what information and artifacts that you could, you continued deeper into the winding chambers below, fending off various enemies, finding a young woman by the name of Thera who claimed to be a villager kidnapped and enslaved by the kraken cult members and had escaped into an overlooked chamber.
Report Date
23 Jan 2022
Primary Location