Session 8

General Summary

Solving additional riddles, a new pathway opened to continue to the lower floors where a clockwork golem in the form of a manticore was discovered and defeated. A secret passage was found that wound around what appeared to be a throne room, though the end of it has not been fully reached.    In exploring the rooms of this floor, a giant mural was discovered painted on the ceiling of the throne room showcasing a rather biased view of the war between two mages and their followers. At the sight of it, Whisper was suddenly deluged under a flood of memories as he recognized the figures of Ma’ar and Urtho, the great archmages that had been warring at the time of his life before capture, and subsequently collapsed as the memories began to overwhelm him.    In his own avenue of exploration, Cas discovered a music room with several instruments in the midst of repair and musical notations for pieces that had not been heard for two millennia. Further exploration revealed a chamber designed for musical performances, perfectly acoustically tuned, as well as a room showcasing three unique items. And as Bjorn explored the secret tunnel, he found one of the hidden doors linked to it and emerged to find Cas breaking into several crystal-glass display cases and retrieving three rather sinister looking instruments.
Report Date
06 Mar 2022
Primary Location