Session 9

General Summary

Having ventured deeper into the lost tower of the ancient archmage Ma’ar, you discovered a statue of a long-forgotten elven king as well as an active kitchen with some of the keeps deeper denizens were creating some kind of meal. After dealing with them quite handily, further exploration revealed banquet room that overwhelmed the willpower of Companion Atami temporarily, but luckily, her immunity from poison saved her from a potential disaster.   Whisper and Belamin investigated the kitchen and found several potentially interesting items as well as a small, strange creature that Whisper took under his wings. Casimir wandered ahead and opened a locked room, releasing a gelatinous cube upon the group. In coming to assist, an additional trap of the floor was triggered when Belamin brushed up against one of the large tapestries draping the dark hallway. After a split battle between the tapestry and the cube, Companion Avi perished due to the effects of the active tapestry and the cube was nullified and destroyed.   Cas quickly examined and sketched the tapestries, revealing some interesting history that has long been forgotten by time. After a night of deeply needed rest, Avi reappeared to join the party and you continued deeper still, discovering another set of rooms. One containing a book on a pedestal and another lined with gargoyle statues. Cas, curious, picked up the book to examine it whereupon he found that he no longer knew the Abyssal language; it had been stripped from his mind and appeared to be transcribed into the book he held.   The gargoyle room contained a trapped collection of items that was retrieved without any ill-effect. Cautiously moving into the adjoining hallway, it appeared as though the stairs leading forward are blocked by a rockfall. There was, however another room across the hall, with double doors that, after a quick examination by Cas, revealed a damp and moss covered large room where part of the floor broken away and was filled with a sizable pool of water. Backing out of the room, the party reconvened in the gargoyle room to decide how to move forward.   As you all gathered together to decide how to progress forward, your Companions all suddenly lifted their heads and turned as one towards the doorway that led to the room where you had found the book. There is a sudden stillness in them as a large, pure-white wolf walks into view, the sapphire eyes looking over the gathered group and you can hear the footsteps of someone following behind.
Report Date
27 Mar 2022
Primary Location