
Sunhame is the capital city of Karse. The city is laid out in the shape of a wheel to mirror a Sun Disk. The High Temple of Vkandis stands in the center of the city, on the highest piece of ground. Twelve main roads, like spokes in a wheel, stretch out from the Temple.   The city is located close to a broad, slow moving river, as well as being near both Ruby Lake and Lake Mist. This gives the city's inhabitants ready access to fish.

Points of interest

The High Temple of Vkandis is located at the center, and highest point, of Sunhame. The twelve major roads all radiate outward from the Temple, forming the shape of a Sun Disk. The High Temple is the seat of both spiritual and temporal power in Karse, and is where the Son of the Sun performs services. The Son's residence, the Palace of the Sun, is attached to the Temple.   The Temple is made of white marble with gold cornices. A very long staircase leads up to the sanctuary at the top. It is surrounded by a plaza, used for overflow when the Temple is filled to capacity. Gold and gems were added steadily over the centuries. The Temple sanctuary has been described as: "a blaze of white, red, yellow, and precious gold. Sun gems winked from the centers of carved Sunflowers, gilding was everywhere, and there were so many windows (besides the great skylight over the altar) that the place seemed as open as a meadow." Secret niches are scattered around the sanctuary, hidden behind carved stone.
Inhabitant Demonym
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization