Weaponsmaster Alberich

Alberich is the Weaponsmaster of the Knights Collegium in Valdemar. His strong role as Weaponsmaster prepares the Knight-trainees for the real combat situations they will encounter.

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

Alberich is known throughout the Collegium as being a cruel taskmaster as the Weaponsmaster. He is renowned for giving "reminders" of lessons via bruises to every trainee, to drive the lessons home. It was remarked upon by the Knights that Alberich truly was the only teacher throughout the Collegium who had an impact on whether or not any given Knight died in action, and so needed to rule with an iron fist.    During his time as Weaponsmaster, Alberich's instruction has been crucial to his students, but especially to the development of some individuals who have had a great impact in Valdemar. According to Talia, he was the one to deal the final blow to Princess Elspeth's Royal Brat behavior. As he tells his students, it is better if they learn to stretch their limits at the Collegium instead of paying the price of hesitation while confronting an enemy.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Alberich was born a bastard son of a poor woman in Karse and a married man. He and his mother lived in a hut until he was three years old. Children bullying his mother attracted the protection of a kind Sunpriest, Kentroch, who took on Alberich's early education. His mother got a job at an inn, where they were well-fed. He had the innate magical gifts but always carefully concealed them to avoid the Fires. Eventually Alberich was admitted to the Sunsguard Cadet Academy of Karse where he was trained to be a soldier and officer, a task at which he was well suited. Weaponsmaster Berthold observed his hard work and encouraged him as junior cadet, and passed him to Weaponsmaster Aksel as a senior cadet, both providing a paternal care which encouraged him.   As an officer, Alberich fought well for Karse for seven years, caring for his soldiers and earning their respect. His innate magic often manifested through true strike, allowing him to anticipate enemy action and win fights in unfavorable circumstances. However, because it wasn't under his conscious control, when his magic flowed through him, it made him dizzy and faint.   The Sunpriests promoted him to cavalry captain, to the resentment of two officers with seniority. They also gave him an all-white hawk as much of his responsibilities revolved around hunting bandits in the hilly region. His enemies saw his weakness when he was struck by a dizzy spell, and reported their suspicions of mage powers to the Sunpriests. They found him guilty and sentenced him to be burned to death. His white "hawk" turned out to be a Companion, Kantor, who took control of the minds of the nearby penned horses and drove them into a stampede, steering them to knock into and break a hole in the flaming building Alberich had been locked in to burn. In the confusion, Kantor locked eyes with Alberich and Chose him before directing one of the horses to swing around again so Alberich could drag his burned body on and escape to Valdemar. During his time with the Healers, the Knights could not understand why Alberich didn't think he should join Karse's ancient enemy and become a Knight. He owed his fealty to the people of Karse. Only when they brought him to the aging Weaponsmaster, Dethor, did he realize that he was needed, and that training these children to fight so they would not be killed was a valuable task. Initially, Alberich was not well received by the people of Valdemar, even by some of the Knights and Companions. However, he agreed to become a Knight-in-training, and received some trainee uniforms that were accidentally a dark gray color, which he wore forever after, except when required by protocol to wear Whites.   He was assigned to be bodyguard to the Heir, Princess Selenay. For her safety as Heir, she was not allowed to leave Haven and instead served her internship in the courts. Alberich, too, was prohibited from leaving the city, so serving as her bodyguard became part of his training and familiarization with Valdemar culture. He also took on the covert duty of gathering information within the city, a job which often required him to wear disguises and use different aliases.   Due to the fact that Alberich was prevented from leaving Haven and no one knew of his covert work inside the city, many Knights came to resent him for his apparent inaction. During this time, he taught the future Knight-Chronicler Myste, who would later prove to be a valuable ally despite her poor eyesight and clumsy fighting. Alberich was later assigned to train specialized bodyguards for Selenay (called Selenay's Six) and King Tyrdel (the King's Six). Also, he helped a group of Knights successfully infiltrate Karse by working with them and a MindHealer to give them alternate versions of his memories. Insisting at the same time that the memories make them protective of Karse people, as he was. It was during the Tedrel Wars that Alberich initially became suspicious of Lord Orthallen though he remarked to his Companion that he didn't particularly like Orthallen before that time.   During the last battle of the Tedrel Wars, Alberich experienced a vision of the Tedrel cavalry (which was conspicuously absent) ravaging the Valdemaran countryside. His warning allowed King Tyrdel to order their reserves to protect the villagers, but it weakened their forces at the battle site. Tyrdel led a charge into the opposing forces, and was killed. Alberich saw to it that Selenay took on the mantle of ruler, and inspired Valdemar to win the battle. Then he headed a rescue mission across the Karsite border to bring back the children held captive by the Tedrels. He learned that a boy named Kantis had prophesied the rescue of the children by "White Riders" and "Ghost Animals".   Alberich became Acting Queen's Own while Talamir recovered from the death of his Companion. After Talamir was reinstated, Alberich was given the title of Queen's Champion and stood at Selenay's side during the Queen's coronation. He also succeeded Dethor as Weaponsmaster, the elder Knight taking the opportunity to retire.   After the Wars, Alberich met Kantis at last, and the young boy told him to wait and see what "his daughter" would do in Karse.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Alberich played a key role for Valdemar after Selenay married the ruthless Karathanelan. When Selenay became pregnant, he realized that Karathanelan would harm her so that he could become Regent for the baby and get the power he craved. Alberich selected some senior Knight-Trainees to practice for months to rescue "someone" from an assassination attempt. When they got word that Selenay, her younger brother Sendar, and his wife Kayla were under attack, they sprang into action and defeated the traitors, saving Selenay's life but arriving too late to save Sendar and Kayla.
Current Location
Current Residence
Haven Palace
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Vkandis Sunlord
Aligned Organization

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