
'My life, for you.' - Vow of the Summer Knights

Written by Yerran

Lightwatch is a community that fills an entire plateau in the northeast Elyswer. This community has its own town, families and workers, as well as a castle atop the bluff. The road to the castle is lined with statues of its previous heroes, often ones that gave their lives in service of preserving life. For that is the mantra of the 'Summer Knights' an elite force of devout warriors who hold the preservation of life above all else, whether it be through their skills as healers, protectors or warriors.

The families of these knights often live within the grounds of Lightwatch, their duties to manage the plateau, care for the knights and maintain the shrines that litter the forest, each one made for an individual Summer Knight or his family (if the descendants of a knight take up the call).

Holy Land

  This land is sacred, being the site of a last stand during the age of desolation. When the forest burned and the host of abominations poured down from a rift to the north, this site held against their unrelenting assault. Against all odds the warriors here held the plateau against wave and wave of grotesque forces, wielding the powers of Teora. They held for a month, day and night, giving no ground and no quarter. While their comrades died and the dead piled up they held the line, smiting creatures of great power and protecting the weak. Eventually as they began to buckle, their losses too severe to plug the line, a great force from Luren arrived, pushing back the demons and rescuing those that fought.

Upon their relief, something unthinkable happened. Soldiers who had fought for days and weeks, who had taken mortal wounds and continued to fight began to drop dead, as if the powers of this place had given them the strength to protect the weak, until it was no longer necessary. Those few warriors that survived, entombed their fallen into a tomb and created 'Life's Chapel' to remember their sacrifice and heroism to this day.  

Life's Chapel

To this day the chapel stands within the great hall, only accessible to those that have proven themselves true Summer Knights, completing their training, their tasks and taking their oath. The walls of the inner chamber have a mosaic of finest quality, telling of that heroic stand against the forces of darkness and reinforcing what it is the Summer Knights fight for. This order knows of the true history kept hidden from many, and of the age of desolation. They know what they truly fight against, the growing darkness, and their duty is to protect those that cannot protect themselves, a duty they will perform until their last.

The Summer Knights

This elite group has a long history of protecting the Elyswer in its most dire time. Though each knight has their own oath to live by, only superseded by that of the order, 'My life, for you'.
Outpost / Base

Oath: My Life for You

A simple oath, with a strong premise. No matter how you interpret it the answer is clear to those of the order, others lives matter more than their own. This is a staple of the Summer Knights, who throw themselves into danger in order to protect the weak, helpless and downtrodden, but their moves are not reckless, for they are highly trained and experts in both healing and protection magics.


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