
'Whatever happens now, our meeting has created life. Whatever paths we walk, a part of us will forever be here.' - Meeting of Wood Elf Captain and Tribal Leader

Written by Yerran


A tale tells the tradition came about when a wood elf wandered across the lands of a human lord of Talimot. Soldiers stopped the wood elf and asked what his business was in their land. The elf merely wanted to pass and was surprised for last time they had walked this route there was naught but fields and forests. The humans stated he had to pay a tax to cross their lands. The wood elf turned his pockets out to reveal all he carried was seeds. He told them he was taking them to a special glade but would sacrifice two seeds for them, planting two now, one for his journey there and one for his journey back. The guards found it amusing but nodded in agreement, excited to see the legendary trees of the wood elves grow. The wood elf planted them on either side of the road and set out, telling the guards to take care of the seeds and if they guarded them unto his return he would offer them something more prosperous on returning.

The guards did what they were asked and guarded the seedlings, caring for them for years and years. They feared something had happened to the wood elf, but eventually, the familiar sight appeared on the road. He had not aged a day, but the humans had both become old for 40 years had passed and the trees had grown huge with magical luminous leaves. One that glowed like red fire and the other like blue water. The guards greeted the elf like an old friend who smiled to see they lived. He thanked them for their vigil and heard the tale of how they had cared for the trees over the years and of all the things that had changed. He smiled again and asked if they still sought their reward. Over the years they had forgotten of the promise but nodded, intrigued. The wood elf, was in fact a great elder druid and bound the life of the guards to the trees, creating the first-ever human Summer Knights to forever guard them and the land. Where the trees stand now, no one knows, or what became of the human Knights of Summer. Though many still think they guard them thus.  


The tradition of Seed-Giving has long been practised in the east of Lenwir, starting with the denizens of the The Elyswer, Nari'Kit, humans of Talimot and Sky Elves of Luren. It requires any traveller who steps foot in another nation's land to carry a small bag of seeds. While travelling, if they come into contact with a denizen of that nation or another traveller, they must greet this person and together plant the seed as a symbol of this meeting. This signifies a captured moment in time, where life and friendship can blossom, and reminds them that they all came from the world, and will return to it one day, so much care for it. The tradition has caused small forests and glades to spring up at crossroads and river fords where it is common for people to traverse. These glades and forests have a magical quality that soothes travellers and offers them protection should they rest there. Many of these places now have regular camps and inns providing joyful meetings for many travellers.  


The tradition in part is a reflection of the cultures of immortal races and the eastern cultures that developed alongside them. After the Age of Desolation and the Cataclysm that followed, some of their culture and society remained, though incredibly damaged. They spent much of the next millennia, rebuilding their society, settlements and the world itself the best they could. This meant aside from stray outsiders, cults and horrors that remained after the cataclysm, many interactions with the other cultures and people in this time were friendly and usually prosperous. To commemorate these interactions and meetings, many started to plant seeds, to leave markers of their cooperation and signify their unity in preserving life.

A Tale of Venya

Geographic Location | Jul 7, 2024
Learn more about the world, its history and the factions here.


After The War of the Wood the factions of the Union still performed this practise whenever they met, though these meetings were fewer and fewer with the migration of humans and other races occupying the lands of Nemir and Rednan. This didn't stop the races of the east from carrying seeds and planting them whenever they crossed paths with those of another nation. When the migration settled and the mixed races of Rednan and Nemir began to encounter the others they noticed this odd tradition and enquired about it.

The immortal races told the story of the Seed-Giving and how they carry seeds when entering other nations, planting them upon meeting a local or another traveller. Many within the new nations found this intriguing and now follow the tradition when entering the places of the immortal races. The immortal races find it pleasing and enjoy those that respect the tradition, though any that break this tradition while within their lands are often told to leave. This has led rise to people of Nemir and Rednan taking up the tradition whenever they travel, even within their own country. Many feel a sense of peace and comfort in performing the ritual. Now many in the east even use the phrase 'Spread Seeds' when saying goodbye to others in reference to the tradition.


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Aug 20, 2024 02:07 by Deleyna Marr

Wait - so their reward was to be turned into trees??? I love the way you built this tradition from the story.

Aug 20, 2024 12:25 by Yerran

Yes, kind of. It is the first process in becoming a 'Summer Knight' in which they bind your soul to an enchanted tree that sits between realms and grants you power, longevity and duty. There is another article about it with a link in the text. And thank you very much. Glad you enjoyed the article.
