Spell List: Stormrider

Stormrider spells are divide by the elements they interact with and fall into the categories of Mist, Storm and Sea. Some spells have a level listed on the spell card, this is actually the EP (Elemental Power) required to cast the spell (it doesn't use the EP, but needs to be that high to enable the spell). For that reason, it is recommended to have a good mix of spells for high and low levels.

Since Stormrider's spells are magic or magically infused damage, they are all empowered by Spell Power, even if the final damage is listed as physical damage. This means that spell power acts as the bonus damage added after the roll, even if its physical damage, and reduced by armour.


Mist spells specialize in subterfuge by hiding visibility, sound and projecting illusions. They are well suited for Mistwalkers, and provide a favourable environment for them to operate in as well as inflict damage through choking and suffocating clouds.

Spells of Lenwir

Choking Cloud (AoE)

1-level Conjuration

Casting Time: 1 action
Range/Area: 6m diameter
Duration: 10 mins
Damage/Effect: Choking
Mist expands from a point you can see up to 6m in diameter. All caught within have their vision limited to 2m and must make a FORTITUDE RESIST (14) for each turn they are in the mist. Those that fail take 3d8 choking damage while those that succeed take none.
Available for: Stormrider

Explosive Fog (AoE)

1-level Conjuration

Casting Time: 1 action
Range/Area: 8m diameter
Attack/Save: 14 STR
Damage/Effect: Force (Magical)
A sudden explosive expansion of fog erupts from a point. The expanding air causes 2d6 damage to those within 2m. Those afflicted must pass a STRENGTH RESIST (14) or are thrown back 4m. The cloud expands to a diameter of 8m and limits visibility to 2m for those caught within it.
Available for: Stormrider

Spells of Lenwir

Freezing Air (AoE)

1-level Conjuration

Casting Time: 1 action
Range/Area: 8m diameter
Duration: 10 minutes
Damage/Effect: Frost
Frost settles on all things in an 8m diameter area, making the terrain difficult. The effect halves movement and freezes any water. Water coating the ground becomes ice, enabling the slipping mechanic. If water is coating someone it freezes inflicting 2d10 damage and applies the 'brittle' trait to any metal they are wearing or holding.
Available for: Stormrider

Spells of Lenwir


0-level (Cantrip) Enchantment

Casting Time: 1 action
Range/Area: 6m
Duration: 1 hour
Obscures the target in mist decreasing the chance someone can land a hit on them. Increases the target's Defense by 2.
Available for: Stormrider

Spells of Lenwir

Shadows of Mist

0-level (Cantrip) Conjuration

Casting Time: 1 action
Duration: 10 minutes
Creates creatures or objects from mist. These illusions can move naturally, but can't make sound and will evaporate when touched. 
Available for: Stormrider

Spells of Lenwir

Steps of Mist

0-level (Cantrip) Conjuration

Casting Time: 1 action
Range/Area: 4m radius
Duration: 10 mins
Masks the sound and sight of all allies within a 4m radius of the Stormrider, increasing their stealth checks by 10.
Available for: Stormrider

Spells of Lenwir

Summon Mist Warriors

3-level Conjuration

Casting Time: 1 action
Duration: 10 mins
Damage/Effect: Spirit
Summons three warriors of mist that take the forms of familiar creatures or people you know. They appear beside you and charge your designated target, each must roll to hit and each attack deals 2d8 spirit damage per hit. The warriors each possess 15 health + your spell power and dissipate when killed.
Available for: Stormrider

Spells of Lenwir

Through the Mist

0-level (Cantrip) Enchantment

Casting Time: Bonus Action
Range/Area: 20m
Duration: Instant
Opens a doorway between pockets of mist that you can traverse as a bonus action. 
Available for: Stormrider

Spells of Lenwir

Thundercloud (AoE)

1-level Conjuration

Casting Time: 1 action
Range/Area: 8m diameter
Duration: 10 minutes
Damage/Effect: Lightning
A cloud charged with lightning fills an 8m area. It reduces visibility for those caught within to 2m and deals 4d4 lightning damage as wisps of lightning arc around the cloud.
Available for: Stormrider

Spells of Lenwir


0-level (Cantrip) Abjuration

Casting Time: Action
Range/Area: Self, Individual
Duration: 2 mins
Bends mist and air rendering you or your target invisible to non-magical means. Objects you interact with can still be seen (e.g. opening doors, picking up items, etc) and you are still able to attack while invisible. Those who wish to divine your location can roll a WISDOM RESIST (16) against your stealth to perceive where you are.
Available for: Stormrider


Storm spells are made to hurt. They inflict massive damage with powerful elemental damage and effects. These spells made Stormweavers incredibly dangerous and volatile.

Spells of Lenwir

Ball Lightning (AoE)

3-level Evocation

Casting Time: 1 action
Duration: As long as concentration lasts
Damage/Effect: Lightning
Summons an orb of lightning that crackles and pulsates like a beating heart lashing out with arcs of lightning. It deals 5d10 damage to all creatures within a 4m radius and will move 2m in a random direction on its turn. The Stormrider can use a bonus action to direct this movement on subsequent turns.
Available for: Stormrider

Spells of Lenwir

Charged Blade

0-level (Cantrip) Enchantment

Casting Time: Bonus Action
Range/Area: Self
Duration: 10 mins
Damage/Effect: Lightning
Charges a metallic melee weapon to deal an additional 2d6 lightning damage for 10 minutes.
Available for: Stormrider

Spells of Lenwir

Concussive Blast

0-level (Cantrip) Evocation

Casting Time: 1 action
Range/Area: 10m
Duration: Instant
Attack/Save: 12, FORT Saving Throw
Damage/Effect: Force (Magical)
Thunder detonates above the target dealing 2d6 damage. They must make a FORTITUDE RESIST (12) or are stunned for 1 round.
Available for: Stormrider

Spells of Lenwir

Cyclone (AoE)

4-level Abjuration

Casting Time: 1 Action
Damage/Effect: Choking
High-speed winds swirl in a violent vortex over a 4m diameter, sucking all oxygen from the air and choking those caught within. Deals 6d8 damage at the start of every turn to those within the vortex. They must also roll a STRENGTH RESIST (16) or be lifted into the winds and unable to use movement for their turn. They can roll the same RESIST on subsequent turns to gain their footing again. 

Damage cannot be applied if the creature caught within does not need to breathe.
Available for: Stormrider

Spells of Lenwir

Electric Javelin

0-level (Cantrip) Evocation

Casting Time: 1 action
Range/Area: 20m
Duration: Instant
Damage/Effect: Lightning
Conjures and throws a javelin of pure lightning that crackles with power, striking the target for 2d10 lightning damage.
Available for: Stormrider

Spells of Lenwir

Forked Lightning (AoE)

3-level Evocation

Casting Time: 1 action
Range/Area: 6m
Duration: Instant
Damage/Effect: Lightning
Lightning erupts outwards in a cone shape in front of the caster for 6m dealing 6d10 damage to the first target it hits, and one less d10 to each subsequent creature the lightning arcs to.

Spells of Lenwir

Lightning Bolt

2-level Evocation

Casting Time: 1 action
Range/Area: 12m
Duration: Instant
Damage/Effect: Lightning
Shoot a powerful lightning bolt 12m forward inflicting 6d10 damage to all within its path. Those in the lightning bolt's path must make an AGILITY RESIST (16). Those that succeed take half damage, while those that fail take full damage.
Available for: Stormrider

Spells of Lenwir

Lightning Cage

3-level Conjuration

Casting Time: 1 action
Range/Area: 10m
Duration: 5 mins
Damage/Effect: Lightning
Conjures a cage of lightning that can contain a creature of any size (The cage re-sizes to to targets size). A captured creature must make a FORTITUDE RESIST (17) to pass through the lightning but will incur 6d10 damage. If they fail they will take 3d10 lightning damage and be knocked back into the centre of the cage. 

This spell requires concentration (while maintained no bonus actions can be used). The Stormrider can use an action to shrink the cage in an attempt to crush the captured victim for 3d10 lightning damage.
Available for: Stormrider

Spells of Lenwir

Lightning Lure (AoE)

1-level Conjuration

Casting Time: 1 action
Range/Area: 3m radius
Duration: 1 minute
Damage/Effect: Lightning
Summons a magical lure at a location you can see within 20m. On the following turn and every subsequent turn lightning strikes the lure and the area 3m around the lure dealing 3d10 lightning damage to those that start their turn in the area. The lure lasts for 1 minute before disappearing.
Available for: Stormrider

Spells of Lenwir

Lodestone Beam

2-level Evocation

Casting Time: 1 action
Duration: Instant
Damage/Effect: Lightning
Propels a charged metallic stone infused with Lightning 6m forward in a straight line. All enemies within 1m of its path must make an AGILITY RESIST (15) to dodge the crackling lightning. Those that fail take 5d6 lightning damage, while those that succeed take half the damage.
Available for: Stormrider

Spells of Lenwir

Rainstorm (AoE)

0-level (Cantrip) Conjuration

Casting Time: 1 action
Range/Area: 6m
Duration: 10 mins
Summons torrential rain, reducing visibility to 5m for those caught within. The rain coats the battlefield in water, making it difficult terrain. The rain puts out fires and disrupts spellcasters caught within, forcing anyone maintaining a spell in the area to roll a WISDOM RESIST (15) or lose control of their spell.
Available for: Stormrider

Spells of Lenwir

Ride the Wind

0-level (Cantrip) Enchantment

Casting Time: 1 action
Duration: 2 minutes
Channel the wind to lift yourself or a target into the air for 2 minutes.
Available for: Stormrider

Spells of Lenwir

Storm's Darkness

0-level (Cantrip) Conjuration

Casting Time: 1 action
Range/Area: 8m diameter
Duration: Instant
Shrouds an 8m area in the inky blackness of the darkest storm, rendering all within blind.
Available for: Stormrider

Spells of Lenwir


2-level Evocation

Casting Time: 1 action
Range/Area: From Self
Duration: Instant
Damage/Effect: Lightning / Force
A wave of wind, rain and storm energy rolls forward crackling with lightning. It washes forward in a 6m wide wave for 10m dealing 2d12 lightning and 2d12 force (magical) damage. Those in its path must make an AGILITY RESIST (17) check or be knocked back 2m.

The wave puts out any fires in its path.
Available for: Stormrider

Spells of Lenwir

Thunder Strike

0-level (Cantrip) Evocation

Casting Time: 1 action
Damage/Effect: Force (Shockwave/Sound)
Draws the storm into your fist or weapon that erupts with a shockwave upon a hit, dealing an extra 3d8 force (thunder) damage.
Available for: Stormrider

Spells of Lenwir


2-level Evocation

Casting Time: 1 action
Range/Area: 12m
Duration: Instant
Damage/Effect: Lightning
Detonate a thunderous 4m diameter shockwave at a point you can see within 12m. All creatures caught in the blast must roll an AGILITY RESIST (17). Those that fail are dealt 4d6 force damage, while those that succeed sustain half.
Available for: Stormrider


The seas can be both calm and life-giving, or cataclysmically destructive, and that is represented in their spells. They offer healing as well as damage, their effects often driving all but the strongest away from the Seabinder. And beneath this is a darker magic known to the mightiest as 'The Deepness'. Knowledge of this magic allows Seabinders to tap into 'The Deep', a dark realm of water and horrors, using this to power their spells.

Spells of Lenwir


0-level (Cantrip) Conjuration

Casting Time: Bonus Action
Range/Area: 3m radius
Duration: 1 hour
A shower of magical bioluminescent particles float around you in 3m radius. They give off light outside that area for another 2m and they can be applied to weapons or items. The bioluminescence lasts 10 minutes unless you are underwater, where it lasts for an hour before dissipating. 
Available for: Stormrider

Spells of Lenwir

Call of the Deep (AoE)

2-level Conjuration

Casting Time: 1 action
Range/Area: 4m diameter
Duration: Instant
Damage/Effect: Spirit
Conjures a 4m diameter pool of water on the ground. Tentacles rise from the pool and attempt to pull down any in the water into the watery depths of 'The Deep'. Those in the pool take 3d8 Spirit damage per turn in the water and must make an AGILITY RESIST (16) throw or become grappled. Those grappled cannot move, but may still act. Any target that is grappled by the tentacles for 4 turns is drawn into 'The Deep' realm, vanishing from the material realm.

Those in 'The Deep' realm take 3d10 Spirit damage each turn they are there and can do nothing but roll a WISDOM RESIST (20) to escape. If they succeed they are deposited prone where they left, freezing plasma coating their body.
Available for: Stormrider

Spells of Lenwir

Chains of Salt

1-level Conjuration

Casting Time: 1 action
Range/Area: 8m
Duration: Instant
Hardened magical salt coalesces into chains as hard as iron around a target, stalling their movement. The target must make a STRENGTH RESIST (14) to break the chains. A failure means they are bound, unable to move, attack or act. Roll the STRENGTH RESIST on each subsequent turn until you break the chains.

Attacks made against the target while chained are made at advantage. 
Available for: Stormrider

Spells of Lenwir

Coral Shards

0-level (Cantrip) Conjuration

Casting Time: 1 action
Duration: Instant
Damage/Effect: Physical (Piercing/Slashing)
Choose three locations within an 8m area. Huge chunks of razor-sharp coral shoot from the ground 3m high filling a 1m square. Anyone caught within the area must make an AGILITY RESIST (14) check. If they succeed they take no damage and land in an adjacent square. On a failure, they take 3d8 Physical damage. 

If the creature is large or bigger and fails, it is impaled and cannot move until it succeeds on a STRENGTH RESIST (14) to break the coral or must remain immobile.

The coral remains on the battlefield as a natural feature and will inflict further damage to any knocked into it.
Available for: Stormrider

Spells of Lenwir


1-level Evocation

Casting Time: 1 action
Range/Area: 6m
Duration: As long as concentration lasts
Targets an individual and fills their lungs with seawater, causing them to choke and cough as if drowning. The person must make a FORTITUDE RESIST (16) or sustain 2d10 damage each turn the spell is concentrated upon. If the target fails they can reroll the RESIST at the end of each subsequent turn until they pass. If they fail for more than 5 turns, they fall prone and cannot move, attack or perform actions.

If the target can breathe water or doesn't need to breathe this spell has no effect.
Available for: Stormrider

Spells of Lenwir


3-level Conjuration

Casting Time: 1 action
Range/Area: 15m
Duration: As long as concentration lasts
Damage/Effect: Healing
A 3m long crack appears in the ground and water erupts like a gentle geyser that bathes all in its path in magical life energies, healing them for 4d8 per round they stand in the lifespring.
Available for: Stormrider

Spells of Lenwir

Rain of Life

0-level (Cantrip) Conjuration

Casting Time: 1 action
Range/Area: 4m diameter
Duration: Instant
Damage/Effect: Healing
Rain falls around you in a light tempo, healing all allies in a 4m diameter area by 2d8 for as long as you concentrate.
Available for: Stormrider

Spells of Lenwir


1-level Enchantment

Casting Time: 1 action
Range/Area: 10m
Duration: 3 turns
Damage/Effect: Healing
Coats the target in magical water that heals them for 2d8 every turn for 3 turns, at the cost of the Stormriders Bonus Action for the duration.
Available for: Stormrider

Spells of Lenwir


0-level (Cantrip) Conjuration

Casting Time: 1 action
Range/Area: 6m
Duration: Instant
Waves flow out from you in a relentless rhythm up to 6m in all directions, reducing the movement speed of any caught in the waves by half and coating the area in water, making it difficult terrain as long as the water cannot flow away.
Available for: Stormrider

Spells of Lenwir

Too The Deeps

0-level (Cantrip) Evocation

Casting Time: Bonus Action
Range/Area: 20m
Materials: Requires: 'Agent of the Deep' Talent
Attack/Save: Wisdom Save
Damage/Effect: 3d10 Magic Damage

Requires: 'Agent of the Deep' Talent

(Cannot be learnt otherwise)
You can use a bonus action to grapple an enemy standing in water within 20m of you and if they fail the STRENGTH RESIST (18) they are pulled into ‘The Deeps’, a plane of water beyond the mortal realm. They will stay there and take 3d10 spirit damage a turn until they pass a WISDOM RESIST (20) and are deposited prone where they left, cold ectoplasm trailing from their body.
Available for: Stormrider: Spells

Spells of Lenwir

Tsunami (AoE)

2-level Conjuration

Casting Time: 1 action
Range/Area: Self
Duration: Instant
Damage/Effect: Force (Magical)
The relentless force of the ocean swells behind you and barrels forward at your command. An 8m wide wave crashes forward for 10m capturing all in its path and dealing 1d10 magical force damage for each metre travelled. Those 1m from either side of the tsunami wave can make an AGILITY RESIST (17) to successfully avoid the tsunami. On a failure they are swept up in the Tsunami. 
Available for: Stormrider

Spells of Lenwir

Water lash

0-level (Cantrip) Evocation

Casting Time: 1 action
Range/Area: 6m
Duration: Instant
Damage/Effect: Magic (Slashing)
You slice through the air and a razor-thin slash of water shoots forward 3m, dealing 2d8 damage to the first thing it hits.
Available for: Stormrider

Spells of Lenwir

Water Prison

1-level Conjuration

Casting Time: 1 action
Range/Area: 15m
Duration: As long as concentration lasts
Summons a 2m diameter magical sphere around a target. The target must make a STRENGTH RESIST (17) or be captured within the swirling water. Those captured cannot move, attack or act and must roll subsequent STRENGTH RESISTs on each turn to break free. 

The sphere can be moved up to 5m on a turn. If it rolls over a creature, they must make the same STRENGTH RESIST or become trapped in the sphere. The sphere can contain 1 large creature, 2 medium or 4 small creatures at one time. If more are added, then a random one is expelled. 

While captured in this water prison, the Stormrider can use a bonus action to force the water down the throats of those within. They must make a FORTITUDE RESIST (16) or their mouths are forced open and they begin to drown. Those that fail sustain 3d10 damage and must make the RESIST throw on subsequent turns or continue to take the damage.
Available for: Stormrider

Spells of Lenwir

Water Wave

0-level (Cantrip) Evocation

Casting Time: 1 action
Range/Area: 6m
Duration: Instant
Damage/Effect: Physical (Force)
You slash forward with your arm and create a 2m wide, 1m deep wave that rolls forward 6m in the target direction. Each creature caught by the wave must make a STRENGTH RESIST or take 3d4 physical damage and be carried until the wave vanishes. The area behind the wave becomes covered in water and is difficult terrain for the duration of the spell.

Casting this upon, or under open water amplifies the power, doubling its effect.
Available for: Stormrider

Spells of Lenwir

Weight of the Deep (AoE)

2-level Conjuration

Casting Time: 1 action
Range/Area: 15m
Duration: As long as concentration lasts
Damage/Effect: Force (Magical)
You create intense pressure to build that crushes all within a 5m cube centred on a point you can see. Each creature caught in the cube takes 4d10 magical force damage and must also make a STRENGTH RESIST (16) or be knocked prone. Creatures that fail this RESIST by more than 5 are reduced to 0 speed.
Available for: Stormrider


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