Star Speak

'Stars flash and flare, and the god's speak, for any with the power to listen.' – Star Speaker

Beyond the veil shines a cacophony of realms and planes and further still exists the worlds of the gods and their creators and destroyers. This Pantheon plots and strategies beyond merely a single realm, concocting plans and schemes that span reality, moving dozens of pieces and manipulating thousands with thoughts and millions with actions. These actions appear as the flashing of lights, blazing of stars and shifting of nebulae to those unable to perceive the truth, but to those gifted with the skills, sight and strength great strings connect moments, scents, sounds and sensations beyond any ability to explain. These tell of moments past, present and future, as well as events that may never come to pass.


Speakers of the Stars

Amongst the mortals exist those gifted, or cursed, to see the threads of plans and schemes shifting and moving behind the stars. A sight through the veil to the very origins of the universe. Many go mad at what they see, unable to understand or conceive of the plans before them. Though some maintain their sanity long enough to develop the mental fortitude to look upon the wonders of everything and glean hints of the past, present and future. The skill of the speakers is to focus their minds onto what they wish to see with eyes unclouded. And from their sight they divine truth, seeing the path they must walk to best achieve their goals. However, there is danger in this, for to see the entirety of these great plans would drive even the strongest amongst them mad. And from their sight they divine truth, seeing the movement of forces no others can and sensing the   

Plans within Plans

To decipher the meaning of the very stars one must look past the false flags, garbled messages and manipulated communique. For opposing agents will seek to hide or divert messages of the great ones for their own purposes, and to sense these hints of deception takes great skill. This ability to see the patterns beyond the string and guile to the truth of it all is what makes a Speaker truly great, and a rarity indeed. Many find themselves caught in the gravity of their own importance and become manipulated in turn, seeing only what they wish and not the truth beyond it.

A Tale of Venya

Geographic Location | Jul 7, 2024

Learn more about the world, its history and the factions here.
The Kylithotal  The saurians of the Kylithotal Empire hold a dozen or star speakers amongst their number. Within their kind, the gift has blossomed more than within others. Some believe the affinity they hold with their God Kaleksha and deciphering his Great Plan is the reason for this gift, though none can say for certain. What it has done, is allowed some within their Empire to see the signs of great danger. They raised these concerns to the current Voice of Kelaksha and were either executed or banished for this act. Those that survived have formed the Okalotan on the far side of the island in the hope they can gain the power and support to combat this growing corruption. Though time is running out.


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Aug 22, 2024 04:49 by Bob O'Brien

If I'm interpreting this correctly (even if I'm just sort of close), the "language" in question here is the twinkling of the stars in the night sky - and there are a gifted few who can recognize this for what it is: the gods working out their schemes and plans against each other and for the mortal world. This is a VERY original take on the prompt!

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Aug 22, 2024 07:52 by Yerran

Yes, that is exactly right. And thank you! It was a really fun prompt to write and fit in well with the other prompts that week.
