Sunscar Lake

The tale tells of a star falling from the sky and creating a great crater, one that filled with a mysterious water. The water of the great lake shimmer with silvery gold waves in the moonlight, making many that live nearby believe that the star that fell was made of gold and silver. Many spend their lives combing the deep lake floor and its banks for any traces of metal and fisherman tell of bright lights pulsing from beneath the waters late at night. None have been able to find the cause of the lights or gold and silvery shimmer, but many have drowned in pursuit of the wealth below and the longer the lake’s secrets go undiscovered the more grand its tales grow.  

The Truth

During the Age of Desolation gods and titan's fought through champions upon the world. One such was Ilya, a champion of Teora and Laki, created from the moon spirit of the purple moon, that fought against the host. Her power was legendary and her soul pure. Her steps healed the scorched earth and blessed the warriors of justice, though Kohuru who reveled at the slaughter hated her power for its restorative properties. Many that should have died alone and bloody were spared, like food stolen from his maw. He united the power of several forgotten dark gods and Il'ingan and together they schemed and plotted. They drew her to the side of a this lake with a great battle and when the moon was high she walked the land, healing those that had survived, using the celestial powers of the moon. While she worked, her soul was linked to the moons heart and it fueled her powers, like a great locus.

Kohuru has learnt of this through forbidden knowledge and combined the powers of the other gods. They shattered the moon, plunging its essence into the lake. The power that flowed through Ilya became a chain and as the locus struck the lake it pulled her in, imprisoning her forever within the lakes' surface and crushing a large portion of the Creators powers in the same process.

The lights that shimmer and flow across Sunscar Lakes' surface is actually the trapped spirit of Ilya, who longs for freedom and revenge on those that cast her here. But only when the purple moon is full can she truly be freed, for only then can her prison be breached, and even then at the cost of great magics and skill.


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