The Scales of Kelaksha

'With this scale, you will be protected from all harm, as long as I live.' - Line 19, Page 73 in 'The Gift of Scales'

The Scales of Kelaksha are extremely rare gifts that rain down on Venya during the week that the Wyrm Comet trails through the sky every 11 years. The debris and matter from its tail falls all across Venya, though those in the Kylithotal Empire revere this matter as a part of their god and seek to collect it whenever it falls near their island. Some Saurians set out on great pilgrimages to find and claim these scales in other parts of Venya, though few return.    


Legends tell when the world shook and trembled beneath the steps of 'The Host', and worse than death stalked the lands. The saurians of Xieyin marched to its defence. The great cities and jungles emptied as all took up arms. For this truly was the end of all things. The war was terrible for all, but the saurians saw many woes, standing shoulder to shoulder with the races of the world upon the worst of battlefields. In the face of horror, their courage shone through, and it summoned the great Kelaksha from his slumber, who traversed the world gates to find his champions. His arrival heralded a great shift in the momentum and his warriors began to fight with the power of their god, throwing back the outsiders and claiming ground they had long lost. 

Kelaksha gave to each of his warriors a scale of golden blue to each of his people who fought, promising that it would forever protect them from harm. The tale goes that many avoided death blows and worse for many battles because of the power in the scales. They were seen to deflect deadly blows, projectile weapons and all sorts. Though after Kelaksha fell to the great Demon Lord Hak'Turum, the scales lost much of their power. They still protected the saurians that bore them, but no could no longer turn away the blows of the stronger and more powerful outsiders. 

Since those days, the scales of Kelaksha have been a symbol of strength, purity and courage to all those who bear them. Though now there are few in the world with the great Wyrm having perished long ago.    

Idols & Charms

With each appearance of the comet, matter sheds from it falling to the land. This appears as the burning tail of the comet to those on Venya. This matter is made of an alien compound and is highly revered by the Kylithotal Empire. Though few of these traces fall across Xieyin Island, on occasion they have landed in the Forest of Scales or Deadlands to the north. When this happened many have set out to retrieve what they call 'the scales of Kelaksha' on a pilgrimage. When they are found, they are returned to Yinx and carved into idols of intricate scales, each scale featuring a great act of Kelaksha. They are then placed upon the High Temple in Yinx and revered as a part of the great Kelaksha.

Any shavings from these idols are collected and each is carved into a small scale and made into a bracelet or necklace. These are then distributed to the greatest believers or given away at religious festivals.

A Tale of Venya

Geographic Location | Jul 7, 2024

Learn more about the world, its history and the factions here.

The Kylithotal Empire

The Empire of the saurians is rooted in their belief. They revere the demi-god Kelaksha almost to a fault and many spend their lives in service of the 'Great Plan'. A belief that their god drives their people towards a utopia or ascendency of sorts. Though since Kelaksha perished in the Age of Desolation they are only able to glean his desires through the current Voice of Kelaksha, a chosen champion that spends much of their life communicating with Kelaksha's spirit and interpreting his plan for them to carry out. This means their society and lives revolve heavily around faith and belief.


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