Tiandra, The Summer Queen

Written by Yerran

Beautiful beyond belief, the Queen of Summer, Tiandra is a force of nature. Her thoughts, ideals and goals are completely alien to all mortals and only really understandable to the highest within her court. She is a being of power, though her strength does not rival the Creators and Destroyers within The Pantheon. She is often referred to as an avatar of Teora - The Mother. Though this is not entirely correct it does have an element of truth, for she acts as an agent of Teora, though her mind and responsibilities are her own. 

The Courts of Fairy and their Mantles of Power

Within the realm of fey exist the seven courts. The most pronounced are those of seasons: Winter, Summer, Autumn and Spring. The three less known are: the Court of The Wyld Hunt, which serves wild fey; The Court of the Moon, which serve those of night and the Court of Hags, which is a vast circle of witches. Among each court exist three mantles of power each with different titles, though those in summer and winter are 'Lady', 'Queen' and 'Diadus (which translates to 'god' in the language of the ancients).

Ancient Beyond Belief

Her age is indeterminable for should the current vessel of her power die, her mantle will be bestowed onto another (likely the current wielder of the 'Mantle of the Summer Lady'), for there must always be a Summer Queen, as long as the seasons persist and the mortal plane exists. In the days of the ancients the fey realm had all but merged with the mortal due to the plane convergence. This meant the creatures of fey stalked the earth long ago, and it means the Age of Desolation and the cataclysm are fresh in the minds of the oldest fey. Tiandra is no different, and she walked the earth during the Age of Desolation, hurling her considerable power into the fray against the host of outsiders, demons and devils. Her first hand experience in this defining moment and dozens of others gives her incredible power in the form of knowledge. Though as a fey queen and prime deity of sorts, her secrets are not free.

What The Future Holds

The Summer Queen can hold a permanent presence in the mortal plane, and that tells of dangers. For the last time this happened, the gate was opened and the Age of Desolation commenced. Tiandra knows this, and she can feel the planes converging once again, though does not know what is causing it. Much of her powers are being spent in growing the strength of the Elyswer and divining the answer to this question. If she can pinpoint the problem she can deal with it before it becomes too late. Though she knows that time is still a way off, dozens of years can pass in the blink of an eye for eternal beings, and schemes take time to unravel. 

Dangers to her Power

The Elyswers' old allies; the kingdom of Talimot, has fallen to ruin and decay, now called 'Engelor' and ruled over by a twisted lich and his undead brood. Within the last year their chaotic movements have become more precise and controlled, focusing on the life giving energies of the forest and her domain. They wish to consume the power of summer and move on, growing their power and stalking the land until all has been consumed. Tiandra knows this, and she sees the locus of this new power, the vault of the world engine beneath Khan Bannun. Whatever has taken up residence there and enthralled this lich to do its bidding is a danger to the forest, her power and her search for the locus pulling the planes together once more.


Unknown (the mantle passes to another when one is killed, though Tiandra has been the queen for longer than anyone can remember)  


The Summer Queen, Queen of the fey, avatar of Teora, demi-god

Influence over the Courts of Autumn and Spring

The courts of Autumn and Spring hold less power than summer and winter. They usually fall into orbit of the others, so Spring usually falls in behind Summer and Autumn behind Winter. Though winter and summer hold ultimate power for long months throughout the year culminating on their mid-season day, Autumn and Spring only hold ultimate power over the other courts on a single day that coincides with their mid-season day. These are generally considered the minor courts of the fey seasons and their mantles of 'Sire', 'Lord' and 'King' (which are exclusively bestowed upon male creatures where winter and summer are exclusively female creatures) hold less power than those of Winter and Summer.


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