Unleashed Spells: Stormrider

Unleashed spells are the culmination of constant power channeling for Stormriders. This magic eventually needs an outlet, and that outlet is through an unleashed spell.

The type of unleashed spell that can be used is unlocked through the talent tree. It can be used when the Stormrider has accumulated any amount of EP (Elemental Power), though it has a much larger effect the more EP that is harnessed.

When the spell is unleashed the EP of the Stormrider is set back to 0, and they have to channel spells all over again to gain it once more.

EP is increased through the casting of spells (1EP per spell cast - must be a full action spell).

Unleashed Mist Spells

These spells enable the Mistwalker to move quickly around the battlefield, attack in rapid succession and summon illusionary distractions.

Spells of Lenwir

Mist Unleashed: Blade of Air

0-level (Cantrip) Abjuration

Casting Time: Bonus Action
Conjures an airblade that lasts for a number of turns equal to the elemental power spent to create it. The blade ignores all armour in its attacks.
Available for: Stormrider

Spells of Lenwir

Mist Unleashed: Clones of Mist

0-level (Cantrip) Conjuration

Casting Time: Bonus Action
Duration: 10 minutes
Creates a number of clones equal to your Elemental Power that are indistinguishable from yourself and can move around the battlefield, interact with objects and attack, dealing 1d6 Spirit damage on an attack. Any damage dealt to them causes them to explode into mist. A creature in melee range of an exploding clone must make a FORTITUDE RESIST (14) or be blinded for one round.
Available for: Stormrider

Spells of Lenwir

Unleashed Mist: Steps of Hundreds

0-level (Cantrip) Conjuration

Casting Time: Bonus Action
Range/Area: 10m
Duration: Instant
Vanish into a mist, appearing where you wish within 10m of your starting position and attacking with a melee weapon a number of times equal to the Elemental Power spent. This can be used to disappear and reappear within the 10m area and attack multiple enemies in the turn without using any movement.
Available for: Stormrider

Unleashed Storm Spells

These spells harness the storm's main elements (lightning, rain and wind) inflicting incredible damage with their ferocity.

Spells of Lenwir

Unleashed Storm: Hail of Rainshards (AoE)

0-level (Cantrip) Evocation

Casting Time: Bonus Action
Range/Area: 10m
Duration: Instant
Damage/Effect: Piercing (Magical)
Raindrops frozen to razor shards of ice fall from the sky propelled with the force of storm winds. Roll a d8 for each EP consumed. These razor shards inflict magical piercing damage and fall in a 2m + EP area you can see. 

The speed of this spell means it cannot be dodged, though it is reduced by Armour instead of Magic Resist.
Available for: Stormrider

Spells of Lenwir

Unleashed Storm: Stormshatter

0-level (Cantrip) Evocation

Casting Time: Bonus Action
Range/Area: 20m
Duration: Instant
Damage/Effect: Lightning / Force
A bolt of supercharged lightning slams into the ground dealing a d10 for each EP expended and knocking everyone within 1m x EP to the ground and inflicting a d4 for each EP as static damage.
Available for: Stormrider

Spells of Lenwir

Unleashed Storm: Windreave

0-level (Cantrip) Evocation

Casting Time: Bonus Action
Range/Area: 10m
Duration: Instant
Damage/Effect: Force (Magical)
You condense the swirling stormwinds into a single point, driving it forward like an almighty punch. It rockets forward 5m + EP, colliding with the first thing it hits, inflicting a d8 of damage for each EP consumed.

The target hit pass make a STRENGTH RESIST (15 + EP) or is knocked back 5m + EP. The target takes an additional d4 damage for this fall (not reduced by armour) for each EP spent. 

Should they collide with something else in their path, both targets take the same d4 damage.
Available for: Stormrider

Unleashed Sea Spells

Infused with the power of the sea, when cast with a large amount of Elemental Power they are truly able to devastate enemies or save allies.

Spells of Lenwir

Unleashed Sea: Well of Life

0-level (Cantrip) Conjuration

Casting Time: Bonus Action
Range/Area: 10m
Duration: Instant
Damage/Effect: Healing
Water rises in a 2m + EP diameter area, healing all caught in this life-giving water by a d4 for each EP consumed.
Available for: Stormrider

Spells of Lenwir

Unleashed Sea: Whirlpool

0-level (Cantrip) Conjuration

Casting Time: Bonus Action
Range/Area: 15m
Duration: Instant
Conjures a whirlpool beneath the feet of a target (if they stand on solid ground, it becomes liquid). This whirlpool is the diameter of the EP consumed to conjure it. Those in the area must make an AGILITY RESIST (14 + EP) to avoid the whirlpool. Those caught within are pulled down, losing their turn entirely and suffering a d6 of damage for each EP consumed.

They must make the RESIST throw on consecutive turns to escape or suffer the same consequence each turn.

The whirlpool lasts the number of rounds equal to the EP consumed to create it. If a target is trapped in it when it stops they must spend their subsequent turn clambering to the surface, losing that turn.
Available for: Stormrider

Spells of Lenwir

Unleashed Sea: Summon the Deepkin

0-level (Cantrip) Conjuration

Casting Time: Bonus Action
Range/Area: 10m
Duration: Instant
Summons an ephemeral Deepkin tentacle for each EP consumed at random areas within 10m of you. They fill a 1x1m area, can attack anything within 3m of them and all attack on the Stormriders turn. Each attack deals a d8 Spirit damage and should they kill something they absorb its soul and heal the Stormrider for a d20. 

They return to 'The Deep' after existing for the number of turns equal to the EP used to summon them.
At higher levels: If 9 EP is spent on this Unleashed Spell a full Deepkin appears. This giant kraken-like creature has 8 tentacles to attack with, can move around the battlefield and can bite one creature struck with its tentacles for d20 damage.
Available for: Stormrider


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