Wisp Ankh Inn

'Troubles, terrors and death cannot follow you in here, friend. Believe me, I haven't left in years. Sit, have an ale.' - The Innkeeper

Written by Yerran

You stumble through a rainy night, puddles reflecting the light of the amber lamposts up at you and curse. For something follows you in the shadows, and you know its intentions are not pleasant. The streets are empty and curtains are drawn, except for one place. Warm firelight shines from its windows and you fail to catch the name upon the sign hanging above, but you care not. Where there is light, there are people, and in company maybe safety. You run for the door as the sounds of your pursuer grow, grasping the cold wet handle and tugging it open. Light bathes you, and you stare around the taproom of a clean and polite establishment, one you might find in the upper cities, or beside a university. And across the tables jovial games are played between creatures, some familiar, and some you have never seen before.

  You blink away the glow and look back to see the door closed behind you. You can't remember crossing the threshold but that doesn't matter. You are safe now.

  So it is with many that come to this place. None remember entering, the inn's name or where they found it, but as the innkeeper comes over, all feels well with the world.  

A Secret Refuge

  Talked about in hushed tones amongst the needy and destitute, the inn has appeared at moments of their greatest need. Whether that is lost alone on a country road at night, fleeing through city streets as something closes in, or traipsing through a dinosaur-infested jungle. It has appeared again and again in tales to save the struggling from such hardships, offering them room, board and kindness. Those that enter are told they can stay as long as they wish without fear. Many take this offer and stay for days or weeks before leaving, and when they do they will often appear from a different place to where they left, but somewhere they wanted to be.

Any that try to turn around and re-enter find themselves facing either a locked door, blank wall or empty abandoned house. Now, rumours and stories tell any that find it never to leave, for they will be cared for for eternity without risk or danger. A life better than what they are likely to face in the real world.  

The Inn's Magic

The inn is a true refuge that appears to those in moments of greatest need, particularly the lame, injured or poor. It is not known when or if it will appear as its magic is limited, but it is actually an artefact of the Ancients. A great 'Ankh' crafted to protect travellers and the kind. Even after the Cataclysm its magic remains, as the ankh at the centre of the inn is intact. An incredible font of power for anyone who realises what it truly is. Those that call out to it or call for shelter will have it appear if it is able to, and the extraplanar creation that runs it is called 'The Innkeeper' a servitor of magic, tied to the ankh. Though over the years it has developed its own consciousness and personality. While within the inn no person can be killed, take harm or be injured. The magic of the ankh protects those within and any that seek to harm another patron are forcibly ejected where they entered. It is truly a marvel of magic long since passed.

Another Tale of Venya

Geographic Location | Jul 7, 2024
Learn more about the world, its history and the factions here.

The Name

  The name of the inn comes from its description and powers, though has evolved into a joke for many who discuss it as they do not believe it really exists. The 'wisp' comes from its ability to appear and disappear and the 'ankh' from the ancient word for 'Talisman of Life'. A general mockery from those who have never experienced it for themselves. Many accept it is nothing more than an urban legend, used by the poor and fearful in storytelling when they are afraid to describe what really happened. For example, one might get beaten by a band of prostitutes and robbed of all their worth, then tell their friends they stumbled into the 'Wisp Ankh Inn' and say they spent their money there to save themselves the embarrassment of the truth. This is also why they chose the words 'Wisp Ankh Inn' to describe it, as another mockery as when spoken with the slur, that so many of the destitute possess, it often sounds like 'We spanking'. Though make no mistakes it is a real place.


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