Benjamin Numforis
"The Bard of Mine Own Heart"
A famous and valiant individual, Numforis is widely known for both his poetry and his adventures, both recorded in his many published journals. Born and raised in a small and tranquil town in Miryegu, Numforis sought "those sights beyond belief" that he read about as a child; from the famed "dual-city", Mabrum, to the "fog- and fantom-filled fields/of water, of war, of the unshaken trust between rivers and Man"1 of the Gärdsgrinds expanses. Known less for discovery and more as a "travel writter", Numforis had travelled to every nation of the world. He had, however, been present for several archeological expeditions in the north-west of the Phragros continent; where "[t]he ice and snow and dirt broke for us/And we received Their humble gifts/The labours of the past and present places/All mixed within."2 A religious man, Numforis often referred to Them in his poems, whether gods as a collective or simply to the Head Deity of The Church of Vid is rarely clear.Woken by the present rain
I enjoyed Their latest Reign
And thought about all that was
Lost and found,
And thought,
And then frowned.
Highs and Lows of Poetry
As for his poetic fame, the spark of it would not come along until his second collection of poems, that would be published in 1062 ADK, 8 years after his first. "The First Words of a Poet Born", the primary collection, was published in 1054 ADK, and would not "fan the flames", as he would later write. One of the few reviews of it was titled "Off to a Rocky Start, Faith and Fate Beware"3, criticising the modernity of much of the poetry, and it was one that Numforis claimed haunted him until his later years. The second collection, "A Leaf for Every Book", was published after Nimforis has begun to truly travel and it had the double benefit of financing his further travels and making his name as one of the potential greats. The third collection was well-received and the fourth was found to be "rushed" by some. Some worried or awaited his waning as an artist but he would go on to produce three more collections of poetry until his death, as well as two collections of essays, and one, singular novel. Benjamin Numforis would die a wealthy man, surrounded by his family, on the 28th of Exarium, 1185 ADK. One of his final journal entries was published days later by Elisabeth, his eldest offspring; "I've pushed into each corner of this world and now I feel it push back, push and drag until I am not. Until I have gone to other worlds, until I have fed the Stars and the Gods with My own essence, until the world unfolds and I see it all again."
152 years old
Felled Towers, Miryegu
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