6. The Timber Hearth Wood Yard Workshop Building / Landmark in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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6. The Timber Hearth Wood Yard Workshop

The Timber Hearth Wood Yard Workshop in Asbury Demesne is a bustling hub of woodworking activity. This family-run enterprise produces essential wooden goods for the community, from barrels and wagons to large timber structures.
The Timber Hearth Wood Yard Workshop by 3orcs

Location Description

The Timber Hearth Wood Yard is situated near the village green of Asbury Demesne, a prime location that allows for easy access to the central activities of the village. The yard itself is expansive, filled with neatly stacked logs, drying timbers, and partially constructed wagons and barrels. The workshop buildings are sturdy and practical, built from the very materials they produce.
Inside the Workshop
The interior of the workshop is filled with the scent of fresh-cut wood and the sound of hammers and saws. Neatly organized stacks of timber, barrels, and wagon parts fill the space. Workbenches are cluttered with tools and partially completed projects.
Outside the Workshop
The yard is expansive, with rows of drying timber and logs waiting to be processed. The workshop buildings are sturdy, practical structures made from the very materials they produce. The surrounding area includes lush green fields and the village green of Asbury Demesne, with the manor house visible in the distance.
"Our barrels and wagons carry the weight of tradition."

Significance and Role in Asbury Demesne

The Timber Hearth Wood Yard Workshop is vital to the economic and social fabric of Asbury Demesne.
  • Politics of Verbobonc: The workshop is supported by House Asbury, which values its contribution to the community and economy.
  • Relationships: Strong ties with other local businesses, providing essential wooden goods and services.
  • Motivation: To support the agricultural and construction needs of Asbury Demesne and ensure the community’s prosperity.


The Timber Hearth Wood Yard Workshop, managed by the skilled and dedicated Soltys family, is a cornerstone of Asbury Demesne. Its operations ensure the production of high-quality wooden goods, supporting the community's needs and contributing to the prosperity of House Asbury.
"A solid foundation builds a stronger future."

The Woodwright Family

Woodwright (Father)
Name: Walentyn Soltys
  • Description: A robust man in his late fifties, Walentyn has a weathered face and strong hands, indicative of years of labor. He wears simple, functional clothing suitable for woodworking.
  • Personality: Diligent, wise, and respected. Walentyn is known for his meticulous nature and dedication to his craft.
  • Background: Walentyn has been a woodcrafter all his life, inheriting the trade from his father. He has raised his sons in the same tradition, ensuring the family legacy continues.
  • Motivation: To maintain the quality and reputation of the Timber Hearth and ensure his sons continue the family tradition.
  • Relationships: Respected by the villagers and holds a strong, supportive relationship with House Asbury.
Longin Soltys (Cooper)
  • Description: In his mid-thirties, Longin is muscular and has a jovial demeanor. He is often seen with a smile and a barrel hoop in hand.
  • Personality: Friendly, sociable, and hardworking. Longin enjoys interacting with the villagers and takes pride in his barrel-making skills.
  • Background: Trained by his father, Longin has mastered the art of cooperage and takes great pride in his work.
  • Motivation: To create the finest barrels and support the family's business.
  • Relationships: Well-liked in the village, often seen chatting with customers and fellow craftsmen.
Stojan Soltys (Wheelwright)
  • Description: In his early thirties, Stojan is more reserved than his brother. He has a keen eye for detail and is always focused on his work.
  • Personality: Quiet, methodical, and dependable. Stojan prefers to let his work speak for itself.
  • Background: Trained by Walentyn, Stojan has become an expert in wagon building and wheel crafting.
  • Motivation: To ensure every wagon that leaves the Timber Hearth is of the highest quality.
  • Relationships: Respected for his craftsmanship, though less socially engaged than his brother.
Emil Soltys (Timberwright)
  • Description: The eldest son, Emil, is in his early forties. He is tall, with a strong build and a no-nonsense demeanor.
  • Personality: Practical, ambitious, and skilled. Emil is dedicated to expanding the family business and improving their techniques.
  • Background: Emil left the village to train as a timberwright and returned with advanced skills and a master’s rank.
  • Motivation: To innovate and improve the family business, ensuring they can take on larger and more complex projects.
  • Relationships: Seen as a leader in the workshop, his return has brought new techniques and energy to the Timber Hearth.

Workshop Operations

Production Barrel Making (Cooperage)
  • Quality: Excellent
  • Products: Barrels, casks, and tubs
Wagon Building (Wheelwright)
  • Quality: Superior
  • Products: Wagons, wheels, and carts
Timber Harvesting (Timberwright)
  • Quality: Masterclass
  • Products: Timber for construction, furniture, and large structures

Cover image: Asbury Manor by Harn Writer's Guild Production: Written by Kerry Mould, Maps by Kerry Mould & Thomas Shook, Art by Richard Luschek, Editing by Brent Bailey.


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