House Asbury Organization in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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House Asbury

House Asbury stands as a testament to the resilience and prosperity that can be birthed from the ashes of conflict. As the Knight Bannerets of Penwick, the lineage of House Asbury has been pivotal in shaping the eastern side of the Verbobonc, Viscounty, their influence seeping into the very soil of the land they steward.

Foundation and Rise

  • Founded in 438 CY after the Short War.
  • Artimus Greensward, a Knight of The Gnarley Rangers, was the progenitor.
  • The house was named after Asbury Meadow, where their manor was established.

Asbury Manor and Holdings

  • Located just east of Penwick, within the bountiful Asbury Meadows.
  • Encompasses a mix of freehold farmlands, untamed wilderness, and marshlands.
  • Generates revenue through agriculture, local commerce, and viticulture.

Historical Significance

  • Artimus Greensward, the founder, was a distinguished war hero against Keoland invaders.
  • Awarded lands for his valor by the Plar of Veluna.
  • Artimus and Yvonne Greensward established the manor in 440 CY, cultivating the land and fostering a community based on fairness and abundance.

Socio-Economic Impact

  • House Asbury’s lands are a vital food source, often referred to as the breadbasket of the region.
  • The freeholders, loyal to Connor, contribute to a stable and robust local economy.
  • The Asbury wines, while not the finest, are a staple of the local economy, providing a reliable income stream.

Spirit of Asbury

In the narrative of House Asbury, one does not merely find a lineage of nobility but a chronicle of the land and its people. Asbury Manor, the ancestral seat, exudes the enduring spirit of House Asbury, its robust stones and commanding presence a reflection of the family's steadfastness. The manor not only overlooks the Fief's, freeholders and Villein's of Asbury Meadows but also the collective efforts of a community that has thrived under its aegis.   The Asbury freeholders are not mere subjects; they are extensions of the Asbury legacy, having stood by Connor in war and now in peace. This mutual loyalty has sown a community where commerce, though modest, thrives on the principles of equitable trade and mutual respect.

Continuing Legacy

  • House Asbury's three sons each served with the Rangers of the Gnarley, honoring their father's legacy.
  • Gregory Greensward's death in service cemented a tradition of sacrifice and duty within the family.
  • Markus Greensward, the second son, became Knight Protector of Asbury in 483 CY.

The Passing of the Patriarch

  • Artimus Greensward's death in 497 CY was marked by his interment in an unmarked grave within the Gnarley Forest, as per his final wish.
  • This act reflected his profound bond with the land and the humility that characterized his stewardship.

Affection for the Land and Service

  • Descendants of Artimus continued to display a deep connection with the land.
  • Their service among the Rangers further highlighted the family's dedication to protecting their realm.
  • Each male descendant of Artimus served amongst the Rangers of the Gnarley.

A Lineage Interrupted

  • Simon Greensward's heroic death in 566 CY left the house without a male heir, a poignant moment in its storied history.
  • His sister, Aluna Greensward, a Warden of Ehlonna, returned to uphold the family's duties, her spirit as indomitable as the land she was to govern.

A Union of Strength and Surprise

  • The marriage of Kyllan Aldowayne Treguard to Lady Aluna Greensward brought fresh blood to the lineage.
  • Kyllan, an adventurer rumored to hail from Dyvers, embraced his wife's family name in a union celebrated at Asbury Manor.
  • AArmount Andalarian, Kyllan's comrade-in-arms, provided counsel, cementing the bonds of friendship and alliance.

The Next Generation

Elinor Treguard Andalarian Greensward of Asbury represents the new hope of House Asbury, a fusion of her parents' courage, wisdom, and adventurous spirit.   In the narrative of House Asbury, each chapter unfolds with tales of valor and dedication. The family's connection to the Rangers of the Gnarley Forest is not merely a duty; it is a calling that resonates with the whispering leaves of the forest and the steadfast walls of Asbury Manor. From the sorrowful loss of Gregory to the unexpected marital alliances, the Greensward name has become synonymous with steadfastness in the face of adversity, adaptability to change, and a continuous commitment to the protection and prosperity of the lands under their care.

A Mentor's Resolve

  • Sir Armount Andalarian, the steadfast Seneschal of House Asbury, was entrusted with Elinor's upbringing even before she could traverse the halls of Asbury Manor.
  • His commitment to her education and safety would soon be tested by the encroaching terror wrought by the Temple's hordes.

A Noble Sacrifice

  • In the direst hour, Sir Kyllan and Lady Aluna, alongside Asbury's bravest, held Whistler’s Bridge against overwhelming odds.
  • Their sacrifice was the linchpin that allowed Armount and the young Elinor, along with Asbury's people, to escape to the relative safety of Verbobonc City.

The Education of Elinor

  • Armount declined offers from venerable institutions, believing that Elinor's best education lay within Asbury Manor and its people.
  • Armount attended personally to Elinor’s education, respectfully declining offers of assistance from His Holiness Bishop Haufren of St. Cuthbert and His Most Honorable Sir Alerick Simon Milinous.
  • Elinor's childhood was one of unity with her people, working the land, sharing in their joys and toils, and fostering a bond that would underpin her future rule.

Cultivation of Heart and Mind

  • Tutored in history, the arts, and statecraft, Elinor became adept in diplomacy and politics, her insights as deep as the roots of the great oak of Asbury.
  • Her patronage of the arts was not just a display of nobility but a genuine quest for knowledge and cultural enrichment.

A Rising Star

  • Elinor's inherent qualities of compassion and wisdom, coupled with her learned skills, caught the eye of His Noble Lordship Viscount Wilfrick Verdanhart.
  • Recognizing her potential, the Viscount appointed her as Verbobonc’s Ambassador to Veluna, a role befitting her talents and stature.

Baroness Elinor Treguard Asbury

  • Now bearing the title of Baroness and Ambassador of the Celestial Circle, Elinor represents the realm with grace and acumen.
  • Her ascent to this position speaks volumes of the trust and hope placed in her by the people and nobility alike.
"A just and fair society is the foundation of unity and peace within our lands."

A Legacy Secured

  • Sir Armount remains ever-present, a quiet guardian whose wisdom continues to guide Elinor.
  • His influence has been instrumental in shaping the Baroness into a leader who stands at the vanguard of Verbobonc's nobility.

The Asbury Legacy Continues

  • The narrative of House Asbury is now intertwined with the future of Verbobonc itself.
  • Baroness Elinor, with Armount by her side, holds the promise of a lasting legacy, a beacon of hope and progress for all of Verbobonc.
"True strength is found in the ability to rise from adversity and rebuild stronger than before."
House Asbury is a poor holding taking great loss during the war, one finds the echoes of sacrifice and the whispers of unwavering dedication. It is a story that has transcended generations, with Sir Armount's guiding hand ensuring that the lineage of service and stewardship continues through Baroness Elinor. Her rise to prominence is not merely a chapter in the history of House Asbury; it is a testament to the enduring spirit of the land and its people. The Baroness stands as a paragon of Verbobonc's values, her leadership an enduring legacy of the Asbury name.
Asbury Secret of Milinous
Show spoiler
Lady Asbury was once very much in love with Sir Simon Milinous, and she was preparing to marry him before he left to fight Iuz's hordes in the Shield Lands. After his return from the wars, Elinor found Simon to be cold and cruel. She understands that the horrors of war can harden a man’s heart, but nevertheless Lady Asbury has drawn away from the reclusive veteran. She sadly admits that Simon is not the man she once knew, and any dealings with him are a burden and no longer a joy.


Church of Rao
Church of St Cuthbert
"Courage isn't just for warriors; it lives in the hearts of all who face their fears and stand for what is right."


  • Asbury Demesne
    Asbury Demesne: is the agricultural and administrative hub of Asbury Manor, located in the fertile Asbury Meadows within the Viscounty of Verbobonc.
Asbury coat of arms by 3orcs

The holding of the Right Honorable Lady Elinor Asbury 

beholden to His Lordship Connor of Penwick.
Penwick Manor: The Hold of His Lordship Connor of Penwick.
Founding Date
Geopolitical, Great house
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Head of State
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Market economy
Parent Organization
Related Species
Related Ethnicities
Demesne (a.k.a. reserve of the lord) – part of the feud controlled immediately by the lord and exploited directly for the benefit of his household. A villein is, in the feudal system, a member of the class of serfs tied to the land, distinguished from those in actual slavery, but restricted by law from exercising the rights of a free man.    Enfranchised peasant – peasant, who is the owner of his farm.
Vassal – a noble lower in the feudal pyramid than senior.
Senior – a noble higher in the feudal pyramid than vassal.
Villein – peasant, who has no land and works on a lord’s land.
Fief – land granted to a vassal by a senior in the act of investiture.
Investiture – granting a fief to a vassal.
Reserve of the lord – part of a fief, which belongs directly to the lord.
Tithe – 10% of fief income, which is paid to the Church by the noble.

Cover image: by 3orcs


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