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Abbathor, god of Greed
Great Master of Greed, Trove Lord, the Avaricious, Wyrm of Avarice   Abbathor, known as the dwarven deity of Greed, epitomizes the darker aspects of material desire among the dwarves. Once a benign god of mineral wealth, his transformation into a figure of malevolence was fueled by jealousy and a profound sense of betrayal when Moradin chose Dumathoin over him as the protector of the mountain dwarves. His domain now is not only the physical riches of the earth but also the insidious spread of greed and betrayal within dwarven ranks.

Appearance and Persona

  • Form: Abbathor is depicted as an unusually large, corpulent dwarf with a greedy gleam in his piggy eyes, embodying the excesses of his realm.
  • Attire: He is garbed in leathers and furs, trophies from fallen non-dwarven adversaries, symbolizing his ruthlessness and scorn for those outside his kin.

Historical Transformation

  • Origin: Initially a god who celebrated the intrinsic value and beauty of gems and precious metals.
  • Turning Point: His descent into the embodiment of greed began after being overlooked by Moradin for the title of protector, a role given to Dumathoin.
  • Evolution: Over time, Abbathor's nature warped, with his actions increasingly driven by spite and the desire to embed greed into the heart of every dwarf.

Complex Relationships

  • Allies within the Pantheon: Maintains the strongest connection with Vergadain, sharing some adventures and schemes.
  • Pantheon Dynamics: Despite his malevolence, he remains a part of the Morndinsamman due to his unwavering stance against external threats to the dwarves.
  • Foes: Largely isolated, he faces the disdain of most other dwarven gods but is tolerated due to racial loyalty.
"Greed is good, but do not seize wealth from the children of the Morndinsamman," Abbathor teaches, "for strife in the name of avarice weakens the clan."

Political Intrigue and Motivations

  • Power Plays: Abbathor’s maneuvers are often aimed at undermining the other deities subtly, promoting discord through greed.
  • Defensive Stance: Despite his nefarious traits, he unites with the dwarven gods against common enemies, emphasizing a complex moral alignment.

Divine Realm: The Glitterhell

  • Location: Situated in the Gray Waste, Glitterhell is a fortress of opulence, reflective of Abbathor’s obsession with wealth.
  • Security: The actual site of Glitterhell is a closely guarded secret, with multiple decoys to protect his treasures from thieves.

Doctrine of Greed

  • Core Belief: "Greed is good" encapsulates his philosophy, promoting the accumulation of wealth but cautioning against fraternal strife.
  • Teaching: Abbathor encourages his followers to pursue riches but warns against actions that would weaken dwarven solidarity.

Followers and Influence

  • Clergy and Adherents: His priests, often seen as pariahs, spread his dogma subtly within dwarven communities, fostering a silent respect for greed.
  • Cultural Impact: Despite his reputation, he instills a pragmatic understanding of wealth’s power and the dangers of its excess.

Rituals and Worship

  • Worship Practices: Abbathor’s followers engage in secretive ceremonies that celebrate wealth acquisition and reinforce loyalty to him.
  • Holy Symbols: The depiction of gold and gems features prominently in his rituals, serving as both offerings and icons of devotion.

The Enigmatic Worship of Abbathor

Abbathor, the dwarven deity of Greed, appeals to those within dwarven society who see wealth not just as a means but as an end in itself. His followers include dwarves (and some duergar) who align with his values of acquiring and hoarding riches, often at the moral cost of their broader community. This god's worship is marked by clandestine practices, reflecting his underlying ethos of selfish gain and cunning.
Devotees of the Great Master of Greed
  • Demographics: Primarily worshipped by dwarves and a small number of duergar who resonate with the darker aspects of material acquisition.
  • Characteristics: Followers tend to be miners, jewelers, treasure hunters, and occasionally rogue elements within dwarven societies who feel marginalized or overlooked.
  • Social Perception: Often viewed with suspicion, Abbathor's adherents may be respected for their wealth but distrusted for their methods.
Clergy of Abbathor
  • Opposition: Actively opposes the clerics of Dumathoin and, less frequently, those of Berronar, due to conflicting divine interests in wealth and its uses.
  • Attire and Customs: Priests wear red leather outfits topped with leather caps, symbolizing their devotion through the color of blood and treasure.
  • Duties: Beyond regular worship, they are tasked with amassing and sacrificing gems annually, with rituals involving both these precious stones and the blood of the sacrificer.

Sacred Observances and Rituals

  • Holy Days: The solar eclipse marks a significant holy day for Abbathor, reflecting the overshadowing of light by darkness, a metaphor for greed overshadowing generosity.
  • Annual Sacrifices: Followers are required to offer gems and blood, symbolizing their loyalty and willingness to pay any price for their god's favor.

Temples of the Greed God

  • Design and Location: Temples are typically hidden and heavily guarded, located in secluded areas deep within mountains or underground, mirroring the secretive and protective nature of their god.
  • Interior: Richly adorned with gold and gems, the temples serve both as places of worship and as vaults for the accumulated wealth of their congregations.

Myths and Legends

Tales of Avarice
  • Origin of Envy: The myth of Abbathor's rivalry with Dumathoin underscores his transformation from a benign deity of mineral beauty to one of spite and greed.
  • The Beard Shirt of Dunforth: This legend exemplifies Abbathor's cunning and cruelty, showing his willingness to exploit dwarven valor for personal gain, resulting in tragedy and the loss of a revered artifact.
  Through these various aspects, the cult of Abbathor provides a nuanced view of the complexities of dwarven culture, reflecting both the potential for great communal wealth and the perils of unchecked greed. His followers, while few, play a pivotal role in the darker undercurrents of dwarven legends and morality.
  Dwarven Pantheon
Holy symbol: a jewelled dagger
Realm: Gray Waste of Hades
Domains: Evil, Luck, Trickery
Speciality Clerics
  • Clerics: TurnUndead Command -4 levels
  • Cleric of the 2nd circle of Greed: use d6 for hit dice
  • Cleric of the 3rd circle of Greed: detect gems, range: 10', duration: 1 turn
  • Cleric of the 5th circle of Greed: darkness 15' radius
  • Cleric of the 9th circle of Greed: create treasure lust within 10', 1 turn duration: 1 turn, all creatures must save vs. spell or try to obtain by force the most valuable object they can see (and protect their own valuables)
Divine Classification
Intermediate god
Neutral evil
Quotes & Catchphrases
"From the deepest mine to the highest peak, all riches are ours to seek."
"Wealth is the true measure of a dwarf's worth."
"Greed is not a sin; it is the sincerest form of appreciation."
Abbathor holy symbol by 3orcs
Hierarchical titles for the clerics of Abbathor
Reflecting their progression through the ranks within the clergy:
  • Gold Seeker: Entry-level initiates who begin their journey in the service of Abbathor, tasked with simple acquisition tasks.
  • Coveter of Copper: Clerics who have shown some proficiency in accumulating lesser treasures and demonstrating their greed.
  • Seeker of Silver: These clerics have advanced in their quest for wealth, focusing on more valuable assets.
  • Luster of Electrum: Mid-level clerics who handle moderate treasures and begin to influence others in the ways of greed.
  • Hoarder of Gold: Senior clerics known for their significant hoards and their ability to guard and increase their wealth.
  • Plunderer of Platinum: These high-ranking clerics undertake major heists and are adept at scheming and plotting for high-value targets.
  • Miser of Mithral: Near the pinnacle of their power, these clerics possess vast wealth and influence, often controlling significant economic powers within their communities.
  • Hand of Greed: The penultimate rank, these clerics are direct extensions of Abbathor’s will, overseeing the most crucial and sacred greedy endeavors.
  • Master of Greed: The highest rank, held by those who embody Abbathor's essence, overseeing all aspects of his worship and the spread of his dogma.

Cover image: by 3orcs


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