B13 Macor’s Merchant House Building / Landmark in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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B13 Macor’s Merchant House

The Gem of Verbobonc

Nestled in the vibrant cobblestone streets of the Business Quarter in Verbobonc lies Macor's Merchant House, a beacon of prosperity and a testament to the lucrative trade of ores, metals, and precious stones. This large merchant house, standing tall among its peers, has carved a niche for itself through the trade of precious materials from the mines of the Kron Hills, fostering relationships with Gnomish Merchants, nobility in Kron, and occasionally the Dwarves of the Lortmils.

Exterior View

As you approach Macor's Merchant House, the grandeur of its structure becomes apparent. The building, spanning four floors, exudes wealth and security, with guards visible at its entrances. The facade is an architectural marvel, blending functionality with aesthetic appeal—stone masonry that speaks of the wealth within, large windows that hint at the bustling activity inside, and a door that stands ready to welcome those with business within its walls.

Inside the Merchant House

Entering Macor's Merchant House, you're greeted by the gleam of precious metals and the sparkle of gemstones. Each floor is meticulously organized, with:
  • Metals and Ores: Iron, tin, silver, electrum, and gold, all stacked or displayed with care, ready for trade.
  • Gemstones: From malachite and chrysoprase to chrysoberyl, dark green jade with unique turquoise swirls, brilliant black opals, and emeralds, each stone is showcased to highlight its beauty.
The upper floor is a hive of activity, with Dwarven and Gnomish gemsmiths at work, their benches filled with the tools of their trade, as they appraise and work on the precious stones with unmatched precision.

Macor: The Man Behind the House

Description and Personality
Macor, the proprietor of this affluent establishment, is a man of vision and ambition. His robust personality is matched by a keen business acumen, which has steered his merchant house to prosperity. Known for his fairness in trade and an eye for quality, Macor is both respected and envied in the commercial circles of Verbobonc.
Driven by the desire to maintain and enhance his house's standing within the city's economic landscape, Macor is constantly seeking new avenues for trade and securing more lucrative deals from the mines of the Kron Hills.
Political Concerns
Macor's success has not been without its challenges, particularly concerning trade relations with the gnome merchants from the Greenway Valley. Tensions over trade tariffs, competition, and the distribution of wealth have put Macor in a delicate political position, as he navigates these issues with a blend of diplomacy and firm business strategies.

Goods and Services

Macor's Merchant House is a treasure trove for those in the market for:
  • Bulk Sales/Purchases of Metals: Offering everything from basic ores to precious metals at competitive prices.
  • Gems and Jewels: A dazzling array of gemstones for sale, with the house also buying at nearly full value (95% price).
  • Special Metals: With a 50% weekly chance of having mithral and adamantine available, essential for crafting superior weapons and armor.

The House's Impact

Macor's Merchant House is more than just a commercial entity; it's a cornerstone of Verbobonc's economy, influencing not only the market but also the political landscape of the city. Through strategic trade, Macor has not only enriched himself but also contributed to the prosperity of Verbobonc, making his merchant house a pivotal player in the city's ongoing narrative of commerce and diplomacy.
Verbobonc Locations Referenced by Type 
Macor's Merchant House by 3orcs
Master Merchant Macor (human)
Alternative Names
Shop, Generic
Bulk Sales/Purchases of Metals
  • Iron Ore - 5 gp per pound
  • Tin Ore - 7 gp per pound
  • Silver Ingots - 50 gp per pound
  • Electrum Ingots - 100 gp per pound
  • Gold Ingots - 500 gp per pound
Gems and Jewels
  • Malachite - 50 gp per piece
  • Chrysoprase - 100 gp per piece
  • Chrysoberyl - 150 gp per piece
  • Dark Green Jade with Turquoise Swirls - 200 gp per piece
  • Brilliant Black Opals - 1,000 gp per piece
  • Emeralds - 2,000 gp per piece
Special Metals
  • Mithral (50% weekly availability) - 500 gp per pound
  • Adamantine (50% weekly availability) - 600 gp per pound

Cover image: by 3orcs


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