Verbobonc Locations Referenced by Type in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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Verbobonc Locations Referenced by Type


  • B10 The Bridgewalk Tavern(B10)
  • B16 The Packard’s Trough(B16) (Tavern)
  • C3 Jylee’s Inn(C3)
  • C6 The College Lane(C6)
  • C8 The Spruce Goose Inn(C8) (Inn for the wealthy).
  • C13 Zeebel’s Maroon Mon(C13)
  • D2 The Familiar Roost (formally the ‘Mighty Ducks’ Tavern)(D2)
  • D3 The Red Don Inn(D3)
  • E3 The Molten Spigot Tavern(E3)
  • E4 The Season’s End Inn(E4)
  • E6 The Riverside Inn(E6)
  • E7 Kabora’s Jewel of the Velerdyva(E7)
  • F1 Grandma Henri's House of Rest(Farlanghn)(F1)
  • F2 The Players Inn(F2)
  • F3 The Bronze Unicorn Inn(F3)
  • F6 The Blind Beholder(F6)
  • G2 Hilewy’s Gnome Palace(G2)
  • G5 The Brass Rail(G5)
  • G6 The Rusty Nail(G6)
  • H12 The Latecomers Inn(H12)
  • H13 The Silver Lyre Inn(H13)
  • H14 The Crossroads Inn
  • H16C Cantina
  • H16B Chow Tent
  • W7 Electrum Eel (inn for sailors and adventurers)(W7)
  • W8 Veera's Voluptuous Maidens(tavern) (W8)


    Of the city's many churches, those of St. Cuthbert, Rao, and Trithereon are the most prominent, and religion is very much a part of life in the Viscounty. Festivals are common, and the priests are everywhere to been seen. Many of the town's temples also offer training and education, and while they have a religious twist, the majority of the township enjoys education from these facilities.   Finally, many shrines to gnomish and elven gods may be found in the city. These generally take the form of small shrines tucked into the walls along Verbobonc's streets, though a handful exist beyond the city walls. These are generally managed by the demi-humans of the city, but most humans pay homage at them as well. This is especially true of those who intend to travel through the lands of the Viscounty to the demi-human realms beyond.  
  • A1 Monastery of the Reverent Brothers(Rao) (A1)
  • A7 Old Temple of St. Cuthbert(A7)
  • B3 Chapel of Zilchus(B3)
  • B4 Church of Delleb(B4)
  • B7 (New) Temple of St. Cuthbert (B7)
  • B19 Chapel of Rudd(B19)
  • B20 Church of Pelor(B20)
  • B21 Temple of Heironeous(B21)
  • C1 Cathedral of Trithereon(C1)
  • D1 Basilica of the Four Seasons (Atroa, Sotillion, Telchur, and Wenta)(D1)
  • D4 Shrine to Fharlanghn(D4)
  • D7 Ash Horn Stream (religious meeting area)(D7)
  • E1 The Laughing Rogue Hostel and Chapel of Olidammara(E1)
  • F4 Temple of the Blinding Light(Pholtus) (F4)
  • H6 Pond of the Hart Important person: Resheph, Druid(H6)
  • H9 Shrine of Beory(H9)
  • H11 Shrine of Yondalla(H11)
  • W4 Temple of the Velverdyva River(W4)


  • A6 Segemm’s Store of Collectibles(A6)
  • A10 Nicchol's House of Silk(A10)
  • B2 Trader’s Market(B2)
  • B11 Bensar’s Wax Works(B11)
  • B15 Jerkin bonefinger’s House of Pleasure(B15)
  • B18 Betham’s books (Home of Betham the Sage)(B18)
  • B23 Jala’s Armoury and Weaponsmithy(B23)
  • B25 Kiles Spice Store(B25)
  • B27 B27 Best Bread Bakery
  • B28 Scribes and Paper(B28)
  • B29 Expedition Outfitter’s(B28)
  • C14 Items of Note: Musical instruments, Bards shop.(C14)
  • C15 Archer’s Eye: Bowyer /Fletcher(C15)
  • D5 Hindsight(D5)
  • E2 Harnstid's Horse Stables and Sales
  • E9 Benin’s Mill(E9)
  • E10 Mirialle's Herbs(E10)
  • F7 Barloon’s Stoneworks(F7)
  • F8 Maynard's Metal Emporium(F8)
  • F9 Barns (stalls for rent)(F9)
  • F10 The Pampered Polecat: Brothel and bathhouse(F10)
  • F11 “Big” weapons(F11)
  • F14 Thee Armorium(F14)
  • G3 Clotho’s Clothes(G3)
  • G4 Clotho’s Cheese House(G4)
  • G8 Burblebelly’s Brewery(G8)
  • H10 Grissom’s Animal Training(H10)
  • W1 Mercantile Exchange(W1)
  • W5 The River’s Edge: General Stores(W5)


  • B8 Jamstav’s Merchant House(B8)
  • B13 Macor’s Merchant House(B13)
  • B14 Nib’s Importers(B14)
  • B22 Guild of Brewers and Bakers(B22)
  • B26 Adventures Guild(B26)
  • C9 Bankers’ and Lapidarys’ Guild(C9)
  • C10 Guild of Architects, Masons, and Carpenters(C10)
  • C12 Lawyers’ Guild(C12)
  • G7 The Guild of Millers(G7)
  • W6 Warehouses(W6)

    Public Buildings

  • A2 Verbobonc Mint(A2)
  • A4 Harvester Theatre (Ruined by fire and being re-built)(A4) Theatre (Ruined by fire) (and forest)
  • B9 Tower of Ahmet ibn Hamza, Superintendent of Waterworks(W3)
  • B24 Sister’s of Mercy (Hospital of Zodal)(B24)
  • C2 City Hall(C2)
  • C4 The Conservatory of Lirr(C4)
  • C5 Silver Consortium (Magical study, Library, Mages Guild)(C5)
  • C7 The Academy of Farsight(C7)
  • C11 Constabulary(C11)
  • C16 Community House(C16)
  • E5 Lester’s House of Cards(E5)
  • H7 Ruined Aqueduct(H7)
  • H8 Ruins of the Elemental School of Magic(H8)
  • W2 Office of Harbormaster Clive Harrich(W2)

    Private Houses/Manors

  • A3 House of Tymak, Mayor of Verbobonc(A3)
  • A5 Lord Marakios Haxx’s Manor(A5)
  • A8 Lady Kathryn Sarcina’s Manor(A8)
  • A9 House of Velysisn, Captain of the Militia(A9)
  • B6 Manor of Prince Jimm(B6)
  • B12 Tower of Sir Ingish Blackhand(B12)
  • B17 House of Publius Naso(B17)
  • E8 Dieg Manor(E8)
  • F5 House of Eldurin Aerina(F5)
  • G1 (Old) House of Jimm (Crown Prince of the Kron Hills) (G1)
  • H5 Tower of Juelihm the Conjurer (Master of the Silver Consortium)(H5)
  • H16A Tent of Gerald Ryger

    Military Buildings

  • D6 Barracks – Elven D6
  • F12 Barracks – Archers F12
  • H15 Barracks – Cavalry H15
  • V1 Castle Greyfist, Citadel of the Viscount V1-3
  • V2 Grayfist. Castle of the Viscount
  • V3 Barracks – Footmen

    Entering the City


    From Land

    Up to 40 years ago, there were no great restrictions on entering the city. There were only guards on the gates and patrols in the city to stop lawlessness. But since the discovery of the Temple of Elemental Evil, paranoia amongst the populace and the subsequent arrival of (a great number!) adventurers, the town became a bit of a ‘Wild West’ mentality. Bloody battles in the streets and explosions from drunken spell casters caused the city to take precautions.   Now all people entering the city must be peace-bonded. Basically all weapons will be tied to their belts. Quivers and hafted weapons must be ‘bagged’ with sacks. A couple of the fingers of spell casters will be tied together, and holy symbols (of non-good deities) are also ‘bagged’ at the gates. It can generally take up to 3-5 rounds for one to remove the knots/bags.   As stated elsewhere in this document, paladins at the gate detect for evil, and collectors gather taxes.  

    From River

    The bulk of the Flanaess' East-West trade pass through Verbobonc via the Velverdyva River. Traders plying the trade routes between the far-off Baklunish lands, Dyvers and the other merchant capitals of the Nyr Dyv, heavily travel this waterway. Additional river traffic is generated from the Nigb’s Run, as goods from the Kron Hills and ports south make their way to the city.  

    Entrance precautions have been take

    • Both, 300 yards up & downstream (and 100 yards upstream on the Nigb’s Run) there is a virtual army of rowboats employed by the city. They scamper around approaching ships like an army of ants. They will always be in the vicinity of each other and can assist at any time. They attach ropes to approaching ships to help ‘guide’ the large vessels into the docks (river currents can be tricky). This is similar to what modern day tugboats do. They can also check the vessels for security reasons (see below) if need be.
    • Each large vessel is approached by two rowboats (or 1 rowboat for smaller vessels). Each rowboat has 2 rowers. • If the vessel signals that it only wishes to pass through and continue without stopping in Verbobonc’s harbors, then the rowers will call for a specialty rowboat which has merchants (and guards) that assess the cargo for taxes (see below). When the fees are paid, the ship is assisted beyond the gates and is free to carry-on up or downstream. Note: large ships will need the bridge center to be lifted (see the note in the bridge section for details).
    • If the vessel wishes to use Verbobonc’s harbors, the rowers will assist it to a dock where the security guards will assess it for safety and taxes (see below). Once docked, each ship is boarded by 2 guards and a Barzac hound (see above). Each occupant of the ship is peace-bonded (see above), and the cargo is assessed for safety.
    • Two Paladins (Level 1, St. Cuthbert) patrol the entire ‘docks’ section (on both sides of the river as well as across the bridge). Again, his/her only job it to use his/her ‘Detect Evil’ ability and warn guards to take extra care in handling the offender. This procedure has also detected intruders from under the water as well.  

    From Air/ Teleport (or magic travel)

    Airborne: All of the guards on the walls and wall towers are constantly scanning the skies for any airborne threat. In addition to the exterior towers, the ‘Ragosa’ tower at City Hall (155-foot tall) is also used exclusively to scout Verbobonc’s airspace. Two guards (Wiz 5 & 3) use their raven & owl familiars to scout the air above the city. One of the guards has ‘Eyes of the Eagle’ and the other has a form of ‘Lantern of Revealing’ (affixed to a swivel, like a light-house). (Both are provided by the city for this duty).   Accessing the city by flying over the walls (e.g.: spells) is illegal. Guards have orders to warn (yell) airborne travelers to return to the ground outside the walls, and enter the city by more traditional means (e.g.: go through the city gates). Travelers only get one warning, and then guards sound the alarm and will use bows to remove the threat.   Magic Travel: Ever since the elemental wars, the city has become increasingly paranoid of magic intrusions into the city. As such, they have paid a team of wizards in the city of Greyhawk to research and implement a special spell for the city’s defence. This spell was a combination of the spells: Forbiddance, and Dimensional Anchor. This new spell is listed below:  
  • Dimensional Funnel Abjuration
  • Level: Brd 6, Sor/Wiz 6
  • Components: V, S, M
  • Casting Time: 10 minutes
  • Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level). Area: up to 120-ft. radius sphere + 10-ft radius /level
  • Duration: permanent Saving Throw: See text Spell Resistance: See text
  •   The spell seals the area against all extradimensional travel. Forms of travel that trigger the Dimensional Funnel include astral projection, blink, dimension door, ethereal jaunt, etherealness, gate, maze, plane shift, shadow walk, teleport, and similar spell-like or psionic abilities (this also includes all summoning spells). The dimensional funnel does not block extradimensional perception or attack forms such as a basilisk’s gaze. Also, it does not prevent summoned creatures from disappearing at the end of a summoning spell.   Dispel magic does not dispel the dimensional funnel effect unless the dispeller’s level is at least as high as the character's caster level.   At the time of casting, a special ‘funnel’ is placed anywhere within the area of the spell (decided at the time of casting). Each funnel is a sphere, 10 feet in diameter. The funnel cannot fall within solid material (e.g.: a stone wall). All extradimensional travel spells that have a destination within the warded area will arrive at the funnel location instead. (This will happen even if the distance of the funnel falls beyond the distance for the travel spell. All chances to arrive are still calculated as if the traveler were to arrive at their original intended location. For example, determining location familiarity for teleport spells.)   This spell has been cast at various positions in the city such that the total radius of the spell covers the outer walls. Numerous spells have been cast so that the entire city is protected (great expense was paid for this security). This spell is now taught to certain wizards who are employed by the city to re-cast it if necessary. ‘Funnels’ have been placed at certain areas of the city (some in dungeons, others at inns that expect travellers -see location F1, for example). All of these funnels are closely guarded. In addition to security, a city official is always present at funnels to assess taxes (see: Taxes below). Signs are posted (in common tongue) throughout the city and at the gates warning travelers of the dangers of extradimensional travel to/within the city.

    Cover image: by 3orcs


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