Celestian Character in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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The Far Wanderer

Celestian god of Stars, Space, and Wanderers   Celestian is an enigmatic and benevolent Oeridian deity, revered across the cosmos for his dominion over the stars, space, and wanderers. His celestial journeys and influence extend far beyond the confines of the Material Plane, encompassing the vast expanses of the Astral and Ethereal Planes as well as the Inner Planes. His followers, a blend of sages, savants, and those with an insatiable curiosity for the cosmos, devote themselves to unraveling the mysteries of the universe under his guidance.


  • Visual Depiction: Celestian often manifests as a tall, lean man of middle years, his dark ebony skin and eyes a contrast to the inky black garments he wears, set ablaze with jewels that mimic the brilliance of distant suns .
  • Symbolism: His holy symbol, intricate jewelry featuring a ruby, jacinth, topaz, emerald, sapphire, amethyst, and diamond, shines with the light of faraway stars, encapsulating his celestial domain.


  • Divine Connections: Celestian counts among his allies the likes of Zagyg, Keoghtom, Heward, and Murlynd, often found in their celestial company. His brother, Fharlanghn, represents a close bond grounded in their mutual but distinct paths of wanderlust .
  • Celestial Opposition: Despite his widespread admiration, Celestian faces rivalry and envy, particularly from the followers of Ptah, who covet the unique abilities bestowed upon Celestian's priesthood.


Astral Wanderings: Celestian's presence is most pronounced on the Astral Plane, where he navigates the ethereal void, guiding the souls of his followers, who become the stars adorning his robes. This eternal journey signifies the soul's ultimate union with the divine explorer.


  • Philosophy of Exploration: Celestian's dogma promotes endless exploration and discovery, urging his followers to embark on journeys far from their homes, just as the stars traverse the night sky. His teachings emphasize the importance of aiding fellow travelers, albeit with the expectation of fair compensation for such services.


  • Astral and Terrestrial Devotees: While Celestian's terrestrial following may be modest, his influence is profound among those who navigate the planes and the spelljammers of the cosmos. On Oerth, his worshippers, comprising astronomers, astrologers, and adventurers, practice their faith with a secretive zeal, guarding the mysteries of their celestial journeys from outsiders.

Celestian: The Far Wanderer

Celestian embodies the vastness of the cosmos, guiding his followers on a journey through stars and planes. His clergy, committed to unraveling the universe's mysteries, adhere to a structured hierarchy reflective of the celestial order they worship.
Clergy Hierarchy and Duties
Celestian's priesthood is distinguished by seven orders, each signifying a deeper understanding and closer alignment with the celestial domain:
  • First Order: Adorned in light blue robes, symbolized by the ruby, initiates focus on the fundamentals of celestial lore.
  • Second Order: Clad in light gray, with the jacinth as their emblem, these clerics delve into the mysteries of astral phenomena.
  • Third Order: Violet robes mark this rank, where the topaz symbolizes their pursuit of cosmic knowledge.
  • Fourth Order: Wearing blue-gray, these clerics, with the emerald, study the ethereal connections between planes.
  • Fifth Order: Donned in dark blue and represented by the sapphire, members explore the depths of astral space.
  • Sixth Order: The deepest purple hue signifies those aligned with the amethyst, focusing on the darkest corners of the cosmos.
  • Seventh Order: The pinnacle of Celestian's clergy, these clerics wear black robes adorned with diamonds, embodying the infinite expanse of the universe.
One notable cleric, Agath of Thrunch, epitomizes the devout journeyman, having traversed vast distances in both spiritual and astral realms.

Temples and Holy Sites

Celestian's shrines and temples, nestled in nature's solitude, provide serene observatories for the faithful to gaze upon the stars:
  • Mountain Sanctuaries: Positioned on peaks and hilltops, these sites offer unobstructed views of the heavens, encouraging reflection and study.
  • Griff Mountains Temple: Considered the "home" temple, it is a repository of celestial journeys and discoveries.
  • Grey College Archives: Beneath this esteemed institution, records of astral travels are meticulously kept.
  • Thrunch and the Barrier Peaks: Significant for their historical and spiritual connections, attracting pilgrims seeking enlightenment.
  • Space Hospices: Scattered throughout the cosmos, these havens offer respite to weary space travelers, embodying Celestian's hospitality and wisdom.

Rituals and Holy Days

Celestian's followers observe sacred nights, each offering unique celestial phenomena that foster a deeper connection to the Far Wanderer:
  • Dark Night (Goodmonth 11): A celebration of the stars' brilliance, free from lunar interference.
  • Great Moon's Glory (Readying 11th): A dual observation honoring the full moon of Luna and the new phase of Celene.
  • Midwinter Night: The year's longest night, dedicated to moonwatching and stargazing, celebrating Celene's solitary glow.
  • Myths and Legends
  • Celestian's Gift: A legend speaks of a meteor sent by Celestian, buried deep within Western Oerik. Guarded by cosmic entities and accessible only through treacherous paths in the Underdark, it's believed to contain either a physical treasure of unparalleled value or profound cosmic truth.
The clergy of Celestian, guardians of celestial mysteries, navigate the intricate dance of the cosmos with reverence and purpose. Through their studies, rituals, and explorations, they seek to unravel the fabric of existence, guided by the Far Wanderer's eternal light.
Holy Symbol: a black circle set with seven stars
Realm: Astral Plane
Domains: Destiny, Knowledge, Night, Oracle, Protection, Travel
Clerics of Celestian Speciality
  • 1st Order: Clerics of levels 1:2, light blue robes, ruby as the main gem in the symbol, feather fall as a special spell
  • 2nd Order: Levels 3:4, light gray robes, jacinth, jump
  • 3rd Order: Levels 5:6, violet robes, topaz, levitate
  • 4th Order: Levels 7:8, blue-gray robes, emerald, spider climb
  • 5th Order: Levels 9:10, dark blue robes, sapphire, fly
  • 6th Order: Levels 11:15, deep purple robes, amethyst, dimension door
  • 7th Order: Levels 16 and up, black robes, diamond, teleport
Divine Classification
intermediate god
Neutral (NG)
Quotes & Catchphrases
"The stars guide you and the heavens watch over you"   "In the vastness of space, seek the light within."
Celestian Holy symbol by 3orcs

Cover image: by 3orcs
Character Portrait image: Celestian by 3orcs


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