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Humans of Greyhawk

The Human Races of Greyhawk

The Flanaess, a vast and varied landscape, is home to six major human races: Baklunish, Flan, Oeridian, Olman, Rhennee, and Suloise. This article delves into their history, lore, physical characteristics, religious practices, and the intricacies of human politics within Greyhawk.

Introduction to Human Races

  • Diverse Heritage: The Flanaess is a melting pot of human races, with each bringing its unique culture and traditions.
  • Racial Mixing: While pure racial enclaves exist, most human populations are a blend of Suel, Flan, Oeridians, and Baklunish, forming a variety of hybrid types.

Human History

  • Migrations and Wars: The scattering of tribes during early migrations and subsequent wars led to widespread intermarriage, diluting pure racial lines over a millennium.
  • Cultural Dominance: In some regions, one culture remains predominant, adhering closely to its customs and taboos, while in others, a mix of cultures or a "generic" Flanaess civilization has emerged.

Cultural Groups

Baklunish (Bakluni)
The Baklunish dominate the west of the Flanaess and the northwestern plains, known for their golden-hued skin.
  • Origins: Native to the west of the Flanaess, known for their rich traditions, exotic beauty, and a deep spiritual connection to their pantheon of deities.
  • Western Dominance: Their culture and people are prevalent in the western reaches of the Flanaess.
  • Appearance: Often characterized by their golden to olive skin, dark hair, and almond-shaped eyes.
Flannae (Flan)
As the Flanaess's indigenous people, the Flannae's presence has waned but remains strong in certain regions.
  • Ancestry: The original inhabitants of the Flanaess, deeply connected to the land and nature.
  • Current Strongholds: Significant Flan populations exist in the Rovers of the Barrens, Geoff, Sterich, and the Duchy of Tenh.
  • Characteristics: Varied in appearance, they have a bronzed to deep brown complexion, with dark, wavy, or curly hair and eyes ranging from brown to amber.
Oeridian (Oerid)
Oerids significantly shaped the Flanaess through conquests and alliances, founding the Great Kingdom.
  • Expansion: The Oerids influenced much of the Flanaess, their legacy enduring in the fractured yet widespread culture of the Great Kingdom.
  • Eye Color Variety: Oeridian eye colors are diverse, reflecting the ethnic group's broad genetic mix.
  • Diversity: Their appearance varies, with skin tones from tan to olive and hair colors encompassing the spectrum from blonde to black.
The Olman, with their ancient culture originating in Hepmonaland, are characterized by their rich history and distinctive appearance.
  • Legacy: Indigenous to the southern jungles, their ancient civilizations once spanned vast territories.
  • Ancient Migrations: Originating from Hepmonaland, the Olman spread across islands to their current locations.
  • Traits: Dark-skinned, with a rich cultural heritage that survives in isolated communities.
Rhennee (Rhenn-folk)
The Rhennee's origins are mysterious, claiming ancestry from another world and now dwelling on the waterways of the Flanaess.
  • Background: Mysterious wanderers of the rivers and lakes, their origins are shrouded in mystery.
  • Riverine Lifestyle: Today, they are found on the rivers of the Flanaess, living on barges
  • Tropical Dwellers: Found in eastern and western tropics, they are marked by their reddish-brown to deep brown skin, straight black hair, and dark eyes.
Suloise (Suel)
The Suel are known for their migration across the Flanaess, integrating with various cultures while preserving enclaves of their unmixed heritage.
  • Migration: Descendants of refugees fleeing the Rain of Colorless Fire, which destroyed their ancient empire.
  • Pure Enclaves: Notable concentrations of pure Suel exist among the Frost, Ice, and Snow Barbarians, as well as in the Duchy of Urnst and the Scarlet Brotherhood.
  • Appearance: Suel people are recognized by their fair complexion, curly hair in shades of red, blonde, or platinum, and eye colors spanning pale blue to deep blue and violet.

Worship and Religion

  • Diverse Pantheons: Each human race venerates its own pantheon, with gods reflecting the peoples' values, struggles, and aspirations.
  • Interfaith Relations: In the central lands, religious affiliation often transcends racial boundaries, with many gods worshiped by followers of different ethnicities.

Human Politics

  • Kingdoms and Empires: The political landscape is as varied as the races themselves, with kingdoms ranging from monolithic empires to confederations of city-states.
  • Cultural Politics: Some royal courts favor certain racial types, though this is more the exception than the rule in the cosmopolitan centers.

A Tapestry of Cultures and Histories

The human races of the Flanaess, a continent rich in diversity and history, include the Baklunish, Flan, Oeridian, Olman, Rhennee, and Suloise. This section explores the intricate web of human history and culture within Greyhawk, shedding light on the intermingling of races, the evolution of societies, and the cultural identities that have emerged from centuries of interaction.

Human History: Migrations and Wars

The history of humans in Greyhawk is a saga of migrations, wars, and the inevitable blending of cultures. From the earliest movements into eastern Oerik to the conflicts that followed, human tribes have been on a constant journey of dispersal and unification.
  • Early Migrations: Scattered across the Flanaess, human tribes embarked on extensive migrations, encountering and merging with different races.
  • Interracial Intermarriage: The millennia have seen a significant amount of intermarriage, particularly among the Flannae, Oeridian, Suloise, and Baklunish, leading to a melting pot of ethnicities.
  • Suloise and Zind: These groups merged to form the Sunelans, an example of cultural blending.
  • Purity in Isolation: Only a few, like the Touv and Olman, retain racial purity, attributed to geographical isolation.

Cultural Dominance and Diversity

Across the Flanaess, the influence of major human cultures is evident, with some regions maintaining a dominant cultural identity, while others represent a fusion of traditions.
  • Cultural Enclaves: Areas with a dominant culture often follow specific customs and taboos, usually populated by pure or nearly pure members of a single race.
  • Blended Societies: Many regions feature a mix of cultures, with families and nations identifying with one racial group despite genetic diversity.
  • Generic Flanaess Civilization: In some lands, cultures have melded to create a generic civilization that eschews racial characteristics for a shared Flanaess identity.

Religion, Guilds, and Professions

For many individuals within the Flanaess, personal identity is shaped more by religion, guild affiliation, or professional standing than by racial background.
  • Religious Affiliation: Spiritual beliefs often transcend racial lines, with individuals finding community and identity within their chosen faiths.
  • Guild Membership: Guilds and professional organizations provide a sense of belonging and purpose, regardless of one's racial heritage.
  • Cultural Identity: The complex interplay of cultures in Greyhawk has led to a society where racial heritage is one of many factors that define an individual's identity.


The human races of Greyhawk contribute to the rich tapestry of the Flanaess, each with its own history, culture, and place in the world. Despite the differences, the common threads of resilience, adaptation, and the pursuit of prosperity bind these races together, creating a complex and dynamic human society in the heart of Greyhawk.
Human Merchants of the Flanaess by 3orcs

Cover image: by 3orcs


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