Church of Wee Jas Organization in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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Church of Wee Jas

The Church of Wee Jas, presiding over the realms of Magic, Death, Vanity, and Law, stands as a bastion of arcane knowledge, meticulous order, and solemn reverence for the afterlife. Adorned with the symbols of skulls and gems, the clergy—known as Karuth—navigate the complexities of their faith with grace and authority. This extensive article delves into the organizational structure, dogma, and practices that define this powerful religious institution.

The Ecclesiastical Hierarchy of Wee Jas

The Church of Wee Jas, governing the domains of Magic, Death, Vanity, and Law, presents a structured yet mystical organization that mirrors the complexities of its deity. At its core, the hierarchy and the division of roles within the church underscore the multifaceted nature of Wee Jas's worship, blending arcane prowess with divine mandates.
Leadership and Titles
  • The Archon: Standing at the pinnacle of the church's hierarchy, the Archon is the spiritual and administrative leader of Wee Jas's faith across the Flanaess. This position is filled by a member of the specialty priests, underscoring the critical role of these priests in the church's functions.
  • Archites and Archpriests: Serving under the Archon are the high priests, or Archites, who oversee individual temples. Lesser members are known as Archpriests, followed by their names, emphasizing their personal commitment to the deity. The use of the title "Blessed" denotes a general form of respect, applicable in situations where the precise rank of a priest is unknown.

Clergy Composition

  • Clerics (15%): This group, though smaller in number, plays a crucial role in maintaining the church's smaller shrines and temples, assisting the specialty priests and ensuring the sanctity of worship places.
  • Monks (15%): Members of the Order of the Patterned Web, these monks dedicate themselves to protecting the church's lore and knowledge. The Monastery of the Ebon Flame serves as their spiritual home and the repository of the church's mysteries.
  • Wizards (10%): Predominantly composed of necromancers and diviners, these wizards engage in research and experimentation under Wee Jas's auspices. The A'ath Ulkiam, an ancient wizarding order, embodies the deep connection between arcane study and divine worship within the church.
Specialty Priests: The Backbone of the Clergy
Holding a clear majority (60%) within the church, the specialty priests are the chosen servants of Wee Jas, deeply imbued with her power and wisdom. Their dominance in the hierarchy is a testament to their essential role in the dissemination of Wee Jas's teachings and the performance of her rites.
Roles and Responsibilities
  • Spiritwatchers to Lord High Spiritmasters: Ascending through ranks from Spiritwatchers to Lord High Spiritmasters, clergy members undertake various duties, guiding souls, speaking for the dead, and bringing Wee Jas's will into the world. This structured progression reflects the increasing responsibilities and divine favor bestowed upon each rank.
  • Guardians of Lore and Magic: Whether through the vigilant protection of knowledge by monks or the arcane explorations of wizards, the clergy of Wee Jas are custodians of both magical and divine secrets, ensuring their preservation and expansion in accordance with the goddess's desires.

Sects and Orders

  • Order of the Patterned Web: Monks dedicated to the preservation of accumulated knowledge, guardians of the church's lore and secrets.
  • A'ath Ulkiam: An ancient order of wizards, primarily necromancers and diviners, committed to exploring the depths of arcane research in the name of Wee Jas.

The Undead in the Worship of Wee Jas

Within the Church of Wee Jas, the boundaries between life, death, and undeath are navigated with a unique blend of reverence and pragmatism. This nuanced approach reflects the goddess's dominion over death and the dead, shaping the church's policies and the extraordinary destinies of some of its most devoted followers.
Commanding the Undead
  • Selective Permission: Wee Jas's followers find that their goddess grants varying degrees of permission to command undead creatures, reflecting her lawful nature and the complexity of death's domain. Unthinking undead and those previously under chaotic beings' command are more easily swayed by her clergy, aligning with the order Wee Jas seeks to impose on the afterlife.
  • Restrictions: Conversely, the control over lawful undead, particularly those with intelligence and spellcasting abilities, is heavily restricted. The likelihood of commanding a Lawful Evil lich mage, for instance, is virtually nonexistent, illustrating the goddess's caution in dealing with entities that might challenge the balance she upholds.
Ascension to Undeath
  • Continuation Beyond Death: In rare instances, fervent followers of Wee Jas are granted the opportunity to transcend death, continuing their service as undead beings such as liches, mummies, or guardian ghosts. This exceptional honor is reserved for those who have shown unparalleled devotion and utility to the church.
  • Status and Respect: These undead retain their standing within the church hierarchy, recognized as "Taken" and treated with a mix of reverence and awe. Their existence is a testament to the profound bond between Wee Jas and her most loyal servants, showcasing the church's embrace of death as both an end and a beginning.
The Secret Council of Liches
  • The Archon's Mysterious Advisors: It is whispered among the higher echelons of the church that the Archon of Wee Jas may convene with a secret council of liches, ancient and powerful undead who reside in a state of suspended animation beneath the White Temple in Niole Dra. This council's wisdom and arcane knowledge are sought in matters of grave importance, further blurring the lines between divine guidance and arcane might.
  • The Role of the Council: Should the need arise, these liches are awakened to provide counsel, their insights shaped by centuries, if not millennia, of experience. This shadowy assembly underscores the depth of Wee Jas's connection to the undead and her strategic use of their knowledge to guide the church's direction.

Clergy and Worship

Priestly Vestments
  • Robes and Jewelry: The Karuth don elaborate robes adorned with motifs of skulls and gems, with colors signifying alignment and rank. These vestments are not only a display of vanity but also a symbol of their divine calling.
  • Adventuring Garb: When away from the temple, priests maintain a semblance of their divine role through carefully chosen Sueloise-styled clothing and symbolic silk scarves.

Temples: Sanctuaries of Magic and Law

  • Architectural Marvels: Constructed to resemble wizards' towers, temples of Wee Jas are adorned with art and house extensive libraries, serving as centers of magical study and legal scholarship.
  • Notable Temples: From the Scarlet Spire in Alhaster to the majestic temples within the Scarlet Brotherhood lands, each sanctuary is a testament to Wee Jas's influence and power.Enemies and Adversaries.

Cults of Wee Jas

The Cult of the Green Lady
Represents a fascinating facet of Wee Jas's worship, blending traditional reverence with localized veneration of a historical figure within the faith. This splinter sect adds depth to the goddess's worship, illustrating the diverse ways in which her followers express their devotion.
  • Origins and Beliefs: Emerging from the worship of Wee Jas in Lo Reltarma, the Cult of the Green Lady pays homage to a Jasian priestess of ancient times, whose deeds and dedication elevated her to saint-like status among her followers. The "Green Lady," so named for the emerald hue that adorned her ceremonial robes, symbolizes fertility within death and the eternal cycle of magic and nature.
  • Practices and Rituals: Operating from a burial cairn near Diamond Lake, the cult engages in rituals that blend Wee Jas's domains with elements of nature worship, focusing on cycles of life, death, and rebirth. Their ceremonies often involve offerings of flora and the invocation of the Green Lady's spirit to guide the deceased safely into the afterlife.
  • Significance: The Cult of the Green Lady underscores the adaptability of Wee Jas's worship across different cultures and regions. It highlights how individual figures within the faith can come to embody specific aspects of the goddess's domains, leading to the development of unique worship practices.
The Cabal of the Everburning Flame
Represents another specialized group within Wee Jas's followers, emphasizing the deity's domain over magic—specifically, the elemental force of fire. This group of fire elementalist wizards from Hesuel Ilshar underscores the martial and arcane prowess of Wee Jas's worshippers.
  • Formation and Purpose: Established two decades ago, the Cabal serves both as battle wizards for the church and as guardians of eternal flames within the temples situated in the lands of the Scarlet Brotherhood. Their mastery over fire magic aligns with Wee Jas's domain over death and transformation, symbolizing the purifying and renewing aspects of flame.
  • Activities and Influence: Members of the Cabal engage in missions that range from defending the faith's interests through force of arms and magic to conducting rituals that sustain the sacred flames, seen as physical manifestations of Wee Jas's eternal power. These flames also serve as focal points for worship and magical research.
  • Role within the Church: The Cabal of the Everburning Flame exemplifies the martial aspect of Wee Jas's worship, showing that her followers are prepared to defend their beliefs and enact her will through both magical and physical means. Their presence reinforces the church's strength and the protective aspect of Wee Jas's dogma.
  The Church of Wee Jas is a complex and multifaceted institution, deeply intertwined with the fabric of magic and mortality. Through its structured hierarchy, devoted clergy, and sanctified rituals, the church upholds its goddess's tenets of Magic, Death, Vanity, and Law. As custodians of arcane knowledge and guides to the afterlife, the followers of Wee Jas navigate the delicate balance between power and piety, ensuring their place as a formidable force within the pantheon of the Flanaess.

"The Sacred Flame Illuminates, The Shadow Teaches."

Wee Jas by 3orcs
Speciality Cleric abilities
  • Cleric all levels: TurnUndead Command
  • Cleric of the 3rd order: +1 to saves vs. spells
  • Cleric of the 6th order: may use 1st and 2nd level wizard spells from the Enchantment/Charm and Illusion/Phantasm schools as priest spells of same level
  • Cleric of the 9th order: may use wizard spells of 1st through 4th level from the schools of Alteration, Enchantment/Charm, IIlusion/Phantasm and Invocation/Evocation schools as priest spells of same level, and may use magical items normally only usable by wizards
Religious, Organised Religion
Notable Members
Wee Jas holy symbol by 3orcs
"Guardians of the Veil, Keepers of the Eternal Flame."

Cover image: by 3orcs


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