Wee Jas Character in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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Wee Jas

Wee Jas, goddess of Magic, Death, Vanity, and Law
The Witch Goddess, Ruby Sorceress, Stern Lady, Death's Guardian   Wee Jas stands as a complex deity within the Suel pantheon, embodying the intertwined domains of Magic, Death, Vanity, and Law. Her worship is characterized by a blend of arcane prowess, solemn respect for the dead, adherence to law, and a pursuit of beauty. This extensive overview explores her lore, relationships, motivations, and the structure of her worship across the Flanaess.

Lore and Description

  • Appearance: Wee Jas is portrayed as an exceedingly attractive human female, her form and features tailored to the ideals of beauty revered by her followers in any given area. She is known to change her appearance, possibly even adopting other humanoid forms, to align with local perceptions of allure.
  • Symbolism: Her holy symbol, often worn as jewelry, is a testament to her divine domains, encapsulating the essence of Magic, Death, Vanity, and Law.

Relationships and Divine Politics

  • Divine Lineage and Alliances: As a daughter of Lendor, relationships, both romantic and contentious, color her interactions with the Suel pantheon. Notably linked with Norebo, her enmity towards deities like Phyton and Myhriss underscores her dominion over beauty and vanity.
  • The Unlikely Connection: Norebo, known for his capricious nature and dominion over luck and gambling, stands in stark contrast to Wee Jas's lawfulness and discipline. Their romance is a testament to the unpredictable nature of divine relationships, where opposites attract against the backdrop of cosmic duties and rivalries.
  • Alliances and Enmities: Despite her inclination towards lawful deities, her broad sphere of influence leads to alliances and rivalries both within and beyond the Suel pantheon, including notable tensions with chaotic beings and deities.
  • Partnership with Heironeous and Hextor: Wee Jas's ability to collaborate with deities such as Heironeous, the god of valor and chivalry, and Hextor, the god of tyranny and war, highlights her flexible approach to achieving her goals. These alliances are not rooted in personal affinity but in a shared commitment to uphold law and order, even if their interpretations of justice differ.

Motivation and Expansion

  • Uncontested Domains: Wee Jas's unparalleled authority over Magic and Death among the Suel gods hints at potential expansions of her divine influence, possibly extending to other planes.
  • Stewardship and Law: She views herself as a steward of the dead, advocating for the lawful use of necromancy and the respectful acquisition of remains.


  • The Patterned Web and The Cabal Macabre: Wee Jas's divine realms in Acheron reflect her complex nature, serving as bastions of her power and as sanctuaries for her followers' afterlives.


  • Stewardship of the Dead: Wee Jas promotes a benign approach to death, endorsing the creation of undead under lawful and consensual circumstances.
  • Magic as the Key: Her dogma holds magic as the fundamental force in the universe, with her followers encouraged to delve into its mysteries while showing reverence for the past and the departed.
  • Eternal Counsel: The existence of a secret council of liches, lying in wait beneath the White Temple in Niole Dra, suggests a profound connection between the church and the undead, offering guidance and wisdom from beyond the grave.


  • The Abominable Devastation: A controversial text within Jasidin doctrine, considered heretical by most of the Jasidin church. It suggests that Wee Jas deliberately removed the defenses of the Suel Imperium, leaving them vulnerable to the Rain of Colorless Fire in retribution for the Suel Imperium's sins against magic.
  • The White Book: A detailed manual on Suel funerary customs, offering rituals to honor the dead and prevent their undeath.

Worshipers and Clergy

The Priests and Worshipped of Church of Wee Jas
  • Jasidin: Wee Jas's followers, particularly revered among Suel sorcerers, wizards, and necromancers, find her a guiding light for safe passage into the afterlife and for those upholding the law.
  • Clergy Roles: Priests and priestesses, often drawn from the ranks of arcane spellcasters, serve as both spiritual leaders and protectors of arcane knowledge, with their hierarchy emphasizing magical prowess as a divine gift.
  • The Cult of the Green Lady: represents a fascinating facet of Wee Jas's worship, blending traditional reverence with localized veneration of a historical figure within the faith. This splinter sect adds depth to the goddess's worship, illustrating the diverse ways in which her followers express their devotion.
  • The Cabal of the Everburning Flame: represents another specialized group within Wee Jas's followers, emphasizing the deity's domain over magic—specifically, the elemental force of fire. This group of fire elementalist wizards from Hesuel Ilshar underscores the martial and arcane prowess of Wee Jas's worshippers.

Temples and Rituals

  • Sanctuaries of Magic and Death: Temples dedicated to Wee Jas serve as centers of arcane study, legal scholarship, and funerary rites, reflecting her domains in their architecture and practices.
  • Ritual Practices: Worship involves a combination of magical demonstrations, veneration of the dead, and legal discourses, with ceremonies adapting to local traditions and the needs of the faithful.
  • Services to Wee Jas: Characterized by the flattery of her icons, offerings of jewels, and the illumination of magical fires, rituals conducted within her temples are elaborate affairs that celebrate her domains.
  • Preservation of Suel Laws: A core aspect of worship involves the maintenance of ancient Suel legal texts, reflecting the church's commitment to law and order.


  • Opposition: Wee Jas's disdain for chaotic forces and deities, along with her rivalries within the Suel pantheon, positions her against those who threaten the balance of her domains, particularly Beltar, Dalt, Phaulkon, Phyton, and Vatun.

Holy Days of Wee Jas

Nights of Devotion and Celebration
The worship of Wee Jas, rich in arcane and divine rituals, is marked by several significant holy days. These occasions are observed with solemnity and grandeur, reflecting the goddess's domains of Magic, Death, Vanity, and Law. Each holy day serves as a focal point for her followers to renew their devotion, celebrate their goddess's power, and reinforce the bonds within the Jasidin community.
Nights of a Waxing Moon
  • Celebration of Magic: During the nights of a waxing moon, followers of Wee Jas engage in the lighting of magical bonfires and the creation of intricate illusions, symbolizing the goddess's mastery over the arcane.
  • Rituals of Praise: These nights are filled with prayers, chants, and sacrifices, as the Jasidin seek to draw closer to their goddess and receive her blessings of magical prowess and divine insight.
Goddess' Blush
  • Day of Sacrifice: Falling on the 4th of Coldeven, Goddess' Blush is a day where Jasidin gather in their temples to perform a unique sacrifice—a piece of jewelry is offered to the flames as a gift to the Taker, symbolizing the relinquishment of vanity and material wealth in favor of spiritual enrichment.
  • Reflection and Renewal: This holy day encourages introspection among the faithful, reminding them of the balance between life and death, and the importance of looking beyond the physical to embrace the eternal wisdom of Wee Jas.
Ruby Convocation
  • Decennial Celebration: The Ruby Convocation, occurring every ten years, is a highlight for the clergy and esteemed followers of Wee Jas. This event is akin to an opulent ball, where the faithful don elaborate attire and engage in a night of socialization, storytelling, and the exchange of arcane knowledge.
  • The Ruby Toast: The climax of the Convocation is the Ruby Toast, where attendees partake of wine from a goblet containing a ruby, in gratitude to the Ruby Sorceress. This act symbolizes the sharing of magical power and the communal pursuit of arcane enlightenment.
  • Sacrifice of the Ruby: Following the toast, the ruby is cast into a fire, a gesture that signifies both an offering to Wee Jas and a symbolic release of personal desires for the greater pursuit of magical mastery.


The Church of Wee Jas, through its intricate blend of arcane tradition, legalistic rigor, funerary respect, and aesthetic pursuit, offers a unique path for its adherents. Balancing the stewardship of the dead with the exploration of magical frontiers, the worship of Wee Jas navigates the complexities of divine and mortal laws, championing a world where beauty and order prevail.
  Suel Pantheon
Holy symbol: a skull in front of a fireball, or just a red skull
Realm: Infernal Battlefield of Acheron
Domains: Domination, Inquisition, Law, Magic, Mind, Repose
Speciality Cleric abilities
  • Cleric all levels: TurnUndead Command
  • Cleric of the 3rd order: +1 to saves vs. spells
  • Cleric of the 6th order: may use 1st and 2nd level wizard spells from the Enchantment/Charm and Illusion/Phantasm schools as priest spells of same level
  • Cleric of the 9th order: may use wizard spells of 1st through 4th level from the schools of Alteration, Enchantment/Charm, IIlusion/Phantasm and Invocation/Evocation schools as priest spells of same level, and may use magical items normally only usable by wizards
Divine Classification
Greater goddess
Lawful neutral (LE)
Quotes & Catchphrases
"The Sacred Flame Illuminates, The Shadow Teaches."
Aligned Organization
Wee Jas holy symbol by 3orcs

Cover image: by 3orcs
Character Portrait image: Wee Jas by 3orcs


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